When in your heart
you feel a tug, Just know
it's an Angel's HUG...


If you are just surfing in
Here are my contributions
for a few quotes that I like
I am in the process of trying
to revamp this and as you can see
I am having a bit of a problem
with it..bear with me and I promise
to make it better..

I may never see tomorrow;
there's no written guarantee,
And things that happened yesterday
belong to history,
I cannot predict the future,
I cannot change the past,
I have just the present moment,
I must treat it as my last,

I must use this moment wisely for
it soon will pass away, and be lost
to me forever as part of yesterday,
I must excercise compassion, help
the fallen to their feet,
Be a friend unto the friendless,
make an empty life complete.

The unkind things I do today may
never be undone,
And friendships that I fail to win
may nevermore be won,
I may not have another chance on
bended knee to pray,
And thank God with humble heart for
giving me this day.

~Author Unknown~

Many people will walk in
and out of your life,
but only true friends will leave
footprints in your heart.

~Author unknown~

Love was not put
in your heart to stay there,
is there so you can give it away....

A little note from my heart...

I love life and everything about it.
I have been blessed with a wonderful,
supportive family and some of the
greatest friends a person could ever
hope for.
I have met some really wonderful people
online also that have helped me in
numerous ways to cope with some of
lifes little knocks. You all know
who you are and know that I love
you dearly and that I am thankful
everyday that you came into my life
and that we had this opportunity to
get to know each other..


The more you give, the more you get..
The more you laugh, the less you fret..
The more you do UNSELFISHLY,
The more you live ABUNDANTLY..

The more of everything you share,
The more you'll always have to spare..
The more you love, the more you'll find
That life is good and friends are kind..


~author unknown~

Anger is only one letter short of danger

To handle yourself, use your head;
To handle others, use your heart.

Beautiful young people are acts of nature
But beautiful old people are works of art.

Learn from the mistakes of others,
You can't live long enough to make them all yourself

The tongue weighs practically nothing,
But so few people can hold it.

Last updated 5/04/03
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please come back soon and visit me.