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Listen to The Gambler

Follow the link to our Mater Ancestors

Lonnie H. Mater (Herman Alonzo Mater) was quite a character. He is believed to be full blooded Acoma Indian but records are hard to find and he hid it well. He was a professional gambler at one time. Once he came out to California with all his money in a suitcase tied together with rope. His grandson, John T. Larimer, Jr. Has lots of stories about him.

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Military information
Chart of Comparison of Ranks WWII

Please take the time to look at the following pages. These men all fought in World War II, and were truly heroes. We should never forget them and why they were fighting.

Our Heroes
Allison B. Ware
My father
Letters from the front
Preston Rhines
Steve's grandfather
Waiting for Steve
Charles Philip Woodson
My Step father

The atrocities suffered by the Jews in the Concentration Camps is difficult to read about, but we must always remember or we are doomed to repeat ourselves.

The Holocaust
Auschwitz Buchenwald Bergen-Belson Sobibor Treblinka Lodz Ghetto

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