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...and it won't let go.
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This is my very own information exchange page for members of my family,including our genealogical information. Family names being researched are: Berry, Boyne, Chamberlain, Fairbanks, Garrison, Larimer, Martin, Mater, Meguire, Metcalf, Morey, Murphy, Paulus, Reynolds, Rhines, Ware, Williams, and many more.

Dedicated to: Liz and Andy Ng; Caris, Rachel and Quinten Larimer; John Byron and Stephen Meguire; Travis, Jake, Brett and Brianna Rhines; James, Katie and Carrissa Black and; Brianna and Harvey Pitman

Visitors since February 25, 2004

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Genealogy Links
Fun Stuff

My Genealogy Pages
Berry Page Garrison Page Larimer Page Mater Page
Meguire Page Morey Page Rhines Page Ware Page

Military Information
Chart of comparison of ranks WWII

Please take the time to look at the following pages. These men all fought in World War II, and were truly heroes. We should never forget them and why they were fighting.

Our Heroes
Allison B. Ware
My father
Letters from the front
Preston Rhines
Steve's grandfather
Waiting for Steve
Charles Philip Woodson
My Step father

The atrocities suffered by the Jews in the Concentration Camps is difficult to read about, but we must always remember, or we are doomed to repeat ourselves.

The Holocaust
Auschwitz Buchenwald Bergen-Belson Sobibor Treblinka Lodz Ghetto

Use your favorite search engine
Altavista Exite HotBot Infoseek Lycos Ask Jeeves
MultiCrawl WebCrawler Yahoo Yahooligans Google Ask Jeeves for Kids

Honorable Mentions Cyndi's list of genealogical sites
* The best genealogical site on the net
The Larimer Family Tree
* My very own family tree.
* Rebus and othe puzzles
Beej's Homepage
* Check out the picture of James at the Lava Beds
Buddy's Blog
* JTL's Blog Site
Maggie's Site
* My Blog Site
Margaret Larimer's Genealogy Page * Genealogical sites I use

My Genealogical Sites
My Genealogy Page * A list of sites I use

Home Pages by Family and Friends
Beej's Home Page * Lots of interesting stuff, including a picture of James at the Lava Beds.
Andi's World * Keep in touch with our Woodson relatives
Fun stuff * My page of Kid's stuff, TV shows I like, and games and puzzles
Search Engines
Yahoo! Get Local * Find Counties in specific States
Yahooligans * Browser for kids

Cyber Card Sites
Barry's Digital Postcards
Blue Mountain Arts' Electronic Greeting Cards
DinoCard Pick
123 Greeting Cards
ANYDAY Today-in-History. * Pick a date and find out what has happened on that day.
Time and Date calculations * See why January 1, 2000 is NOT the first day of the 21st century.
Computer Incident Advisory Capability (CIAC) * Check here for what is or is not a virus or hoax
Kelley Blue Book * Find the value of your car on-line
Yuba City, California HomePage
Yuba-Sutter Community Website Directory
Yuba City Unified School District Home Page
Drugstore online * Buy anything you would at a regular drugstore
CoolSavings * Coupons and such
Asthma & Allerty Associates of Florida, PA.
CERES: California Environmental Resources Evaluation System
Hershey's recipes
ZIP Code Lookup and Address Information
California Voter Foundation
FBI Home Page
Windows95 Annoyances
Dale's Desktop Themes

Historical Sites
Battle of the Little Big Horn
California: So how many missions are there in California anyway?
History Net - Where History Lives on the Web
The Oregon Trail
Salem Witch Trials Chronology
Secrets of the Norman Invasion
The Norman Invasion
WebSite Helpers
GeoCities File Manager
Clear Blue Heading
Dark Blue Heading
Chris Stern's Cherished Memories and CS Designs * Great genealogical graphics and Ware Genealogy
Gilpo's How to make links
Web Purifier * Check Web Pages for appearance
Daysleeper's Web * HTML help plus other stuff.
Web FX Mall * Fonts and Sounds with more to come (Check it out Steve)
Kid's Domain Icon Mania * Good kid's icons
Clip Art Review
The Mousepad * Graphics
J. Payne's The Graphic Station
Jeffrey Zeldman Presents Pardon my Icons
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