- 10/11/00 03:05:19
Interested in Belgian Tervuren puppies , Any info on availability of pups will be appreciated . Send to my e-mail , Thanks Janice Hill
Just passing by and your site draw my attention.
Greetings from the Netherlands
Hello from Australia,
Your work is fabulous. Just been having a look around for graphics for my own sites. Yours are all so good I can not make up my mind.
Keep up the good work.
"Parmellin Collies"
enjoyed your site now if I could just figure out how to work this silly computer
What a great site you have...I truly enjoyed my visit!
What a great site you have...I truly enjoyed my visit!
I would just like to say that this is a beautiful
Website. The graphics are fantastic! Keep up the
fantstic work.
Looking for information on Belgian Shepards and came across ypur website. My husband and I live in Buffalo, New York. Would appreciate any information on availability of this wonderful breed in our area.
Wonderful site. I think its terrific.
Just stopped by to say hi ... and leave a little something for you!!
Fantastic site! love the graphics especially on the puppy page!!! LOL LOL
love the grooming page as i to groom dogs for a living. nice to see you educating people on how badly dogs can get and how creative you can be.
fantastic dogs!!!!
need to put small dog breeds on this page also ,,, thanks;;
Godt Nyttår.
the puppies were cute!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just as beautiful as you are!
Rosso & Puttan - 12/06/98 00:44:38
My URL:http://www.algonet.se/~terv
My Email:terv@algonet.se
You have great dogs and site
Nice site! Your dogs are very nice!
Love Terv's - have one named Callie (official AKC name is QT Calypso du Cadre Noir). She is a LOVE. Nicest temperament you'd ever want to see. Great looking dog, too. Keep up the good work with the site.
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
I love dogs, I work in a grooming shop. I'm a bather. It's such a cool job. I like your dog, it's cute. I love beardies and doxies the most.
Love your pages stop and visit us anytime
joe is definantly the best-looking in the bunch!
Hi, Like I said on your other page you have a beautiful site and wonderful dogs.
Marc - 08/01/98 18:08:14 My Email:aliceinchains@mindspring.com | Comments: Beautiful! Who would have thought a site could be so much fun. Thanks |
Marc - 08/01/98 18:08:06 My Email:aliceinchains@mindspring.com | Comments: Beautiful! Who would have thought a site could be so much fun. Thanks |
Vickie Wiles - 07/16/98 11:50:59 My URL:/Heartland/Valley/9006/ My Email:shibas@writeme.com Breed of Dog(s): TOO MANY Other Animals?: Raymond | Comments:
![]() You did a great job. Thank. This is my first time trying to use it. |
Maureen Sowle - 07/02/98 22:46:14 My URL:http:// you gottit Breed of Dog(s): everything Other Animals?: everything | Comments: I HATE computers! |
Connie Perdue - 06/07/98 01:39:18 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/5598 My Email:cperdue@bellatlantic.net Breed of Dog(s): Tervs - what else | Comments:![]() Just stopped in to say hi - love the new title page! |
- 06/07/98 00:23:10 | Comments: another test... |
test - 06/06/98 22:54:50 | Comments: just a test... |
Kady - 05/01/98 23:04:11 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/9978/ My Email:legacydog@pinehurst.net Breed of Dog(s): Alaskan Malamutes, Rottweilers, Beagle x Whipper Other Animals?: Yes | Comments: Thanks for stopping by and signing my guest book:-> Great site here...what a wonderful breed of dog! I enjoyed the pics of them.. |
Emmitt - 04/30/98 01:25:24 My URL:/heartland/estates/1925 My Email:manthl30@thesurf.com Breed of Dog(s): yorkie and toy poodle Other Animals?: canary and fish | Comments: Hi! I told you I'd stop again and write you a little something when I had time... Your very welcome fot the award and I think it looks great with all your other awards!! Keep up the good work and visit again soon:) |
Winnie & Disney - 04/29/98 19:22:35 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/1619/WiNNeY.html My Email:greven@netcom.ca Breed of Dog(s): JRT Other Animals?: no | Comments: Thank you for signing our guestbook, just returning the favour, you have a great page here |
Patrick - 04/29/98 07:13:50 My URL:http://patrickc.home.ml.org My Email:changps@uci.edu | Comments: Hello there.. nice homepage... I see that you have a love for Dogs.... they are great... I don't have one yet, but in the future, I plan to get one... |
Angela - 04/27/98 09:18:17 My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/4787/ My Email:dworak@bonsai.fernuni-hagen.de Breed of Dog(s): Willi: ??? - Irma: poodle Other Animals?: five cats, two mynah birds | Comments: Hi Caryn! Thank you so much for stopping by and signing my guestbook! Your pages are really very nice! I enjoyed my visit here, I enjoyed looking through all your pages, I LOVE the beautiful dogs here! I'm sure to return to visit you again :-). Have a gre t day - greetings from Germany, Angela and her cats, dogs and birds ![]() |
Christine - 04/26/98 22:35:24 My Email:sentadee@hotmail.com Breed of Dog(s): Doberman Other Animals?: none | Comments: Loved your page.. you have lots of nice pictures and pages.Put together very well!! |
Amanda Steenburgh - 04/22/98 02:10:45 My Email:aps_69@hotmail.com Breed of Dog(s): lab collie? (i named him Calvin) Other Animals?: 3 cats mercury gizmo and madeline | Comments: This page rocks. ill tell my friends to visit. i loved the music!!! you worked hard and it shows! |
Aronne La Fratta - 04/21/98 03:17:41 Other Animals?: No pets | Comments: cool sight |
rachel kimball - 04/20/98 20:49:11 My Email:raeride@aol.com Breed of Dog(s): irish wolfhound Other Animals?: horses cats and fish | Comments: cool to bad i don't know you since i know the part of your family!!! |
Kevin Lamb - 04/20/98 04:04:38 My Email:TiggerK@Juno.com Breed of Dog(s): Yellow Lab mutt | Comments: I'm a friend of Nevins. We're going in the Marines together. |
Nevin S. Joyce - 04/20/98 03:59:39 My Email:IrishNevin@AOL.com Breed of Dog(s): cocker (american) Other Animals?: yup | Comments: this page is worthy of many awards as you can see so if you have an award to give.... give it here! i love this page. |
Amanda Maines - 04/20/98 03:37:00 My Email:none of your buisiness Breed of Dog(s): had dogs but cant anymore Other Animals?: sea monkeys | Comments: glad to see that people like you own pets and treat them as i wish i could.keep it up =) |
Acinny & The Fantastic FurKids - 04/20/98 00:00:44 My URL:http://www.acinny.com My Email:acinny@doglover.com Breed of Dog(s): sheltie and flatcoat retriever Other Animals?: 2 cats, a rat, and fish | Comments: Thank you for inviting us to visit your site. We had a wonderful time exploring and getting to know you! We loved the puppy pics, they were so adorable!! Look for a special surprise in your e-mail soon from The FurKids! :-) |
Zookeeper - 04/19/98 18:01:14 My URL:http://www.e-musicbox.com/ My Email:lrice@metrolink.net Breed of Dog(s): mix | Comments: Wonderful! :) Thank you! |
Connie Perdue - 04/19/98 15:57:09 My Email:cperdue@bellatlantic.com Breed of Dog(s): Belgian Tervuren | Comments: |
Donna - 04/18/98 16:45:59 My URL:http://www.integrityol.com/denman My Email:donnad@bigfoot.com Breed of Dog(s): Dachshund Other Animals?: Well, more dachshunds then. | Comments: Love your pages, thanks so much for visiting my little puppers. I love your pic's, those are beautiful dogs you have there. I would have guessed they were german shepherds, dumb me! Thanks again, I've enjoyed my visit. ![]() |
Susan Laverty - 04/15/98 13:08:00 My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~smylly/ My Email:smylly@earthlink.net Breed of Dog(s): Golden and collie mix Other Animals?: 2 cats (big gray tabbies) | Comments: Nice site! Good information, useful. |
Lori - 04/06/98 21:48:37 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/8799 My Email:ksamoyed@hotmail.com Breed of Dog(s): Samoyeds Other Animals?: 2 cats | Comments: I see you haven't added my other homepage yet. (hee hee) Well now I have signed your guestbook. See ya at the school. |
Shannon Joyce - 04/04/98 19:50:02 My Email:Irish SFJ@aol.com Breed of Dog(s): brothers Other Animals?: a sister | Comments: I love this page! How di you ever get it to look soooo cool and add music too? This is one i would tell all of my friends about/ |
Vickie Wiles - 04/04/98 04:34:50 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/9006 My Email:shibas@writeme.com Breed of Dog(s): Shiba Inu,Rottweiler,GSD,Bernese Mt.Dog,Tibetan Mastiff,Brussels Griffon | Comments: Really, neat, I enjoyed my visit, especially the music and Joe. |
Barbara - 03/30/98 05:01:41 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/1867 My Email:Eubar.Tervuren@worldnet.att.net Breed of Dog(s): Belgian Tervuren - Shiba Inu Other Animals?: Of course | Comments: Every truely great site deserves one of these: |
Amber Finley - 03/24/98 22:16:46 My URL:http://angelfire.com/va/Acts29/index.html My Email:hedhuntr@i2020.com Other Animals?: Rick and Mark | Comments: Great Page! I love the pictures and music! You're doing an awesome job, keep it up! |
Judy Bradley - 03/22/98 16:27:58 My Email:willieterv@aol.com Breed of Dog(s): There is only one Breed Other Animals?: Ed | Comments: Hi David & Caryn, Really enjoyed your home page, quite beautiful. Of course one of my favorites is of De!!! And David as a little boy, I remember him all too well as youngster. Thanks |
Maegan - 03/18/98 23:21:35 My URL:http://cool.com My Email:JowaDeVie Breed of Dog(s): The imaginary kind! Other Animals?: Imaginary everything! | Comments: I love the whole thing! You have put a lot of work into it and it shows! I think the variety of animals is fantastic! |
Leigh Carter - 03/18/98 18:25:11 Breed of Dog(s): Belgian Tervuren, Cocker Spaniel Other Animals?: calico cat | Comments: Very nice page! Love all the photos. |
KELLY A. BAIN - 03/15/98 19:26:45 Breed of Dog(s): BELGIAN TERVURAN | Comments: |
Blue - 03/13/98 03:54:11 My Email:mypds@hotmail.com Breed of Dog(s): cockers, poodles,huskey and IG's Other Animals?: goats and birds | Comments: Great page so far... keep up the good work. will bookmark this site and check back later. |
Barbara - 03/07/98 01:57:20 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/1867 My Email:Eubar.Tervuren@worldnet.att.net Breed of Dog(s): Belgian Tervuren, Cocker, Shiba Inu, Rottweiler, Samoyed | Comments: Great Page!!! Loved the photos! Worthy of an award! |