
Carson Will Be 13 Years Old!

Here is my brand new baby
brother. His name is Elijah and
we are even going to call him "Eli".

March 8, 1999
Here's my entry!

Tiger Cubs

Carson has been a member of Tiger Cub Pack 79 since October 1998. He is enjoying making new friends and doing activities.

They have visited the Biscoe Fire Department, where Carson's Dad and Bo showed all the Tiger Cubs and Cub Scouts how to get out of a house if there is a fire. They gave them stickers, pictures to color and a fire escape page to take home to their parents.

During the elections on November 3, Benny, the Pack Leader, took some food to the poll workers to enjoy throughout the long day

The popcorn sales went real well. The Pack raised enough money to pay the Charter fees and to schedule some activities later in the year.

On December 12th the Pack marched together in the Star Christmas Parade. During the march, the adult leaders carried backpacks full of packs of microwave popcorn. When the parade would pause, Benny would blow a whistle and all the scouts would run to the sides and give the popcorn to an onlooker. It was a very popular way to show the Cubs' presence, and many people had positive comments after the parade.

We have been meeting off and on since Christmas. I got to ride in a big eighteen wheeler truck with all the other cubs.

I got the chance to race a car in the Pinewood Derby. My Papa and Mamoo, and my Mommie and Daddy helped me get a car ready for the race. Papa cut it out for me on his machines. He showed me how to put just enough weight in it so that it's not too heavy.

My Daddy, Mommie and Mamoo helped me paint my car to look like Jeff Gordon's car. He is my favorite race car driver. Mamoo and Mommie painted lines on it to show me where they go. I got to fill in between the lines with the right colors. I put a big 24 on top of the car and then my Daddy painted black lines around everything so they would show up better.

On Thursday, March 11th we had a race at our Pack meeting. There were twelve cars there. The race was fun and everybody had a good time. My car finished second place! I got a trophy and everything! The big race for the whole county is on Saturday March 13th at Candor.

Stay tuned to see what happens.

Carson's Favorite Links

Carson loves the shows on Nick

Carson plays Crash Bandicoot on Papa's Playstation

Montgomery County Schools

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