Right from the beginning she was daddy's girl
with a definite personality all her own.
She loved to ride in the car and went everywhere
with her Dad! There were times when it seemed she couldn't get
close enough and other times when she went her
own way with a determined independence.
As she got older her favorite place was laying on the back
of the couch where she could watch everything that went on.
She didn't miss anything. Sometimes she
would share
her couch with a friend!
Suddenly just before Memorial Day 1997
she became listless and quiet. She refused to eat
and she didn't respond to any of the things she normally loved.
Greatly alarmed by this behavior
we called the Vet. Despite their best efforts
in a matter of days she was gone!
Lilly had become an important part of our lives.
She was a faithful and loving companion. She asked for nothing
but to be loved and gave everything in return.
It was because of her that we developed such a love
for the Shar-pei breed. You couldn't ask
for a better friend and companion.
We had seven happy years with
"Miss Lillian"
and miss her still.
Right from the start she was
Daddy's girl,
The spark found in his eye,
A sweet little bundle of wrinkles,
Who never left his side.
Like all pei she was captured,
By the hearts of all she met.
Daddy's precious little girl,
An angel to never forget.
Seven years of happiness we shared,
Her devoted love proved true.
And when she left to head for the bridge,
We were at a loss of what to do.
Miss Lillian our heavenly Angel,
Sits proud at the rainbow gate,
Knowing in our hearts she's there,
And our arrival she patiently awaits.
The years we had to love her,
Are filled with such pleasant thoughts.
Daddy misses you sweetheart,
And we all forget you not.
To a wrinkled Angel above,
Dad & Family
written by
Patti Brooks
I wish to express my sincere thanks
for these
beautiful awards.
"Miss Lillian's Mom"
My Thanks to...
Amanda Penrose For the beautiful Angel.
Please sign my Dreambook!
The RainbowBridge Poem

The song is Evermore
Thanks to: