You Are Never Alone......

Hi, my name is Valerie Henkel. The purpose of this homepage is to inform people about life, to live it to the fullest. When someone you love dies, who do you look to, to heal the pain you have? When you realize the answer, then please sing my guestbook. There was a time that I felt so alone and then a friend one day told me about, God.
So you are never alone. No matter what happens in your life, God is there with you. When you weep, he weeps. Take all your worries and problems to him in prayer. he will never turn you away.

  • Pray before you go to sleep. Thank God for the day, and everything that he has given you.
  • When you feel lost and alone, pray. It might help! (and will)
  • Here are some steps of praying: one, kneel down. two, put your hands together. three, tell God what is in your heart. four, listen.
  • God is listening.
Here are some links to help you find out more about the christian life. Different religions and resources....
When visiting Lincoln, Nebraska;
worship at St. Mark's Methodist Church
Where ever you are, and who ever you are;
remember God is always with you.

to send e-mail to me.
thank you for visiting my site.
August 11, 1999