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Little Grand Rapids School
Chief Raymond Keeper
Councillors Nelson Keeper, Russell Bushie, Fred Moar, Enil Keeper, Martin Owen, Charlie Leveque
Phone 1-204-397-2264
Fax 1-204-397-2340

Little Grand Rapids School

The Community Location - Little Grand Rapids is located in one of the most geographically diverse regions in Manitoba. The houses are spread over a four mile stretch along the shores of Family Lake with a population of 600 plus. The community is just a short distance from the turbulent river that flows from Fishing Lake. The rapids in this river gave the community its name Mi-shi-Paw-it-tick - Great Rapids. The Reserve is located on 4,956 acres of land, where the majority of the people are treaty Natives with a dozen or so Metis living across the lake from the reserve. The off Reserve population is estimated to be 170.

All Native people speak the Saulteaux/Ojibway language. Since Saluteaux/Ojibway is used almost exclusively, use of the English language is limited. The Ojibway community was a signatory to Treaty 5 signed in 1875. At this time residents were considered to be part of the Berens River First Nation. On February 25, 1930 an Order-In-Council established the reserve, granting it separate First Nation status as per the 1888 survey of 8.75 square miles at the narrows of the Berens River. The people settled in this area during the 1800's, just over forty people moved to establish the community of Pauingassi, 24 kilometres north of Little Grand Rapids. The Chief and Councilors are elected, where 7 positions are filled each election.

Little Grand Rapids is located about 268 kilometres northeast of Winnipeg, the capitol of Manitoba. It is approximately 20 kilometres from the Ontario border.

The settlement is located in a very beautiful area of Manitoba. The scenery is superb. The water, many islands, woods of pine and poplar, make it a wonderful place for those who enjoy the outdoors. The fishing and hunting is very good.

Transportation - Little Grand Rapids is geographically remote. In the summer months boat travel is common between Little Grand Rapids and Pauingassi. There is a permanent gravel road in Little Grand Rapids. The winter road, which only opens two months during the year, connects Little Grand Rapids with many other northern communities and also with Winnipeg. Local transportation is by snow-mobile, boat and automobile. There is a four mile road in the community. Transportaion from Winnipeg to the community is by air only, except in the winter months as mentioned previously. There is a 3000-foot airstrip on provincial crown land across the lake from the community. Daily air services is available. Airport access is restricted to boat, helicopter or float plane in the summer. During the spring and fall when the ice is thawing or freezing the only available mode of trave is via helicopter. The companies that fly, year round are Northway Aviation and SoWind Air. Those who travel with family, needing a parking place for their cars may want to fly with Eagle Air Service near Pine Falls, Manitoba (charter system). These planes are on skis in winter and pontoons during the summer. In the winter, residents can use ski doos, vehicle or foot travel

Community Services - Community services and infrastructure vary depending on the service. The community receives landline hydro service. Airmail, postal service is handled by The Northern Store and mail comes in three times a week. The Northern Store, which is one of two located in Little Grand Rapids, is located 3 kilometres across the lake. The store carries a great deal of stock, from clothing to groceries, tools and some appliances. Groceries are quite expensive. Another privately owned store is on reserve land, about one and a half kilometres from the school. It can be reached on foot, a 10 - 15 minute walk. There is fire fighting equipment in the community and limited fire fighting capability. Police services are provided through three Little Grand Rapids band constables and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). The Little Grand Rapids RCMP station opened in 1992, and retains four constables that serve two communities. The community has a health station, generally staffed by two to four nurses, and two community health representative. The nearest hospital is located in Pine Falls. The school operates under the Southeast Tribal Division for Schools and is a K4-12 facility that has approximately 230 students enrolled. Some students choose to pursue education off reserve in Winnipeg. Little Grand Rapids is one of nine communities served by Southeast Child and Family Services, Inc., of Winnipeg

The communities infrastructure consists of a water supply, sewage disposal, garbage disposal and some roads. Family Lake provides the water for the community. It is treated and distributed to the residents by a piped or trucked delivery system. The school, teacherage and health station have a piped water system. Approximately 70 percent of the community have access to this system, while the remaining residents have water-holding tanks. The school, teacherages and health station and 70 percent of the community also have a piped sewage collection system. The remaining residences receive a sewage pump out tank system. Sewage is treated with a two cell aerated sewage lagoon which is discharged through an effluent ditch to an inland lake. Little Grand Rapids maintains one landfill site for garbage disposal. The community has approximately nine kilometers of internal roads, and no permanent access road. Winter roads are usually constructed.

Little Grand Rapid's residents have a single party telephone exchange. Approximately 68 percent of the community have telephone service, which are 162 homes of 237. AM and FM radio reception is received from Winnipeg. CBC television and FM radio are rebroadcast to the community. Residents are also able to view a number of television stations due to the community dish.

The community has a mixed economy. Trapping, fishing and seasonal rice harvesting provides some economic stimulus. As well, the Band and federal governemnt provide approximately 60 positions of employment. The Reserve has a band office, school bus service, a pool hall and three small general stores. Other business include Nig-Gig Ventures/Construction, Enil Keeper's Pool Hall, Peggy Tracy's Pool Hall, St. Aire, Trace Air Service, J.J. Leveque General Store, Air Line Office and School Bus delivery. Recreation facilities include a baseball diamond and an outside rink.

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