In the spring of 1942, the late Bishop W. E. Fuller, Sr., founder of the Fire Baptized Holiness Church of God of the Americas , organized Fuller's Tabernacle F.B.H Church on Rock Street in northwest Atlanta, Georgia. A successful tent revival was initially conducted by Evangelist Johnnie E. Fuller and others. When the weather turned inclement, the worship services were moved into a home on the corner of Thurman and Ashby Streets.
As soon as the weather permitted, services resumed in the tent on Rock Street. This continued until 1945 when Sr. Bishop purchased a facility at 839 West End Avenue in southwest Atlanta. The late Rev. Jack Cantrell was appointed pastor. For 45 years, the saints worshiped and praised God from that location. Listed among the charter saints were Mother Emma C. Fuller and the Fuller family, Sis. Donella Cantrell, Mother Emma Johnson, Mother Eubanks, Rev. Sis. Rosa Jones, Sis. Mercedes F. Montgomery and Rev. Sis. Ida Smith (who is also an active member today).
On October 7, 1990, under the leadership of Rev. Woodrow Brown, Fuller's Tabernacle moved from West End Avenue to its present site at 269 Fairburn Road in Atlanta, Georgia. In the Annual Convention held that year, a formal resolution was presented for approval to rename and establish the facility as a memorial to our Founder. The church is presently known as Fuller's Memorial Tabernacle F.B.H. Church of God of the Americas. Visitors are welcomed to the church with the words, "You are in one of God's best places, where everyone is someone, and Christ is all!"
Some of the deacons who have been caretakers of the house of the Lord are: Deacon Thomas Burton, Deacon Ralph Smith, Deacon David Morris, Deacon James Conley, Deacon John Wise and Deacon Levester Pendergrass. The current deacons are: Deacon William Heard, Deaconess Amanda Baxter, Deacon Larry Clark, Deaconess Anne Fannin, Deaconess Geneva Heard, Deaconess Judy Shepard, Jr. Deacon Sherman Heard, Jr. Deacon Kevin Conley, Jr. Deacon Ilyas Molette and Jr. Deacon Duane Mitchell.
Members of the Mother's Board have included: Mother Emma Fuller, Mother Herrin, Mother A. J. Ingram, Mother Neida Newsome, Mother Fannie Burnett and Jr. Mother Mae Aaron. The current mothers are: Mother C. W. Fuller, Mother I. B. Smith, Mother McDougal, Mother Daisy Reid and Jr. Mother Amanda Baxter.
The church secretaries have included Sister Amanda Baxter, Sister Brenda Conley and Sister Judy Shepard (current).
Through the years, pastors of renown have ministered to the many people who have come to worship. Among them:
Rev. Jack Cantrell (dec) | Elder F. E. Robinson (dec) |
Elder J. D. Goodbread (dec) | Rev. Hagler (dec) |
Rev. L. R. Jackson | Rev. Odell Owens (dec) |
Rev. A. Guinn | Rev. A. J. Lindsey |
Rev. Roger Robinson | Rev. Parks |
Rev. A. L. Burt | Elder Sam Wright |
Elder O. R. Chiles (dec) | Rev. J. L. Davis |
Rev. Ricky Town | Elder J. H. Lewis |
Rev. Carl Bellinger | Rev. R. E. Greenwood (dec) |
Bishop W. E. Fuller, Jr. (dec) | Rev. Allen Wilson |
Rev. Woodrow Brown | Elder Billy Thompson |
The church has served as a beacon in the dark for lost souls -- as a convention center for national, district and local assemblies -- as a chapel of love for an untold number of unions of holy matrimony -- as a hiding place when life's storms and struggles weighed heavy on hearts -- and as a place of comfort as family and loved ones were bade goodbye during homegoing celebrations.
Fuller's has never had membership rolls that numbered in the thousands, but many can witness to the truth of the Scripture that promises "if two or three meet and agree in HIS name, HE will be one in the midst." It can also be said that one life has touched a thousand and two lives have touched ten thousand, for there's hardly a person who has residence of long tenure in the metro city of Atlanta who cannot testify that their life has not in some way been touched by the standard of holiness this church has practiced for more than 50 years.
Few institutions enjoy the legacy that Fuller's has, and for this we say, "TO GOD BE THE GLORY!" Through the years the Lord has truly been good to us!