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coverLeft Behind : A Novel of the Earth's Last Days
Start your book collection with this first in a gripping series by Tim F. Lahaye, Jerry B. Jenkins
This fictional account of life after the Rapture delivers an urgent call to today's readers to prepare their own hearts and to minister to others.


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Sold Out : Becoming Man Enough to Make a Difference
by Bill McCartney, David Halbrook


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This is one of the best works Carman has ever produced--both spiritually and technically satisfying. As expected, the lyrics are bold and the purpose of the project fearlessly divine. His multiform musical touch intrigues the novice to the veteran of his music. A fan's MUST HAVE and a recommendation to the one who likes to taste the flavor of Gospel in different styles all in one CD.


Let the Journey Begin : God's Roadmap for New Beginnings
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The Cross : Images and Reflections by Max Lucado $13.99

The New Dare to Discipline by James C. Dobson $10.39
A completely new release based on one of the bestselling classics of all time that is sure to be an immediate success. Dr. Dobson's Dare to Discipline was a practical, reassuring guide for caring parents to aid children mature into responsible adults. Today, a whole new generation of parents is turning to Dr. Dobson's wise counsel.

coverDr. James Dobson on Parenting : The Strong-Willed Child : Parenting Isn't for Cowards by James, Dr. Dobson, James Dodson $12.99

Just As I Am : The Autobiography of Billy Graham by Billy Graham $6.39The Reverend Billy Graham is more than just another television evangelist; he is as much a part of this country's collective consciousness as F.D.R. or the Vietnam War. Whether you subscribe to Graham's brand of ecumenical evangelism or not, Just As I Am reveals the man behind the crusade to be forthright, deeply religious, and driven to spread the Word.

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The Collected Works of Billy Graham : Angels/How to Be Born Again/the Holy Spirit/Three Complete Books in One Volume Value Priced at: $14.99

The Lady, Her Lover, and Her Lord by T. D. Jakes
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Jakes (best-selling author of Woman, Thou Art Loosed whose weekly television program airs on Black Entertainment Television) claims to have knowledge about women healing the wounds of previous disappointments in their lives to rebuild themselves from the inside out and improve their relationships. He examines what he calls a woman's three most important relationships: with herself, with the man in her life, and with God. Accordingly, Jakes divides the book into three sections, offering inspiration for women to meet the demands of self-improvement, relationships with men, and spiritual growth. He emphasizes the importance of self-love, of women moving beyond the notion that what they can most contribute to others is slavish dedication without consideration of their own needs. In relationships with men, Jakes stresses the need for communication and mutual respect for the differences between men and women and the differences rendered by individual personalities. Regarding spirituality, Jakes cautions against attending to career and family at the exclusion of spiritual development. The overriding theme is that women should maintain a balance in their lives, not overemphasizing one aspect to the detriment of others. Jakes, pastor, speaker, and author of several inspirational books, has made a particular career of exploring the spiritual and emotional needs of women. Vanessa Bush
Copyright© 1998, American Library Association. All rights reserved
Daddy Loves His Girls by T. D. Jakes $9.59

Enter His Gates : A Daily Devotional by Charles F. Stanley $13.99
A selection of guided scripture reading and insightful commentary from bestselling author and pastor Dr. Charles Stanley.

The Blessings of Brokenness : Why God Allows Us to Go Through Hard Times by Charles F. Stanley $10.49
Charles Stanley's message is that even if you've already experienced circumstances so shattering you may wonder whether it's even possible to pick up the pieces, God can...and wants too. He can reassemble the shards of your life into wholeness.

The Quest for Character : Inspirational Thoughts for Becoming More Like Christ Charles R. Swindoll $9.59

Left Behind : A Novel of the Earth's Last Days
by Tim F. Lahaye, Jerry B. Jenkins
This fictional account of life after the Rapture delivers an urgent call to today's readers to prepare their own hearts and to minister to others.
Tribulation Force : The Continuing Drama of Those Left Behind
by Jerry B. Jenkins, Tim F. LaHaye
$11.19 Avg. Customer Review: 5 out of 5 stars
In this sequel to the bestseller Left Behind, Rayford Steele and Cameron Williams find themselves pressed into services for the man they believe could be the antichrist. Nicolae Carpathia takes over the United Nations, signs a peace treaty with Israel, and begins to lure the nations of earth together to form one global village. Meanwhile, the judgement of God begins to fall on the earth.

The Attributes of God; A Journey Into the Father's Heart
A. W. Tozer $7.99 Avg. Customer Review: 5 out of 5 stars
Well worth reading
Any Tozer book is worth reading, but he really shines when he delves into the personality of God. If you will allow it this book's information can bring you closer to God and give you a better understanding as to why certain things are the way they are.

This Present Darkness by Frank E. Peretti $10.39
Ashton is just a typical small town. But when a skeptical reporter and a prayerful pastor begin to compare notes, they suddenly find themselves fighting a hideous New Age plot to subjugate the townspeople, and eventually the entire human race.

Piercing the Darkness by Frank E. Peretti $10.39
In Piercing the Darkness, Sally Beth Roe, a young loner, a burn-out, a kind of "leftover hippie", finds herself caught in the middle of bizarre events, fleeing for her life while trying to recall her dark past.
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Lifting Him Up by Ron Kenoly, Dick Bernal $7.19
Worship leader Ron Kenoly teams up with his pastor, Dick Bernal, in this practical guide to praise and worship. You'll learn Biblically how to enter into the Lord's presence, plus you'll gain insight into the scriptural role of praise and worship in your life and church.

From Dad, With Love by Chuck Aycock, David R. Veerman $7.19
This easy-to-read book sponsored by The National Center for Fathering shows that the best gift a dad can give his child is himself. Covering the gifts of protection, identity, and confidence, this guide offers practical suggestions for enhancing a father's important, life-shaping influence on his children.

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