I have a friend, Kashmir, who has Edwards syndrome
and her mom,Spiko, has had to fight for her life a LOT.
If you are here you probably know the story. My mom
figured that it might help her mom if Spiko knew just
how many lives Kashmir has already changed for the
better as it gets hard on Spiko at times just like life
does for all of us!!! In order to do this mom needs
everyone that has had their lives touched to sign this
guest book and tell how they are better for knowing
Kashmir!!! My mom and I both thank you for your help
from the bottom of our hearts!!!
The new Spiko, Kash, and family website!!!
In 2004 mom found out that Kash died right before her 5th birthday in 2002. Spiko know that we still care for you and will always remember Kashmir.
My mom wrote this poem specifically for Kashmir.
Why did you come
So pretty and frail?
Why not strong
Like others have come?
You struggle so hard
Your life just to live.
It makes me wonder
Why you still live.
Many would have given up
So very long ago.
But not you
You hang in no matter what it takes.
While others give up
You hang in and fight.
You show them that
It was their mistake.
Though tubes and wires
keep you going
They hurt as much as they gain
But little complaint you make.
I see you and I ask why
Why was she not made strong?
Then I seem to hear you say
To touch the lives of others.
To teach them to see and pray
And believe in miracles
And that impossible things
Are possible!!
If just one I have taught this
And just one more I reach
Then I'll live my life to do just that
To teach them to believe.
Do YOU believe in miracles?
Do you believe in prayer?
Then look on me for you see
I am a miracle and answer to prayers!!!
Spread the word
So that others can see
Just what a prayer can do
And believe in miracles, too!!!
By: Skie Horlacher Ahlemann
For: Kashmir Adams
Written: Nov. 98
Updated Feb. 14, 2004