Ribbons and Causes

Ribbons and Causes

Well here is my ribbons page. It was inevitable. I feel like if I am going to have a page on here it might as well pretend like it's useful and spreading good messages. These are all some good causes so at least look. For each one I am going to try and find a good link, so try clicking on the ribbons. Thank you.

The Purple Ribbon

Did you know?
-a woman is beaten every 15 seconds
-63% of boys aged 11-21 that have committed homicide murdered the man who was beating their mother

And I can't find a ribbon for it, but SPAY AND NEUTER YOUR PET!
An animal is euthanized every 6.2 seconds in US shelters!
(And no I didn't just make that up! The conservative estimate is 5 million animals per year, do the math.)

You are the person to come here since July 29, 1998

This page was last updated August 6,1998