If man could be crossed with a cat it would improve man, but it would deteriorate the cat" - Mark Twain
Well there was so much on pets and I want to say and put even more so I figured I should put in a separate page for pets. I have lots of info on pet care (especially cat), but I am NOT a veterinarian, or other animal care professional. Keep in mind as you look at this that only a veterinarian that knows your animal will be able to tell you exactly what is best for your animal.
Now I only have one cat, Siley; she is ten years old. She is torbie colored and has short hair. She meows everytime I pick her up and greets me at the door when I come home. She likes to get up on the shelf above the kitchen sink and bat at my head while I do the dishes. And she LOVES catnip. Just a little whiff makes her roll around on the floor and dart throughout the house. The cute pic ture above is of her.
In General
As you must have guessed by now, I promote taking good care of your pets. To me, my cats are my children. You feed your kids food that is good for them. You take them to the doctor when they are sick. You get them vaccines to prevent them from getting sick. You try your best to make sure they are happy and healthy. You don't give them away when you move or they become too bothersome.
The "Miracle" of Birth
I wonder if those parents
Who want their child to see
The miracle of birth
Would come along with me?
We'll go to any shelter
Or pound you care to name
It really doesn't matter
As they're all about the same.
Rows of dogs and cats
All frightened, their eyes begging
Won't you please take me?
Would you parents bring your children
As this show is quite free
There'll be ninety put to death today
As there were only homes for three.
"There is a direct relationship between allowing your dog or cat have a litter, and the euthanasia totals at the animal shelter" (Animal Lovers Unlimited.) Most vets recommend getting your animal spayed or neutered anywhere from 4 - 9 months of age. Some will do it earlier. Something I want to mention, although it is rare, is that my cat Peabody (mentioned above) had her kittens and died before she turned 6 months old. This means she got pregnant before she was 4 months old (the gestation period for cats is ~64 days). And the vet said she had been pregnant at some point before this too.
P.S. - I have read in ONE source recently which says that research now says that feline vaccinations are only needed every three years (as opposed to every year.) I am not sure what to think of this, having had "vaccinations every year" drilled into me for so long; although the source did seem credable (it was "Veterinary Economics," a magazine published for veterinarians). I have also read another source that recomended vaccines every three years for indoor ONLY cats.
Well, I wish I didn't feel the need to post this next comment, but some horrible circumstances in my life force me to shout this at you: KEEP YOUR PETS AWAY FROM ANY UNKNOWN ANIMALS!!! This directly implies (among other things) to keep your pet INSIDE AT ALL TIMES. If your pet must ever go outside (or might ever accidently get outside), make sure you have it completely vaccinated. I say this because my beloved cat Figaro has recently been diagnosed with FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis). Figaro is an "indoors" cat, but I must admit- and to my most extreme regrets - has been in contact with animals that I could not be positive they were free of disease. He had up to date vaccines against everthing but FIP. This because the FIP vaccine is not as widely used, and I would have had to pay full price (as opposed to the price at a low cost clinic) for it. Everyone I have talked to who has even heard of FIP said not to bother getting the vaccine, because FIP was so rare and the vaccine has proven only 70-80% effective. Obviously I wish more than anything that I had gotten him the vaccine. He is already very ill with the disease and there is nothing the veterinarians can do for him. Trust me- you do not ever want to have to go through this; so please keep your pet indoors and vaccinated. Post-Script -- Figaro was becoming increasingly ill and having lots of difficulties breathing from fluid accumulation in his lungs, so last Friday (March 20, 1998) I had to take him in and have him euthanized.
I found some quotes for my baby Fig. One is by "Heather," who also lost her cat to FIP, at The Remember House Figaro: "I have sent you on a journey to a land free from pain, not because I did not love you, but because I loved you too much to force you to stay." I will love and miss you always Fig. I am so sorry.
The rest are from a book entitled "Good-Bye My Friend" by Mary and Herb Montgomery: "You fought hard to stay alive, my friend. In the end, though, you couldn't conquer death. But neither did death conquer you. Death cures all diseases, mends all broken bones, breaks all chains and made you free at last."
"I shall fill my days but I shall not, cannot forget. Sleep soft, dear friend."
A Prayer for Animals
Hear our humble prayer, O God,
for our friends the animals,
especially for animals who are suffering;
for any that are hunted or lost
or deserted or frightened or hungry;
for all that must be put to sleep.
We entreat for them all
Thy mercy and pity,
and for those who deal with them
we ask a heart of compassion
and gentle hands and kindly words.
Make us true friends to animals
and so to share
the blessings of the merciful.
Albert Schweitzer
If you have any questions or comments please email me at: cjmeeks@lanset.com
Please come back soon and visit me.
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Last Updated February 22, 2001