Age: 29
University of California, Los Angeles B.S. in Civil
and Environmental Engineering.
University of California, Berkeley M.S. in Environmental Engineering
In between those two schooling periods, I worked for almost two years at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. My favorite assignment those first two years was as a construction representative at a renovation/seismic upgrade project in Monterey, CA. Having lived in 14 cities in the U.S., I can easily say, even with the renound fog and clouds, Monterey is the best place I have lived. (Here are some of the reasons I miss Monterey). I currently work at the Corps of Engineers as an Environmental Engineer. Some of my projects include implementation of pollutant containment at a Superfund site, surface water quality monitoring, groundwater and soil testing, storm water pollutant loading studies, environmental site assessments, oil spill prevention plans, and storm water pollution prevention plans.
With some of my spare time I volunteer with the cat rescue group Happy Tails; feeding colony cats, trapping, spaying or neutering them. If I could tell you one thing, that would be to volunteer for a cause you believe in. (One person CAN make a difference, and there are opportunities for you to help everywhere for anything. You can go to VolunteerMatch.Org. to find the right volunteer opportunity near you!) And if donating your time isn't for you, you can change the world, one person at a time, at, by just lending small amounts of your extra cash. At Kiva you can make loans in $25 increments to entrepreneurs around the world. When they pay back the loan (and they do more than 99% of the time), you get your money back to either reloan to another person, or get it back in your bank account.
I also am hoping to get more involved politically, as I think so many things in our country could be changed for the better, for both the regular citizens of this country, the environment, and the rest of the world. Plus, I get really pissed off when I hear things like only 14% of the U.S. congress is female (one of the lowest female:male ratios in the western world - and the EARLIEST possible date women could be 50% is 2020, but if things continue at this rate women won't be 50% of congress until after 2100!!!)
I am what can be considered a 'Beginner' (maybe intermediate?!) mountain biker; I have been biking with varying regularity for about 10 years now. While in Monterey I bought a new pair of rollerblades (now that the fad has passed you can get a good pair (ones that don't vibrate painfully!) for under a $100), and now I also enjoy rollerblading, but still haven't figured out how to safely stop after going down a hill! I also started recently playing indoor soccer, which is surprisingly turning out to be one of the the more dangerous sports I have been involved in!
As you can probably tell by looking at the rest of my pages here, the following are some of the things I am interested in:
This is my cat buddy, Siley. I think she wants to go too!
And for those of you who know what it means: I am about 70% INTJ and 30% INTP. If you want to know what this means and find out what you are visit The Keirsey Temperament Sorter and let me know what you are. (I think the test is fairly accurate actually, although the online descriptions are not as good as in the book "Please Understand Me" by Keirsey) And if you want to dig into my realm a little more, read this: An Introvert's Lexicon
I love getting email and wouldn't mind making some new friends, so
email me at:
Last Updated January 22, 2009
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