11/22/07 www.Kiva.org : Be your own World Bank!
01/21/07 "Adoption of currently feasible energy-efficiency standards would go two-thirds of the way to energy independence....It should be feasible for us to achieve energy sustainability by 2050 using primarily existing standards. Then we support research into new technologies, which we will need in the last half of the century"
01/09/07 Freedom Writers: A very good new movie and book, based on true events
01/09/07 An innovative and cool way to purchase carbon dioxide credits to offset the impact from your car, home and flights... www.Terrapass.com
10/26/06 The website for the new movie "American Blackout"... I haven't seen it but it looks good...
7/15/06 Top economists on Global Warming: "The most expensive thing we can do is nothing."
6/27/06 Another example how Bush & Co are bad for families
6/10/06 If you care for your kids, or yourself, see "An Inconvenient Truth"
4/10/06 "Why We Fight" - a movie looking at the military industrial complex and its influence since it's birth after WW II
1/31/06 Angiograms often miss heart disease in women - because, well, we didn't bother to study it too much in women, despite the fact that more women die from heart disease than men...(Source: Associated Press)
1/19/06 oh WOW!...I can add, multiply and find myself on a map! (Source: Associated Press)
1/14/06 Another analysis of why we should have universal health and dental care (Source: The New Yorker)
9/7/05 Here is a timeline of reported events 8/26/05 to 9/3/05 surrounding the Bush administrations (lack of) response to Hurricane Katrina - what is missing from the timeline are the parts where the US federal government also turned down or postponed aid from dozens of other countries at the same time. (Source: thinkprogress.org)
7/2/05 Read about Republican Governor Schwarzenegger’s realistic economic reasons why "governments everywhere" - including the U.S. - must start to combat climate change immediately (Source: The Sacramento Bee)
2/8/05 Listen to dozens of other americans talk about why we desperately need universal health care for children (you might try Lisa, Germaine, Jennifer, Laura, Kerry, Glenda, Karen, and Elizabeth to start with) (Source: www.johnkerry.com)
2/1/05 And you're surprised that only 1 out of 17 poor kids in the U.S. get a bachelors degree, while 1 out of 2 of rich kids do? (Source: USA Today)
2/1/05 If you are not wealthy, don't get sick in the U.S. (Source: Reuters)
1/17/05 Willful ignorance. Intentional blindness. SUV drivers.(Source: SF Gate - Mark Morford)
1/10/05 "Yeah those poor kids don't need/deserve to go to college anyway" - neoconservativism (Source: The Sacramento Bee)
1/3/05 Take part in a counter coronation event and/or wear a white ribbon in mourning for the tens of thousands of people that have died as a result of B*sh's lies Jan 20th, 2005(Source: UnitedforPeace.org
12/4/04 The richest 5% of Americans own 57.7% of our wealth, while the bottom 50% of us own 2.8%, and the richest 1%'s net worth had increased 40% while the bottom 40%'s net worth has gone down 75%... (Source: www.faireconomy.org)
11/18/04 Sorry Everybody... pictures from people all over the US, saying Sorry to the world for B*sh, and please don't bomb us... (Source: http://Sorryeverybody.com)
11/11/04 see the 25 most censored news stories for the past year (Source: http://www.projectcensored.org / Sonoma State University)
11/4/04 Okay, just for those 75% of Bush supporters who think otherwise: "we have seen no evidence that these or the earlier contacts [between al Qaeda and Iraq] ever developed into a collaborative operational relationship. Nor have we seen evidence indicating that Iraq cooperated with al Qaeda in developing or carrying out any attacks against the United States." (Source: section 2.5 of 9/11 report www.9-11commission.gov)
10/26/04 Kerry and Bush positions and actions on everything important to the catholic (or christian) church (very good resource for ANY voter) (Source: Catholic Voting Project)
10/18/04 Why and how to turn off your TV, for good. If you're not convinced by that, here are some more links (Source: TV Turn off Netwrok and Edmonton Public Library)
10/10/04 Why the Bush administration is NOT conservative, and is BAD for America, from a Reagan era conservative Republican econominst (Source: Mother Jones.com)
10/03/04 Bush, the REAL flip-flopper (Source: American Progress/various)
09/26/04 Why the U.S. is a terrorism target, and what we should actually be doing if we want security. (Source: Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret)
09/19/04 1 out of 3 Americans under 65 did not have healthcare for all or part of 2003. If good health is a requisite for happiness, then in America, money does buy happiness. (Source: American Public Health Association)
09/2/04 Are you sure you want some flame retardent with your dinner? (Source: Environmental Media Services/Environmental Science & Technology)
08/25/04 If you ever wanted to see Glacier National Park in Montana, you'd better go soon because it's melting fast (Source: National Geographic Magazine)
08/08/04 86 million reasons each year why Californians shouldn't shop at Walmart (Source: UC Berkeley)
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