CJ's Home Page

Hello, and Welcome to my little corner of the World Wide Web.
I have made a few changes recently to the page about me and changed a few links. I hope you find something in here interesting or useful; I would love to get feedback, in my guestbook or by email. Thanx for stopping by!

The Rest Of My Site
About Me
My link of the week
Some of my Ravings - Some on Poverty, Aid, Global Warming, Schooling, Animals, Guns/Violence, etc. Just a little long winded!
My Pets Page- Animal Care Information and Poems
My Books Page Some ideas for the next book to read- for both you and your kids
My Page of Poems and Quotes New song lyrics added 2004

Here are some other interesting sites:
For all of you:
- Kiva.org Be your own World Bank
- Kivafriends.org And Make Friends Doing it!
- The Political Compass- Find out which candidates are closest to you on the political compass!
- If you Don't like paying taxes... a very long list of many of the things the government does with your money - the good, the bad, and the stupid
- The CIA World Factbook - U.S.A "Since 1975, practically all the gains in household income have gone to the top 20% of households"...the lowest 10% of households only have 1.8% of the total income, while the top 10% of households have 30.5% of income, less than 10 years worth of oil in our country, my oh my all the fun facts, straight from the CIA

If you enter your zip code in the banner below it will take you to www.volunteermatch.org and show you the dozens (or hundreds) of all different kinds of volunteer opportunities near you. They have about 30,000 nonprofit organizations and opportunities listed! (If you are with a nonprofit this is also a great place to put out listings for volunteers!)

- Religuoustolerance.org- very important in todays world

- My Dads homepage- has a large section on Genealogy
- the Diva Cup for girls and women only!

If you are in the Sacramento area:
- FATRAC - local mountain biking club
- Happy Tails - local organization dedicated to helping animals

Please Sign My Guestbook

You can also View My Guestbook (But only after you've signed it!)

Since Geocities decided to create new guestbooks and outdate the old ones, I am very sorry but you will have to click here to View my old guestbook!

I love getting email and wouldn't mind making some new friends, so email me at: cjmeakes@gmail.com

Please come back soon and visit me.
You are the Counterperson to visit me since March 18, 1998.

Last Updated 1/22/09

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