The Gallery
This is where we will have family photos.
Send or scan them to me and I will post them here and rotate them regularly; wedding, baby, family or holiday photos or anything else that comes to mind.
If anyone has an updated family photo (the one on the main pages is at least 23 to 24 years old!), please let me post it. I have one from my "tea ceremony" which is about 3 years old. Anything in between and later will be terrific. We can build a permanent archive of these.

Home. 46 Kelawai Road

Family Photo at Ced & Gwyn's tea ceremony, 1995
Latest group photo I have

Our newest cousin, Guowei, Seng Sooi Koo and Yan Kim's son.

Lovely couple, Shayne and Mei Ying Micin

Swee Ee, Chan, Lean, Hoey yeow and Poh Cheng's back.

Ingrid, Gwyn, Cedric and Audra.

Family Beauties.

At dinner, 4 Ee, 4 Teow, 9 Teow and Uncle Dave.

At dinner, 9 Ee, Hong Ee, Ngoh Ee, Sharon, Aunty Monica, Uncle Chai Tuan, Mei Ying.

Back Row: Cedric, Gwyn, Frederick, 5 Ee, Aunty Yan. Front Row: Poh Choo Ee, Hong Ee, Ingrid, Uncle Dave. Peeking thru window: Leong Chooi and Toh Soon Koo

LeongChooi, Cedric, Gwyn Ingrid, 5 Ee (behind), Boey Ee and 4 Kim Poh.

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