Kelawai Home Page

Patriach, Matriach and the beginnings of a Dynasty

Family Photo, Chinese New Year 1974(?)

Kelawai Road Family Home

Site Updated on June 16th 2004

Hello! Back again. We've made the move from California to Florida and I'm still settling in. Haven't had much time to update anything since. I'll try and get to it sometime in the near future (haven't you all heard that one before!). During the chaos of moving, I did find a picture of the house though and decided to place it here before I lost it again. Best one I have right now. If anyone has a better picture, please email me a copy to post here.

I have added a new link to a woderful website I found on the web. It is full of gorgeous pictures of Penang, the place, the people, the festivals and the food. It also has a great forum and lots of comments about Penang. Check it out at Penang, Pictures, Forums & Articles (Kaye's Site).

This page was created for the Kelawai Road Family.

Members of the family are spread out all over the world, (see Who's Where), and I felt this would be an ideal way to stay up to date with Penang and each other.

Keep in touch via the net with the various relatives via e-mail addresses. If you have any news about yourself that you wish to share, or an article that is of interest to the rest of us, send it to me and I will put it into Kelawai Kopi Tiam. Pictures of the family can be found in The Gallery, and finally, Penang Calendar will let you know what is currently happening in Penang in the way of holidays and festivals.

Remember, this site is for all of us and the only way it will work is if you all participate. So, please send me anything you feel would be of interest. If you have any other questions, just click on the bird below and email me.

Meanwhile, our Kopi tiam has some interesting articles posted and archived, contributed by Unlce Jerry, Su Ling, Regina and Seng Hai Koo, so stop by and have a look.

Finally, I am looking for a photograph of the Kelawai Road Mansion to put on this opening page. If anybody has a good full frontal shot of the building and compound, I would appreciate having a copy sent or scanned to me.

In the meantime, enjoy the site!


Book Recomendation

I read "Sons of the Yellow Emperor. A History of the Chinese Diaspora" by Lynn Pan (Published 1994 by Kodansha Int'l; ISBN 1-56836-032-0). The book gives a deep, rich and very readable account of the Chinese migration around the world. Definitely one of the best and most comprehensive books I've read on the subject and an absolute must read for all overseas Chinese.

Other Pages:
e-mail addresses
Who's Where
Kelawai Kopi Tiam
The Gallery
Penang Calendar
Penang History
Family Recipes

Penang Lhang Chiah

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Links to other sites on the Web

Malaysian Elephant Appeal Project
Uncle Ricky Tan's Homepage.
The Star Newspaper Online,Penang
Durian OnLine
Penang, Pictures, Forum & Articles

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Gwynedd C.
Site updated September 13th, 2003

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