Welcome our new addition Kaitlyn Scherel

Kaitlyn was born October 8th 2004 at 7:40pm. She is a special little girl and Randy and Ashley along with sisters Chey and Brianna are glad that she's finally here.

Our Family and Friends

This is Brice Christopher, Nana and Poppa's little sweetie!

Chey, Brianna and Kaitlyn

A little about us: Jeff and I have been together for many, many years and we have 3 boys. We live in NE Texas in what is referred to as "an American city with a French name in a Spanish land"...

This is our home. If you look real close you can see the house nestled in the trees. We love the seclusion we have. You can't see our house from the road, especially in the summertime. One of our favorite things is to sit out in the yard and enjoy the peace and quiet. Recently Jeff and the boys have built a screened in gazeebo in the back yard. Complete with hot tub, tables and chairs and grill.

More photos of our place...

We don't get snow here often, but when we do we really love it!

Randy is 26, and works Fagen Inc, which is the industrial construction company building the ethanol plants. they have just finished a plant in Lake Odessa Michigan and have just started a plant in Necedah Wisconsin. He and Ashley and the 3 girls transferred to Wisconsin in Mid October. The twins are in school there and Kaitlyn has the rule of the roost. She is now 2 and says things like "Touchdown!" and "Get-R-Done"...

Jason is 23 and likes all kinds of things. Some of his interests are hunting and fishing

and camping. He also loves to cook and is VERY good at it!! He loves to experiment with new ways to cook and finds it a challenge to cook for his Mom who is Diabetic. He runs the service truck for a local tire company. He spends more time on the road that anyone I know!

Brice is in school now and he loves it! He's 6 years old now (he's growing up so fast!) I think he keeps the kindergarten class in line at his school!

Speaking of growing up fast, Justin is almost 20, is engaged and has a house of his own. He and Jessica live together and work together. He is still jamming on his guitar when Abby (his dog) will let him. He still works with his Dad in the lawn service each year. They will be starting up their 8th season soon. Time marches on...

Debbie's Toy

Our interests are:
Sports, nature, health & fitness, animals.

Jeff works for the county on the road and bridge crews. He likes hunting and fishing but he says his favorite pastime is to being able to spend time with his lovely wife. (He's such a romantic!) He also loves to walk and work out. I work in a Doctor's office as a Medical Assistant. My interests include: reading, writing, walking. I also decorate cakes for special occassions.

I also love to spend time on the internet searching for information on Diabetes and its complications. We love animals and currently have one dog, Lexi. She's a yellow lab pup that Jeff rescued from the animal shelter. She's about 3 months old and spoiled rotten.

We have had several pets that have vanished. Sonny, the camera ham, black lab. He was one of the best... Bootsie the cat, who thought he was a human

Sonny the "camera ham"...

Brice playing in his pool. He's a little water rat...

Brice at age 3, can't believe he's growing up so fast... Now he's 6!! I have to get his school pic scanned.

More of Debbie's Toy... I call it the "macho kick a** truck"

Jeff also has a truck. I will get some better photo's of it soon to put on here.

It's a GMC Sierra ex-tended cab, cole black, chrome tool box, rails and chrome smurf bars. Very sleek going down the road. Has "Miller Lawn Service on the extended part of the windows and a huge "M" in the back window.

For the true love of my life... My Handsome Cowboy...

How do I explain the love I feel for you? I can't think of any words to describe how I feel. Your my everything, my rock, my stregnth. You give me love and support in everything that I do. Your my bestfriend... I LOVE YOU... "Feliz Cumpleanos Te Amo" :)

Winter Wonderland in Texas.....

For a look at our FAVORITE pro football team... AMERICA'S TEAM:

Sorry Barb, it's not the DOLPHINS!!!

This is the lake near our house. This is usually where we go when we walk... It's very peaceful and quiet.

This is another view of our place in paradise

Some things we like...

Email us!!!!
Please come back soon and visit us.

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Our Awards:

Very Special Thank You to BJ, Karen, Carolyn and Michael and also Emily for these lovely awards. It really means a lot to us.

Karen's Family Web Site

Links to other sites on the Web

Dallas Cowboy's Page
Chris' Homepage
Virtual Flowers & Poetry
Do You Believe In Angels?
Karen's Family Web Site
American Diabetes Association
Diabetes Research
Phenomenal Women Of Domestic Voilence
Justin's Page

More of the things that we love....

A beautiful sunset...

The Colorado Rockies!!!

A walk on the beach to clear your mind and put things into perspective...

© 1997 mls43@neto.com
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