Hi.....I'm Preston.....I hope you enjoy your visit!!!

My name is Preston Waya Virgil and I was born weighing 5 pounds 8 ounces and 19 inches long on July 22, 1997 at 1:45pm. Mommy was in labor for 18 long hours and 5 short minutes. As you can tell, I was well worth the effort. I am now 5 years old and I weigh 40 pounds and I am 42 1/2 inches tall. 99% of the people that know both Mommy and Daddy, think I look like Daddy. I'll let you be the judge. The quality of these next two pictures isn't that great, but Mommy and Daddy are pretty old. This is a picture of Mommy when she was 6 months old . This is a picture of Daddy when he was 10 months old .

Guess what?!?!?!? I'm a big brother!!! Mommy and Daddy gave me a baby sister. I like her sometimes......except for when she tries to play with my dinosaurs.

This is our first (and only) family picture. Don't we all look spiffy? Daddy hates to get dressed up, but he did it for me!! I'm glad, too, because I am such a ham. I LOVE to have my picture taken. Can you tell? The lady that took our picture was really nice to me and made me laugh.

I turned 5 in July!!! Mommy and Daddy had a big party for me. I ate lots of food, cake and ice cream. It was great!!! I started kindergarten in September. I like it a lot. I'm learning how to read and write. Pretty soon, I'll be able to read books to my sister!!!

I am such a goofball. I love to dress up in daddy's flannel shirts and run around the house like I'm Superman. Sometimes I even pretend that I'm and airplane. But, the only time I really get to "fly" is when I swing on my swingset. I love for Mommy and Daddy to swing me really high. If they don't, I scream.

When I was younger, I tried to be Daddy's big helper. Daddy has a big vegetable garden. Daddy asked me to help him, so I thought I'd keep an eye on the trailer hitch. I did eventually get down and help Daddy dig in the dirt. I got so dirty that Mommy had to give me a bath. Here's a picture of Mommy giving me a bath. When Mommy gives me a bath, she likes to do crazy things to my hair.

Remember earlier I let you be the judge if I looked more like Mommy or Daddy? Well, see the picture right above here? That's my Papaw (Daddy's Daddy....when he was a little boy like me) and my Great Granddaddy. I think I look like my Papaw when he was my age. Aunt Ninna thinks I look like my Gampa (Mommy's Daddy) when he was little.

This is Gampa when he was a little guy. Did you notice that we both have a cowlick in the same spot? Click here to see Gampa when he was just a baby. Who do you think I look like the most?

I'm only 5 years old, but I know one day I'm gonna grow up to be a BIG BAD football player or race car driver !! I think I might be an engineer when I grow up. Or maybe I'll be a fireman. I could even be a cowboy and ride a horse!!!! I got a mechanics work bench for X-mas....maybe I could be a mechanic like my Papaw!!!

I love my cousins, Danielle and Ashley. Here's a picture of Danielle, Ashely and I on Father's Day 1998. Danielle and Ashley come and visit me sometimes. Here we all are in our jammies. Danielle and I share a smile. Here's Ashley and I down by my pond.

My Mommy has been seriously slacking off on updating my page. She hopes to update it with some new pictures really soon....if she can ever get her scanner working. If you'd like to see my old pictures, click on the "My Oldies But Goodies Page" link towards the bottom of the page.

YAY!!!!!.....I WON SOME AWARDS!!!!

I've won too many awards to show them all on this page, so please click HERE to go see all of them.

Thanks to everyone who was kind enough to give me these awards. Even tho it has taken my Mommy forever to get them all on here, I really do appreciate it a lot!!!!


Mommy's Page
Mommy's Cowboys Page
Daddy's Dodge Ram Auto Trans Problems Page
Aunt Ninna's Page
My Oldies But Goodies Page


Matthew's Place

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