Welcome!!! Glad you stopped by!!!

My name is Jenna Skye Valentine. I was born at 4:56pm on September 27th, 2000. I weighed 6 pounds 9 ounces and I was 19 inches long. I've grown a lot since then. I am now 2 years old, but my mommy hasn't had a chance to update my page. She promises she will do it soon, so keep checking back!!

This is a picture of me and my Aunt Ninna. She loves me.

Here's my big brother, Preston, giving me a big hug.

Here is a picture of my brother and I. I was 3 months old.

These pictures were taken when I was 5 months old.

I was 9 months old when these pictures were taken.

Here's a picture of my brother and I. We were pretty tired of having our picture taken. Can you tell?

Links to other sites on the Web

My Big Brother's Home Page
Mommy's Home Page
Aunt Ninna's Family Page

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