LeeAnn - 10/22/00 15:40:09 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/leeannpoems My Email:leeannpoems@yahoo.com Where Are You From?: Florida | Comments: I came to welcome your newest member into the world. She is beuatiful! ![]() |
joanne - 05/04/00 04:43:39 Where Are You From?: pottstown | Comments: |
Trey O'Bar - 11/07/99 07:32:13 My URL:/Pentagon/Quarters/5000/football.html My Email:airforce40@yahoo.com Where Are You From?: Denison, TX but in FL w/ USAF | Comments: GO COWBOYS!
Mojo - 11/01/99 05:54:24 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/workprogram My Email:mojo578@hotmail.com Where Are You From?: Maine | Comments: I really enjoyed my stay to your site. You have a beautiful page. I will visit you again. |
Marcy - 09/19/99 20:24:00 My Email:atthemartins@erols.com Where Are You From?: VA | Comments: Good job jen. I liked Prestons too. |
Dad - 09/19/99 14:39:19 My Email:bush@gate.net Where Are You From?: Port St. Lucie, FL | Comments: Jen, You are a real pro at this! I can't believe how good your web page is. Now I have to check Preston's. Love, Dad |
Shannon Erickson - 09/19/99 01:21:54 My Email:davsgrz@erols.com Where Are You From?: Alex. VA | Comments: This is really a great idea! |
Ninna - 09/17/99 11:29:54 My Email:Ninnaann@yahoo.com Where Are You From?: Same place you are | Comments: You need to update your age, did you forget you had a birthday? Just thought I'd pop in and see if you had any new stuff on your page, cuz I know I've been lame and haven't updated mine in awhile. Whelp, chat later...Love, Nin |
Lisa - 09/13/99 16:46:30 My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/millenium/puzzleplace/300/index.htm My Email:Wtng4rptr@aol.com Where Are You From?: RAOK | Comments:![]() |
- 04/20/99 21:42:38 | Comments: |
LeAnne - 01/24/99 19:42:05 Where Are You From?: Mississippi | Comments: Great homepage! |
Kendra - 01/17/99 07:02:35 My URL:/Heartland/Garden/5350 My Email:shtinkypoo@aol.com Where Are You From?: Huntington Beach, CA | Comments:![]() |
Lee welsh - 10/17/98 07:14:57 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/co/COWBOYMAN/index.html My Email:welsh@knightwave.com Where Are You From?: texas | Comments: Great site Cowboys will scare da bears back into the woods :))All us Cowboy Fans have to stick together:) ![]() |
Cameron - 10/09/98 02:50:12 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Bench/9594/ My Email:ccameron20@aol.com Where Are You From?: Texas | Comments: Great site. Go Cowboys |
Tammie - 10/08/98 12:16:09 My URL:http://www.tammie.dyn.ml.org My Email:whizy@us.hsanet.net Where Are You From?: Maryland | Comments: Thank you So much for visiting me at Tammie's Home on the web, and for signing my guestbook.. You have done such a wonderful job on your webpages! I have enjoyed my stay! Keep up the great work!! ![]() |
Kay Raines - 09/23/98 03:15:43 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/2478 My Email:Raines93@dallas.net Where Are You From?: Texas | Comments: I love your sight!!! GO COWBOYS!!!!!!! We are real fans here too |
Cointreau - 09/02/98 11:08:28 My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Cointreau My Email:cointreau@earthlin.net Where Are You From?: California | Comments: Hello, Jen! Preston's adorable, and I love your wedding picture. I hope you have a wonderful birthday, and happiness always ~ |
ICY- - 08/31/98 21:41:51 My URL:http://www.sahmiam.org My Email:mom2nyssa@geocities.com Where Are You From?: Georgia | Comments: Nice page. the story about preston liking the one dog better is funny. it just cracks me up |
Browneyes - 08/27/98 02:47:55 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/1124/ My Email:browneyes2@bigfoot.com Where Are You From?: Missouri | Comments: Well, I finally made it to your site, and would like to welcome you to MOTW. I've enjoyed getting to know a little about you, and glad you joined our little group of Mom's. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do:-) |
debbie barber - 08/25/98 22:49:05 Where Are You From?: burke va | Comments: thanks for the picture of Preston where did you get it taken It was real cute. I liked your web story and pictures. Love Debbie and Joey |
grandma ammons great - 08/25/98 22:44:16 Where Are You From?: alex va | Comments: well put together very nice this is my moms first time typing on the computer |
Kimberly - 08/25/98 02:45:00 My URL:http://tripod.members.com/~MommyOf4/index.html My Email:ekrbd@erols.com Where Are You From?: Maryland | Comments: Your son is such a cutie ! I bet you just love him to pieces... *G* Welcome to MOTW ! Come visit me .... :o) |
Ninna - 08/22/98 23:52:37 My URL:/Heartland/Pointe/4376/ My Email:kilty@erols.com Where Are You From?: Your mother (and mine) | Comments: Love the new updates. Congrats on making it into the MOTW group. You'll get a lot of enjoyment out of it (being that you have more time to devote to it). Keep up the great work!! Loves to Bubba! Oh, we got him a little something special while we were away. Can't wait to see him (and you of course). Loves...:o) |
Sharon Godwin - 08/21/98 21:06:59 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/7043 My Email:scrafford@usa.net Where Are You From?: Alabama | Comments: Hi Jen and welcome to MOTW! We are so glad to have you with us and I know you are going to love being a member, everyone is great. Sharon
Lydia - 08/21/98 04:31:53 My URL:/Heartland/Park/7975 My Email:Falcon450@msn.com Where Are You From?: Washington State | Comments:
Hi Jen--what a lovely family you have...thanks for sharing them with us! Welcome to Moms on the Web! I know you'll love this great group of moms. Everybody is so generous with their help, support and advice AND we LOVE to send presents! Take care and
od bless.
ICY- - 08/21/98 03:59:11 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/paris/cafe/8815/ My Email:sahmiam@geocities.com Where Are You From?: Georgia | Comments: Welcome to MOTW. Hope you like it as much as i do ttyl ICY |
GINA - 08/21/98 01:31:51 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~IBWEAV6/index.html My Email:dallas@rnet.com Where Are You From?: Illinois | Comments: HI Jen... Welcome to MOTW *S* I think we have you all taken care of now ...I hope you enjoy your stay!!Your little one is SO cute!!!!Thanks for signing my book! GINA* |
Claudette Letendre - 08/20/98 22:54:35 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~petitchoux/index.html My Email:petitchoux@mailcity.com Where Are You From?: Maine USA | Comments: Welcome To ![]() Your doing a great job with your site! ![]() The World Harmony & Hug Movement |
Cheron - 08/20/98 21:33:03 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Cherons_Dream/index.htm My Email:cheron_1@hotmail.com Where Are You From?: Austin, TX | Comments: Hi Jen! I must say.... I just LOVE your background! Not a huge football fan, but I am from Texas! *S* I wanted to welcome you to MOTW! It is such a great group of women. I very much enjoyed your page, and learning about you and your family. ![]() |
Tuana - 08/20/98 20:02:09 My URL:http://www.valkyrie.net/~vwilson/tuana.htm My Email:vwilson@valkyrie.net Where Are You From?: Ohio | Comments: You have a very nice page. Welcome to MOTW. Hope you enjoy being a part of this wonderful group of moms. |
Tammy T.~ A MOTW mom - 08/20/98 18:46:32 My URL:http://members.aol.com/alymyty/index.html My Email:alymyty@aol.com Where Are You From?: CA | Comments: Hi Jennifer and Welcome to MOTW! I had fun visiting here and checking out all of your pictures! You have a great page!! Bye for now. |
Michele (Webmommy) - 08/20/98 14:52:36 My URL:http://members.tripod.com My Email:withhim4gd@mci2000.com Where Are You From?: Baltimore | Comments: Hello there, just wanted to give a big MOTW hello! My dad retired from Bell Atl. after 42 years, great company (if you don't mind striking every now and then, *G*) and my fiance is dying to get in there, but can't get a testing time! Well, anyway welcom to a wonderful group! |
Lori L.(Lori's Backgrounds) - 08/20/98 13:31:44 My URL:http://homepage.dave-world.net/~xpertree/lorihome.html My Email:2burnt4u@dave-world.net Where Are You From?: IL | Comments: Hi, stopping by to Welcome you to MOTW. You have done an Outstanding job here at your Web Site. I enjoyed my visit, Nice to have you as a member in MOTW. Please stop by and visit me at my Homepage and say hi. Lori L. |
Helen - 08/20/98 12:07:13 My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~helen367 My Email:helen367@earthlink.net Where Are You From?: Spotsylvania, Virginia | Comments: Hi Jen...It's good to see another Cowboys fan! I'm from Texas, so I've always been one. Preston is a handsome little boy. You've got a very nice site and welcome to Moms On The Web :)...Helen ![]() |
Barby - 08/20/98 01:55:06 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~boocat1 My Email:rmabney@ipa.net Where Are You From?: Arkansas | Comments: Hi, Jen! Welcome to Moms on the Web---we're so glad to have you as part of our group! You have a wonderful family! ~~Wishing you joy and laughter always~~ ![]() |
Linnie - 08/18/98 01:49:46 | Comments: Hi Jen, I enjoyed the new pictures. That one of Ashley and Preston down by the pond is just precious! They both are so cute! Linnie |
Stephanie - 08/17/98 13:58:54 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/9186 My Email:ogles4@hotmail.com Where Are You From?: Oklahoma City | Comments: I had to check out your page because my sons name is also Preston. He was also born in July 1997. And he has an Aunt Cindy too. She didn't cut his hair though. You can look at our page at the above address. It is still under construction though. I j st started it. Needs lots of work. Will be getting a guestbook soon. |
Leah and mommy - 08/15/98 17:51:21 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ridge/1017 My Email:KScru001@aol.com Where Are You From?: SC | Comments: Preston you are so cute. We really liked your page. We will be back soon to visit again. Please visit our page. |
Cherryl - 08/13/98 15:15:09 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~cherryl/clcindex.html My Email:cherryl@hotmail.com Where Are You From?: Massachusetts | Comments: Hi! Preston is adorable ~~ I enjoyed looking at your pictures. I'm embarrassed to say that my 8-month old girls weighs what Preston does!!! *egads* Well, we can still fix them up. I'm sure she'll slim down once we put her on Slim Fast *LOL* Anyway ~~ great job on your webpage; I think you have a broken link on the 2nd haircut picture. Best wishes for health and happy little toddler! |
Brittney - 08/12/98 20:27:05 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/2774/ My Email:schonto@cybergal.com Where Are You From?: FL | Comments: Hi Preston! You are such a handsome little boy!! Thank you for visiting my site and for your kind words! We really enjoyed our visit. |
Mom - 08/10/98 14:43:10 Where Are You From?: AZ | Comments: Hi Honey, I finally got to view your changes without getting an error message. Love your changes, keep up the good work. Love ya, Mom |
Kelly Hicks - 08/09/98 15:04:26 My Email:kelkel17@hotmail.com Where Are You From?: Centreville, Va | Comments: Love the new pics, Jen! Best wishes for another wonderful year of love and happiness for you, Rick, and Preston. |
Glen - 08/08/98 21:00:00 My URL:http://netspaceonline.com/~ggsoldan/ My Email:ggsoldan@midusa.net Where Are You From?: Kansas!! | Comments: Hello from Kansas!! Looks like Preston is enjoying the good life. I enjoyed my stay, wishing the best for you and yours, Glen ![]() |
Mindy Trettin - 08/08/98 14:53:39 My URL:/Heartland/Pointe/4375 My Email:MorgansMa@juno.com Where Are You From?: Iowa | Comments: WOW!! Jen, GREAT page!!! I am impressed. I checked my guestbook and was happy to see you have vistited. Had to check yours too. Preston is a Doll!! Cute pics! Must go, will stop by later... Mindy |
Robert Bush - 08/07/98 10:23:18 My Email:bush@gate.net Where Are You From?: Port St. Lucie, FL | Comments: Jen, You continue to amaze me with your talent at Web Pages. When you visit you will have to help me make one. Love, Dad |
Charlie Snell - 08/05/98 22:28:13 My Email:chash@tdstelme.net Where Are You From?: Strong, Maine | Comments: You have a teriffic web page and such a darling little boy. I hope he grows up to be just like his greatgrandfather Virgil. Someday I will see him in person and also meet you and Rick. Charlie |
Linda & Gib - 08/05/98 22:21:47 My Email:lhelmick@bellalantic.net Where Are You From?: mars and venus | Comments: what a beautiful child you have just like his grandpa...and father....and mom her personallity I hope ... guess who |
Adam Curry - 08/05/98 03:10:57 My URL:http://www.goecities.com/Heartland/Pointe/8388/ My Email:mnmcurry@hotmail.com Where Are You From?: California | Comments: Hi Preston! I just had my 1st birthday in May! Looks like you had a great time!! |
Deanna Vaters - 08/05/98 02:18:18 My URL:http://home.thezone.net/~vaters/ My Email:dvaters@thezone.net Where Are You From?: Newfoundland, Canada | Comments: I'm firstchild from storksite. Just looked at your cute little doll. Preston is such a sweetie. My little one just had her first birthday on the 29th. They sure grow up fast don't they?..Great site! |
Missy - 08/04/98 14:22:00 My URL:http://home1.gte.net/lee/index.htm My Email:mblank@gte.net Where Are You From?: Flower Mound, TX | Comments: Hi Jen! It's missyb from the July Storkies. Great pictures of Preston. BTW, my dh and I work for GTE, so all of our lives could get pretty interesting in the next year or so, huh? |
clarissa neiding - 08/01/98 18:17:23 My URL:http://www.accnorwalk.com/~dneiding My Email:dneiding@accnorwalk.com Where Are You From?: ohio | Comments: I had to crack up when I saw the pictures of your dogs. Is that a Rottweiler or a Rottwieler mix--it was hard to tell from the photo. ANyways, we recently lost our Rottweiler due to an illness. Our other dog could be a brother to yours. Preston is ado able. I was looking at you and your husband's baby pics trying to decide who he looked like and you know, you and your husband looked a lot alike as babies!!!!!!! Well, stop to see our page sometime. Check out Riley, our dog and see if you see the resem lence to yours. Our page really is our son's page. He just turned 5 mos old. Hope to see you there soon!!!! |
Dalene - 07/25/98 13:18:42 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/8109/ | Comments: Hi Jen. Thanks for visiting our page. The birthday card was a pleasure. South Africa is a beautiful country with lots to do outdoors. Preston is adorable. I've added a "Friends Page" to Matthew's page, so if you like me to add Preston, send me an email. |
Share - 07/18/98 16:00:43 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/6323 My Email:mezmariah@hotmail.com Where Are You From?: Ontario, Canada | Comments: Great homepage!Better watch out for all those girls that are going to be chasing your gorgeous son....if they aren't already! Please drop by and visit my children's site Mariah & Trent! |
Bren - 07/16/98 15:10:09 My Email:bimbo@ot.com Where Are You From?: Mars | Comments: Hi Jen - just thought I'd check out your site. Looking great! Barto is great cow country - I am really enjoying it here - are y'all still coming to PA? Let us know! In the meantime, Hi to you, Uncle Dickie and Preston. Schleppy and Schlepette are adj sting ok. Joe and I love it here. Take it easy! |
Bren - 07/16/98 15:10:03 My Email:bimbo@ot.com Where Are You From?: Mars | Comments: Hi Jen - just thought I'd check out your site. Looking great! Barto is great cow country - I am really enjoying it here - are y'all still coming to PA? Let us know! In the meantime, Hi to you, Uncle Dickie and Preston. Schleppy and Schlepette are adj sting ok. Joe and I love it here. Take it easy! |
Brenda - 07/10/98 02:19:15 My Email:Bren75@storksite.com Where Are You From?: Anderson AFB, GUAM | Comments: LOL, thanks for stopping by my homepage! I know exactly what you man about Guam.... oh well only another year to go tee hee! Glad to know somebody out there knows my pain (JOKING) Well take care and best wishes Brenda |
- 07/10/98 02:16:53 | Comments: |
Ronna & Dalton Sweeney - 07/08/98 22:48:57 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/7996 My Email:dorothyatoz@yahoo.com Where Are You From?: Ohio | Comments: Great work on your webpage!!! Keep it up!!! :o) |
Jessica Stevens - 07/08/98 19:28:11 My URL:http://www.subluminal.com/madison/ My Email:jessnmaddie@hotmail.com Where Are You From?: Birmingham, Michigan | Comments: Thankyou for stopping by Madison's page. I love the pic you put up with your message. I must say that Preston is absolutely gorgeous!! He really is a doll baby! I bet he gets all the looks! I do love his Billy Idol hair!! |
Paulette aka Polly at SS - 07/08/98 15:17:39 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me/qts My Email:gaughan@jet2.net Where Are You From?: Ontario, Canada | Comments: You have a beautiful family. Your son is gorgeous, but you alreday know that, right? :-) |
Paulette - 07/08/98 15:15:42 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me/qts My Email:gaughan@jet2.net Where Are You From?: Ontario, Canada | Comments: You have a beautiful family. Your son is gorgeous, but you alreday know that, right? :-) |
Denise - 07/02/98 23:32:08 My URL:/Heartland/Estates/9572 My Email:wd_wong@hotmail.com Where Are You From?: Canada | Comments: Hi,your page looks great.Preston is adorable,my youngest Wally will be one in July too.I found you on the storkie ring.Come and visit sometime :o) ![]() |
Linnie - 06/26/98 02:01:50 | Comments: Hey Jen... Love the Preston pictures. I can't believe how much he has grown! The big '1' is just around the corner now! Keep scanning! Linnie |
Kelly Hicks - 06/25/98 20:30:53 My Email:kelkel17 Where Are You From?: Centreville | Comments: Great pics, Jenn! How about a few more of you and Rick. Show the picture of Uncle Gib that looks so much like Preston. Love you ALL!!! Kelly |
Lisa Mullen - 06/25/98 12:35:18 My Email:shaffer.7@osu.edu Where Are You From?: Ohio | Comments: He's a DOLL!!!!!!!!!!!! You must be a very proud mommy! Lisa Katemeg@storksite |
Lili - 06/24/98 23:49:14 Where Are You From?: Texas | Comments: What a cutie pie Preston is!!! Also like the Texas wall paper, guessing you live here? Gotta like the picture against #3 too, BUT I'm a Gordan fan, sorry :). |
Melissa(aka Myprfctgift) - 06/24/98 20:31:37 My Email:mshenk@pcvonline.com Where Are You From?: North Carolina | Comments: I loved the page! Your little guy is a doll!! Talon is 10 months old too (8/21) Look forward to seeing you on SS!! :) |
Cari - 06/24/98 19:49:34 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/8546 My Email:cari@storksite.com Where Are You From?: Phila, PA | Comments: WHAT A CUTIE Preston is! No wonder you love being with him...you get to look at that precious face every day! Thanks for sharing at SS! |
Me - 06/24/98 18:55:34 | Comments: Just checking to see if this is working. Nobody's signed my book in a while. |
Ray Strickland - 06/10/98 03:25:03 My Email:rayes@epix.net Where Are You From?: Pa. | Comments: Your sister pointed me in your direction, great page. I still haven't given up on Ernhart, what ever happened to old DW? In case you don't remember me I'm an old friend of your dad. Warm regards, Ray. |
renee rader - 06/06/98 22:48:47 Where Are You From?: Portland, OR | Comments: |
Rhonda Endter - 06/06/98 02:53:09 My URL:http://www.2aces.com/endter My Email:rhonda@2aces.com Where Are You From?: Missouri | Comments: I enjoyed my visit to your site! I linked here from your sister's site. You both have absolutely beautiful children! |
Bro - 05/28/98 03:48:14 My URL:http://www.bro.com My Email:bro@bro.com Where Are You From?: Earth | Comments: Yo, Nice pic of Tater on the cover! The only thing that takes away from the whole page is that UGLY star in the corner. You guys keep scanning away! L8R, Bro |
Ninna - 05/21/98 18:27:04 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/4376/ My Email:Kilty@erols.com Where Are You From?: lalaland | Comments: I love those new pictures on your page, especially since I took them (well, most)!! I'm glad they turned out so nice. Little Bubba is sooooo cute. He's a funny little bunny. Love you guys! |
Bren - 04/27/98 15:29:31 My Email:bimbo@norfolk.infi.net Where Are You From?: Looks like Pottstown, PA | Comments: Hey - quit peeing on MY favorite driver! Oh well, guess he's gonna look a little wierd with out a mustache. Hope the burns weren't too bad. For a minute I thought Booby was going to call me and give me s--- for Dale doing in Bill Elliot - but it wasn't Dales fault! Be seeing ya - and yes. looks like Pennsylvania is the NEW place. Bren |
STicky - 04/24/98 04:40:25 My Email:kmorris@learninglink.org Where Are You From?: Suffolk town, VA | Comments: Yo Jen, Your page looks great...A lot of changes recently. Your hard work has paid off. Keep up the pictures of P.W.V.H. Later...STick |
Uncle Larry - 04/24/98 01:52:58 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Bleachers/8249/ My Email:lfeaster@mindspring.com Where Are You From?: West Virginia | Comments: Love your Web Page, more pictures of Preston please. |
Ninna - 04/09/98 16:08:47 My URL:http://geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/4376 My Email:kilty@geocities.com Where Are You From?: My Mom, Duh! | Comments: I'm you're 200th visitor. Do I win a prize? Ashley will be very happy to see a pic of her and Preston on your page. Thanks for thinking of her. I haven't ventured into your Datonya stuff yet. I'll check it out soon. Love ya! Sis |
Terri Bozarth - 04/07/98 20:51:03 My Email:tbozarth@logicon.com Where Are You From?: Venus | Comments: Hey Jen! Love the Web Page. Preston is SOOO CUTE! Hope to see you soon, and let me know when Debbie plays @ JAXX, I'll try to get up to see her. My daughter's friends play there too (Captain Howdy). Keep in touch! T |
Elliott Nelms - 04/07/98 02:27:47 My Email:enelms@castlegate.net Where Are You From?: Florida` | Comments: Hi Jen, Rick and Preston, Love your Webpage. The family pictures are terrific and Preston is extremely photogenic. Take Care |
Fuzz - 04/06/98 11:36:50 My Email:t.e.wolters@larc.nasa.gov Where Are You From?: Norfolk, Virginia | Comments: Hi Jen, Nice web page too! I was on Melinda's page and saw your link. I had to check it out. Looks like you both are having loads of fun. Wish I could, but no time... Take Care, Tom |
Linnie - 04/03/98 03:26:22 Where Are You From?: New York! | Comments: Hey Jen! Bob & I love 'visiting' with you and Melinda... soon we will be wanting to hear sounds from Preston...! We MISS you- Love, Linnie |
Michael Trettin - 04/02/98 05:22:42 My Email:Threemt@prodigy.net Where Are You From?: Des Moines,IA | Comments: Where was that #36 at the end of the Daytonna 500? I couuldnt see him from Dale's in car camera!?!?! |
Bren - 04/01/98 19:22:39 My Email:bimbo@norfolk.infi.net Where Are You From?: Hell | Comments: Howdy !! I finally was able to use this computer - Joe's taking a nap! Cool site y'all . Talk to you soon. Bren |
P. WIlczek - 03/28/98 20:40:02 My Email:wilczek@azstarnet.com | Comments: Hi Honey, I check your web site every day but I don't sign the guestbook every time I check. Keep up the good work. Love ya. Mom |
Debbie Barlow Phelps - 03/26/98 04:15:30 My Email:dndphelps@erols.com Where Are You From?: Woodbridge, VA | Comments: Too cool :) I love it! Thanks for the plug. I hope you have a great vacation. Taters and Rick a big kiss for me k. Our website will be up and running by theis weekend. I will e-mail you the address as soon as it's up. Sunday's show went great. The e was about 500 people at JAXX. I jumped off stage into the audience and crowd surfed (HEHHEHEHE) Crazy huh?!. Dave said he didn't know whether to cry or laugh!! My parent were there and totally thought I was wacked out or something. I told them I wa just having fun, and besides that's what the kids love to day right?!!. well I better go k. I will write you back soon. Love Deb |
Wayne Furrow - 03/26/98 02:56:24 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/9786 My Email:wfurrow@onlink.net | Comments: Such a cute little boy! You are so fortunate! Give him a hug for us. Wayn Furrow |
alice - 03/26/98 01:37:23 My URL:/heartland/prairie/7459 My Email:ashputtel@webtv.net Where Are You From?: CA, USA | Comments: Nice page (especially your son's pics, he's so cute)!!! Thanks for signing in my guestbook, and I hope you could add more links to your site!!! Keep up the good work.
tina - 03/24/98 17:55:30 My Email:tina.clark@lmco.com Where Are You From?: across/street | Comments: I REALY LIKE IT! TOU DID A VERY NICE JOB. MAYBE YOU SHOULD START MAKING WEB SITES FOR OTHER PEOPLE,OR COMPANYS? $$ TALK TO YOU LATER! |
Bro Again - 03/23/98 23:00:43 My URL:http://www.bro.com My Email:langolier@msn.com Where Are You From?: Earth | Comments: Yo Jen, Your pic of Moms and Frank at my wedding didn't turn out like you wanted it to. Not sure why though! L8R, Bro |
Mindy - 03/23/98 19:48:58 My URL:http://www.geocities.com?Heartland/pointe/4375 My Email:Vpl4@writeme.com Where Are You From?: Iowa | Comments: Hi Jen! Just looked at Melinda's page and checked her changes out. I think we are all lookin pretty good! :-) I love Preston's Easter pictures! What a sweatheart!! :-) Hey, I asked Melinda if I could link to you. Let me know. Check out my new changes! Take care, Mindy |
Bro - 03/22/98 18:31:59 My URL:http://www.bro.com My Email:Langolier@msn.com Where Are You From?: Earth | Comments: Yo Uncle Jen, Get a grip! I'm not twisted, just a little bent. Huh, huh.... Bro |
Ninna - 03/19/98 02:21:15 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/4376/ My Email:kilty@geocities.com Where Are You From?: a land far far away | Comments: Little Sniff, Your page looks great!! I don't care what Joe says, you're a great friend and sister! Love ya...me |
Bro - 03/19/98 00:03:53 My URL:http://www.bro.com My Email:langolier@msn.com Where Are You From?: earth | Comments: Yo, OK, you got me. You added new pics since I was on earlier today. Tater looks handsome in his Santa hat. Still think you should root for BEEEEEEEL instead of Irnie. L8R, Bro |
Pam Chapman - 03/18/98 23:17:05 My Email:pchapman@marshall.edu Where Are You From?: ohio | Comments: Hi Jen! Cool site. Preston is adorable. Maybe we will get to come visit this summer!!! I will try to check in on your site often. Let me know when you make changes. |
Mindy - 03/18/98 16:40:51 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/4375 My Email:Vpl4@writeme.com Where Are You From?: Iowa | Comments: Jennifer! I love your page! I like the changes you made! I still need to learn how to link to pictures like you have done. Lookin great! Mindy |
Kim Howells - 03/18/98 16:23:52 My Email:howells-kim@dsmc.dsm.mil Where Are You From?: Virginia | Comments: Great pictures! I loved it. |
- 03/17/98 14:31:16 | Comments: |
Steve - 03/17/98 05:50:23 My Email:SWilczek@earthlink.net Where Are You From?: The land of fruits & nuts | Comments: Jen, pretty neat! Didn't realize that you were into NASCAR. The pictures look great. The subject & technology blows me away. Col is not here right now to give her 2 cents. Steve |
Mom - 03/16/98 21:21:04 My Email:wilczek@azstarnet.com | Comments: Hi Honey, Preston is sooo sweet. I just love his pictures. What's with Calvin? Love ya, Mom |
Robert B. Bush - 03/16/98 20:25:08 My URL:http://bush@gate,net My Email:bush@gate.net Where Are You From?: Fort Pierce, FL | Comments: Jen, GREAT Web Page! lOVE, Dad |
Kathleen - 03/16/98 19:50:14 My Email:wareka@hq.dswa.mil | Comments: I love the pictures, unfortunately others may love them a little too much. Be careful, you never know what weirdo will look at your website. P.S. Our resident web master says "nice job with the site." |
Bro - 03/16/98 16:29:27 My URL:http://www.bro.com My Email:langolier@msn.com Where Are You From?: Earth | Comments: Yo, Nice page, but do get rid of the Cowgirl stuff. Unless of course it is the cheerleaders. Preston looks much more like a Steeler than a Cowgirl. BEEEEEEEL can outdrive Ernie anyday. L8R, Bro |