Welcome To
Hi!!!  I'm Jen.  I've been a Cowboys fan since I was 7 years old (1976).  I'm still in the process of spucing up this page, so bear with me.  I was inspired by Gina (aka WEAV) to make this page.  I have her to thank for lots of my graphics.  Please visit her Cowboys page (linked below or click on her banner towards the bottom of the page)......it's GREAT!!!!!
I absolutely LOVE my team, but they have been a serious disappointment the last few seasons.  I just haven't had it in me to do much with this page.  So, I'm basically leaving it as it is right now....which isn't much.  Besides being disappointed, I have a 3 year old boy and a 2 month old girl which both keep me very busy.
Jen's Home Page
Preston's Page
WEAV's Cowboys Page
© 1998 waya@erols.com
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