-I've figured it out! Hey!!! Don't look so shocked... ;) Anyhow here's a Video of Ben. The quality is not fantastic but I was trying to keep the file size down. It ended up at 4.7MB.
-Here is an article that was printed by The Toronto Star on November 25/99. Families Sue Canadian Government This just goes to show what kind of a situation our failies are in.... Here is an audio file of the news segment, News Story. Unforunately the vid clip I made turned out to be about 25 MB and I didn't think anyone would download it so if you would like to see it e-mail me.
There was also a News story done on CTV(Canadian News) about this same topic, thank God someone is finally bringing to light the problems we face!
-Special thanks to Shannara and all of the XFC mailing list! They went through a bunch of switching around to raise money for Ben. Shannara I wanted to let you know it's appreciated and to the rest of the list thank you for putting up with the inconvinience!