We Three Kings Of the Orient HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS!! Without You as my Reason, I will not know this Season! Alleluia! Alleluia! The Lord has come! "…Behold there came wise men from the East to Jerusalem, saying: 'Where is He that is born King of the Jews?…for we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him." Matthew 2:1-2 "And when they came into the house, they saw the young Child, with Mary His mother, and they fell down, and worshipped Him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto Him gifts, gold and frankincense, and myrrh." Matthew 2:11 Christmas! What a joyous season of celebrations and reunions with family and friends. It's a time when people rush about the city, looking for presents to place under the Christmas tree! Oh!..beautiful lights, choirs singing carols and the excitement of little children and puppies, as they rush about the kitchen while the cakes and cookies are baking in the oven. It's always the wet season here in Singapore and the lights seem to twinkle even more. There's so much hustle and bustle everywhere you go! I love to spend my Christmas Eve nights in Church, watch the pageant, sing carols and celebrate Holy Mass at midnight. Then take a leisurely stroll home in the cool night with groups of happy people all over the streets!! Once home, there's this nice Christmas late night snacks of...plum puddings, sugee cakes, pineapple tarts, and all the other traditional Eurasian yummies, which we'll be wolfing down in front of the brightly lit Christmas tree. I'll always play Christmas hymns and songs till the wee hours of the morning and I'll feel so thoroughly in love with life! Yes..it's the time of the year when I feel the Lord washes everything sparkling clean. And of course early the next day is the time the whole family gathers to wish each other, to share love and enjoy a full day of feasting, as well as presents! To think that the mother and foster father of Christ our Saviour were turned away, while they searched desperately for a room to stay the night! Christmas must be a difficult time for the homeless, the lonely, the poor, the hungry, the orphans. Lord help us to always remember them and seek them out and to stretch out our hand to assist them in any way possible. JESUS is the reason for Christmas The three kings spent many days and nights searching for Jesus, traveling over difficult terrain, following a star. What FAITH! They spent their Christmas Eve in a manger with the humblest and holiest family that ever was or will be! Also, this family's guests on that night of nights were lowly shepherds, animals, angels..who had come to visit. All knelt in adoration and reverence to the King of Kings! So faithful and humble a scene, but...yet, oh so glorious and magnificent, don't you think? How could we ever even begin to imagine how they felt as they gazed upon the blessed and holy face of the Saviour of the world, baby Jesus!! What could have been in Joseph's mind and heart? He was an obedient servant of God...how incredible it must have felt for him, foster father of the Christ! And Mary!! Mother of Christ...the humble and obedient handmaid of the Lord!--She decided to abandon herself to the workings of God when she was first visited by the angel Gabriel. There will never be another woman as Blessed Mary, the chosen one. The special one who held him within her womb. The one who stayed close to Him throughout His life, sharing all. What would have happened to all of us if she had said "NO" to the angel? God surely prepared her from the beginning of time. And she said to all of us in the Scriptures-- "Do Whatever HE Tells You" before the very first miracle of Jesus, where He turned water into wine, at the wedding feast in Cana. She is showing us that we must have complete faith and trust in Him! "Hail Mary! Full of grace! Thank you for saying "YES". Thank you for participating so willingly in my redemption! Lord, one of my Christmas prayers is-- "That I may never take You or your mom for granted!" "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace and goodwill toward men" I wish you a holy Christmas graced with quiet moments with Jesus, love around you from all you meet, and an inner peace and joy. May our New Year bring us all that peace and goodwill that we long for. May we acquire a greater awareness of His gifts of the earth to us and the respect for all living creatures He created! Help us Lord to search for You always, as the three kings did, with undying faith and trust! In Jesus name...Amen. A Note Of Caution "..As for getting presents, please forget about getting your niece, daughter, son or any other child or person that cute little puppy, kitten, rabbit or any of the lovely cuddly pets you saw..." Pets are NOT suitable as Christmas gifts, or surprise gifts for that matter! It is a major family decision to own a pet, so please do not take it upon yourself to make that decision for anyone. Excerpts taken from Editor's Note PAWPALS Singapore 1999's Addition To Our Family Shona's first Christmas! She will be 6 months old on the 26th of December. She's our cairn terrier and her name means-- "God Is Gracious" Christmas Stories and Poems to Inspire you :) They Still Don't Know Mary Did You Know? The Gospel According To Mary The Greatest Gift and The Christmas Fairy The Story Behind the Story of Rudolph The Undelivered Letter Jest For A Laff The Legend of the Holly T'was The Night Before Christmas T'was The Night Before Jesus Came T'was Mom's Night Before Christmas Are You Ready For Christmas? NEW One Planet! One Race! Please Visit My New Year Link You will find some pictures of Christmas 1999 in Singapore Inspiring Passages For The New Year Wishing yall a Happy New Year Filled With God's Blessings!.. May Your Cup Runneth Over With LOVE!!! A Toast For The Millennium!! The Art Of Living T'was The Night Before y2k Christmas Gifts For You. The Hollies and Poinsettias Collection These are thumbnail samples. To view and collect the actual images, just CLICK HERE and it will take you to the page with the gifts in their actual sizes. Not compulsory, but I'd really appreciate if you would consider linking these gifts to: http://www.geocities.com/annoooland/ Thank You!!! Discreetly Animated For Big and Small Guys :) This is an Award I'm extremely proud to have been given. Big Thank You to the Heartland Hallmarks Committee! Another wonderful Christmas Surprise, for me, from Amazing Grace 2000 Thank You so much Lon! My Various Links You will find a brief description of each link by clicking on HOME below. That is also where you will find my Guestbook. Pretty please...with mistletoe on the top...Sign in so that I can pay you a visit. Thank You ever so much! The Annchor | Devotions | Inspirations | The Blessed | Crucifixion | 15 Prayers | John 3:16 | Memorial | Pan-A-Vision | AnnDangered | Panpals | Panasia | PanIsland | Pantasy and Legends | Pan, Peter and Ann | Awards | My Awards | AnnHancer | HOME
Without You as my Reason, I will not know this Season!
Alleluia! Alleluia! The Lord has come!
"…Behold there came wise men from the East to Jerusalem, saying: 'Where is He that is born King of the Jews?…for we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him." Matthew 2:1-2
"And when they came into the house, they saw the young Child, with Mary His mother, and they fell down, and worshipped Him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto Him gifts, gold and frankincense, and myrrh." Matthew 2:11
Christmas! What a joyous season of celebrations and reunions with family and friends. It's a time when people rush about the city, looking for presents to place under the Christmas tree! Oh!..beautiful lights, choirs singing carols and the excitement of little children and puppies, as they rush about the kitchen while the cakes and cookies are baking in the oven. It's always the wet season here in Singapore and the lights seem to twinkle even more. There's so much hustle and bustle everywhere you go! I love to spend my Christmas Eve nights in Church, watch the pageant, sing carols and celebrate Holy Mass at midnight. Then take a leisurely stroll home in the cool night with groups of happy people all over the streets!! Once home, there's this nice Christmas late night snacks of...plum puddings, sugee cakes, pineapple tarts, and all the other traditional Eurasian yummies, which we'll be wolfing down in front of the brightly lit Christmas tree. I'll always play Christmas hymns and songs till the wee hours of the morning and I'll feel so thoroughly in love with life! Yes..it's the time of the year when I feel the Lord washes everything sparkling clean. And of course early the next day is the time the whole family gathers to wish each other, to share love and enjoy a full day of feasting, as well as presents! To think that the mother and foster father of Christ our Saviour were turned away, while they searched desperately for a room to stay the night! Christmas must be a difficult time for the homeless, the lonely, the poor, the hungry, the orphans. Lord help us to always remember them and seek them out and to stretch out our hand to assist them in any way possible.
It's always the wet season here in Singapore and the lights seem to twinkle even more. There's so much hustle and bustle everywhere you go!
I love to spend my Christmas Eve nights in Church, watch the pageant, sing carols and celebrate Holy Mass at midnight. Then take a leisurely stroll home in the cool night with groups of happy people all over the streets!! Once home, there's this nice Christmas late night snacks of...plum puddings, sugee cakes, pineapple tarts, and all the other traditional Eurasian yummies, which we'll be wolfing down in front of the brightly lit Christmas tree.
I'll always play Christmas hymns and songs till the wee hours of the morning and I'll feel so thoroughly in love with life! Yes..it's the time of the year when I feel the Lord washes everything sparkling clean.
And of course early the next day is the time the whole family gathers to wish each other, to share love and enjoy a full day of feasting, as well as presents!
To think that the mother and foster father of Christ our Saviour were turned away, while they searched desperately for a room to stay the night! Christmas must be a difficult time for the homeless, the lonely, the poor, the hungry, the orphans.
Lord help us to always remember them and seek them out and to stretch out our hand to assist them in any way possible.
JESUS is the reason for Christmas
The three kings spent many days and nights searching for Jesus, traveling over difficult terrain, following a star. What FAITH! They spent their Christmas Eve in a manger with the humblest and holiest family that ever was or will be! Also, this family's guests on that night of nights were lowly shepherds, animals, angels..who had come to visit. All knelt in adoration and reverence to the King of Kings! So faithful and humble a scene, but...yet, oh so glorious and magnificent, don't you think? How could we ever even begin to imagine how they felt as they gazed upon the blessed and holy face of the Saviour of the world, baby Jesus!! What could have been in Joseph's mind and heart? He was an obedient servant of God...how incredible it must have felt for him, foster father of the Christ! And Mary!! Mother of Christ...the humble and obedient handmaid of the Lord!--She decided to abandon herself to the workings of God when she was first visited by the angel Gabriel. There will never be another woman as Blessed Mary, the chosen one. The special one who held him within her womb. The one who stayed close to Him throughout His life, sharing all. What would have happened to all of us if she had said "NO" to the angel? God surely prepared her from the beginning of time. And she said to all of us in the Scriptures-- "Do Whatever HE Tells You" before the very first miracle of Jesus, where He turned water into wine, at the wedding feast in Cana. She is showing us that we must have complete faith and trust in Him! "Hail Mary! Full of grace! Thank you for saying "YES". Thank you for participating so willingly in my redemption! Lord, one of my Christmas prayers is-- "That I may never take You or your mom for granted!"
So faithful and humble a scene, but...yet, oh so glorious and magnificent, don't you think? How could we ever even begin to imagine how they felt as they gazed upon the blessed and holy face of the Saviour of the world, baby Jesus!!
What could have been in Joseph's mind and heart? He was an obedient servant of God...how incredible it must have felt for him, foster father of the Christ!
And Mary!! Mother of Christ...the humble and obedient handmaid of the Lord!--She decided to abandon herself to the workings of God when she was first visited by the angel Gabriel. There will never be another woman as Blessed Mary, the chosen one. The special one who held him within her womb. The one who stayed close to Him throughout His life, sharing all.
What would have happened to all of us if she had said "NO" to the angel? God surely prepared her from the beginning of time. And she said to all of us in the Scriptures-- "Do Whatever HE Tells You" before the very first miracle of Jesus, where He turned water into wine, at the wedding feast in Cana. She is showing us that we must have complete faith and trust in Him!
"Hail Mary! Full of grace! Thank you for saying "YES". Thank you for participating so willingly in my redemption!
Lord, one of my Christmas prayers is-- "That I may never take You or your mom for granted!"
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace and goodwill toward men"
I wish you a holy Christmas graced with quiet moments with Jesus, love around you from all you meet, and an inner peace and joy. May our New Year bring us all that peace and goodwill that we long for. May we acquire a greater awareness of His gifts of the earth to us and the respect for all living creatures He created! Help us Lord to search for You always, as the three kings did, with undying faith and trust! In Jesus name...Amen.
May our New Year bring us all that peace and goodwill that we long for. May we acquire a greater awareness of His gifts of the earth to us and the respect for all living creatures He created!
Help us Lord to search for You always, as the three kings did, with undying faith and trust! In Jesus name...Amen.
A Note Of Caution
"..As for getting presents, please forget about getting your niece, daughter, son or any other child or person that cute little puppy, kitten, rabbit or any of the lovely cuddly pets you saw..." Pets are NOT suitable as Christmas gifts, or surprise gifts for that matter! It is a major family decision to own a pet, so please do not take it upon yourself to make that decision for anyone. Excerpts taken from Editor's Note PAWPALS Singapore
Pets are NOT suitable as Christmas gifts, or surprise gifts for that matter! It is a major family decision to own a pet, so please do not take it upon yourself to make that decision for anyone.
1999's Addition To Our Family Shona's first Christmas! She will be 6 months old on the 26th of December. She's our cairn terrier and her name means-- "God Is Gracious"
Christmas Stories and Poems to Inspire you :)
They Still Don't Know
Mary Did You Know?
The Gospel According To Mary
The Greatest Gift and The Christmas Fairy
The Story Behind the Story of Rudolph
The Undelivered Letter
Jest For A Laff
The Legend of the Holly
T'was The Night Before Christmas
T'was The Night Before Jesus Came
T'was Mom's Night Before Christmas
Are You Ready For Christmas?
One Planet! One Race! Please Visit My New Year Link You will find some pictures of Christmas 1999 in Singapore
Inspiring Passages For The New Year Wishing yall a Happy New Year Filled With God's Blessings!.. May Your Cup Runneth Over With LOVE!!!
Wishing yall a Happy New Year Filled With God's Blessings!.. May Your Cup Runneth Over With LOVE!!!
A Toast For The Millennium!!
The Art Of Living
T'was The Night Before y2k
Christmas Gifts For You.
The Hollies and Poinsettias Collection
These are thumbnail samples. To view and collect the actual images, just CLICK HERE and it will take you to the page with the gifts in their actual sizes.
Not compulsory, but I'd really appreciate if you would consider linking these gifts to: http://www.geocities.com/annoooland/ Thank You!!!
Discreetly Animated
For Big and Small Guys :)
This is an Award I'm extremely proud to have been given. Big Thank You to the Heartland Hallmarks Committee!
Another wonderful Christmas Surprise, for me, from Amazing Grace 2000 Thank You so much Lon!
My Various Links
You will find a brief description of each link by clicking on HOME below. That is also where you will find my Guestbook. Pretty please...with mistletoe on the top...Sign in so that I can pay you a visit. Thank You ever so much!
The Annchor | Devotions | Inspirations | The Blessed |
Crucifixion | 15 Prayers | John 3:16 | Memorial |
Pan-A-Vision | AnnDangered | Panpals | Panasia | PanIsland |
Pantasy and Legends | Pan, Peter and Ann |
Awards | My Awards | AnnHancer |