My Southern Breezes & Dreams
Great Sites and Appreciation Pages

Crystal Ball

Welcome to my Great Sites page.

           You're in for a grand experience!


I decided to create this page because as I was browsing around the web, I saw so many sites that I could hardly find the words to describe them because they were so amazing,beautiful, interesting, and just plain spectacular to see. I know others will enjoy seeing them also. I'll be adding more sites as I come across them. Browse to your hearts content--and enjoy!

Do you like Soft Drinks? Almost everyone does. This is a fun place to visit and rate soft drinks and sodas of all kinds? You can see what others are thinking about the drink that you love or hate the most, and find out what their preferences are also. Very interesting site.

Phantasy Star-Fringes Of Algo

If you are a fan of this popular video game, or just video games as a whole, you will enjoy this site. There is a message board where game players and others can discuss this particular video game plus other various games, and subject topics, with others who share those interests, etc. A fun site indeed!

Wing Span

Check out this site. It's terrific! There is always lots of awesome stuff to be found here - games, counters, etc. Also lots of various and important information to help make your online experience a more enjoyable one. He's adding new stuff and changing things around all the time, so be sure to check back often. You'll be glad you visited here.

This is a new and fun site for people who are interested in promotional glassware and related items whether as a collectible item or hobbie or whatever. This site has a forum with interesting and informative discussions, games, feature columns on promotional glassware, and much more. Check it out today!

CowBoy Pal

Home of the Silver Screen CowBoys. This is a truly fantastic site. It has everything you would ever want to know about all of the Cowboys of the old west. You can hear and see about any of these silver screen legends. Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, The Lone Ranger and Tonto, Hopalong Cassidy, and so many, many more. Truly the best Cowboy site I have seen so far!

Audie L. Murphy Memorial Web Site

This is the Official Web Site for the Audie Murphy Research Foundation. A Truly wonderful site about a truly wonderful and amazing Man! Audie Murphy was a World War 2 Hero who also later became a superb Actor. Audie starred and was in many movies, including a Movie about his life and times in the Army. There is much to see and learn about Audie Murphy on this great site.

The White House

This is the Official Web Site For The White House! Here you can learn more about The President, The Vice President, The First Lady, History of The White House, and lots of current news events. If you are a patriotic American, then this site is a must for you! It has information not only about the current occupants, but about the previous ones as well. Lots of American History, both current and past, can be found here. There are lots of interesting photos as well.

The Official Web Site Of The British Monarchy

Can't get enough of the British Royal Family? Then this site is for you! A truly beautiful site with lots of information on the Royals (both current and past). The year 2002 was the 50th year of The Queen's assession to the Royal Throne! It was a spectacular year! Find out how the British observed this historic Golden Jubilee occassion. And, there is a truly breathtaking pic of the Queen's tiara! This is a very beautiful, informative, and historic site!

Marvel Comics

This is a Super site indeed! Find out about all of the Marvel Comic Action Heroes here on this awesome site, and more, including everyone's " friendly neighborhood SPIDERMAN ", as well. There is information on Marvel Comics and on great collectibles also.

Find More Great Sites Here:

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Send me an email with your site address.

If I like your site enough, I'll add a link to it on one of my Great Sites pages.

Your site must be suitable for all ages to view to be listed here.
No pornographic sites, or anything else of a questionable or unsuitable nature will be allowed!



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Last Modified: April 01, 2007

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