Just a few quick words about what you're going to read.
........I originally intended to write a brief book to help my own church. And I did. The prototype to this book was personally for them and was brief. But the prototype wasn't enough. The research and the findings were far too much. It sprouted. I realized I needed for this project to be read by as many people as possible. So it grew. Either way, reading this book will be simple, whether you do so online or print it out in any of its formats. Its sections are quick to read. You can take two or more a day.
........I used many different bible translations. For those who insist only on their translation, you should compare the Scriptures used to the same passages within your own preference of translations. I used the more modern versions for the simple purpose of translation to a newer generation who I feel would lose the meaning behind the verses; not because the bible is any less relevant today, but because the language that the King James translation was written in is no longer used in everyday life. Therefore the meanings of Scripture would be lost to those reading. I did not want this to happen. I do not claim any translation to be superior to any other except for one, and that is the original Greek, Hebrew or Aramaic texts. No matter, in all quotes used I used NIV unless otherwise specified. Others used are New Living Translation, New King James Version (as well as the original), Today's English Version, a new favorite of mine the Contemporary English Version, and the New International Reader's Version (NIrV). I encourage you to compare all verses to your preferred translation.
........If you find anything too repetitious, keep in mind that I bring up the same point or repeat the same line over again for the sake of keeping it fresh. Plus it helps the reader to see how I came to my conclusions. I almost look at Scriptures and the points they make as being factors in a mathematical equation. This Scripture says A, plus this Scripture says B, therefore A + B = something you find in Scripture C. It helps to explain abstract points.
........Finally, as I kept on writing it, I kept on learning and deciding things as I went, seeing as how it was a learning experience for me. So it was hard to decide who my target audience was or what point I was actually making. Therefore if you progress into the book and feel awkward, not sure where I'm going with it, I encourage you to keep going. It was a wild ride for me, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it as well. You'll never really know my full conclusion until I completely conclude.
........Clicking on any picture of the comet will take you quickly to the start page for easier navigating.
........Please remember that you will never know who I am. My identity is kept secret so that I will not use this as a stairway to fame. I'm trying to keep my intentions as pure as possible. If anyone ever claims publicly that they were the author of this book, let it be known they are a liar. There is a copyright on this, but also you can see clearly by the date that these pages were uploaded, that before anyone tried to lay claim to this book, I had it online. That alone should be proof.
........I hope you like the book! Please understand that I do not want anyone's money for this, nor am I asking for donations for anything. If you send me money I will laugh at you for being a sucker. Keep your money and put it to use for someone in need. I'm not even advertising on the pages. I ask only that you tell your friends about this book. A wise sign in a restaurant once read, "If you like our service, tell others. If not, tell us." Note that it does not to tell everyone what you don't like about me, nor to call in and voice your agreement. I'd rather have opposition send me messages than agreement. It would save me time in my E-mail box, and this is supposed to be a learning experience, not a bull-knitting session!
........This book is not completed. It never could be. That is why it is converted to a website. That is also why you may E-mail me. Because so much more must be said, so much debate must take place. I never know when I have more to say. That is why it is still open for debate, and more will be argued. To finally be able to discuss it all is to me pure bliss. I've longed for actual conversation. Perhaps someday I can do a live talk show session for real-time debate. If you have any idea of how I could accomplish this through modern technology, it would be appreciated.
........Let the reading begin . . .


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