mikki's creations


I invite you to explore and hope you will enjoy these various web graphics.
They are but the beginnings of a growing collection, as I learn more every day.


A few things to consider...

dot While these graphics are being made available for personal webpages, they are the sole property of mikki (that being me ~smile~). As such, any graphics borrowed from me must be linked back to me, either with a logo provided, or a text link. The URL to link to is "http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/4217/graphics.html".
dot Should you choose to borrow one of these sets for your personal page, I would like to be notified, either by e-mail, or in my Guestbook. The links to each are below. After all, I would love to see what someone else can do with these things!
dot Please do not link directly to any graphics on my server - if I move them or delete them, you'll only be left with broken images. Besides, stealing band-width is tres tacky, n'est pas? :o) Download them to your own hard drive, please.
dot Please do not use the graphics on this page. I made them specifically for my creations. Thank you!

e-mail     Sign Guestbook


And that's it! On to some graphics...
The newest creations will be found at the top of each list.

Custom Banners

Borders 'n' Sets

Textures 'n' Tiles


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I am unhappy with Yahoo!

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