Hi, my name is Adriana Wollentarsky. I was born in Ipiranga, Sao Paulo Brazil, on November 12 of 1973. I lived in Santana, Sao Paulo until I was 6 years old, then my family and I moved to "Praia Grande", a city located on the São Paulo coast, only 44. 7 miles away from the City of São Paulo (the capital of the State of São Paulo).
Here are some things that I like to do, crafts, paintings, my favorite car is the " Corvette " - the best car ever, and I'm a computer fanatic ... talking with my Cyber Friends on mIRC Undernet channel #Miami and on ICQ. Well, don't know what to say more :) ..... I'm a very happy and lucky person, because I have 4 loves in my life :) ... these are, (My Honey Brad ... O ar que respiro), my (007) son Jerry :) (born in 1991), and the Little Princesa, Jennifer Julia (born in 1998) and the little little one, (BRAT) :) Kyle Allen (born in 1999). " Love You All ". Hey minha familia tambem ne :)
Praia Grande is a beautiful seaside resort which has a string of beaches stretching from the Itaipu mountains to the calm waves of Solemar beach. Here you will have the pleasure to learn a little more about my beloved city. My mother Marina, my brother Alexandre, his wife Rosana and Mariana my niece are still living there while I left this city when I was 14 years old. I moved to Miami in the "Sunshine State".
Wow did I talk to much? :) Now I invite you to see more nice stuff on my WEB, go ahead and enjoy you stay! Hey check this out www.ghostrecon.com and http://www.geocities.com/adrianajj/HelloKittyPage.html.... Baby I LOVE YOU :) C'ya.