Welcome to my Guestbook! Please sign and let us know you have been here. Thanks

Dan Hughes - 11/28/00 02:44:46
My Email:chief_dano@hotmail.com

Wow! I knew Jesus is coming very soon, but I had no idea that this much was known and understood concerning the Mark of the Beast. It sure is hard to explain all this as being a "remote possibility." I'd say that we have a pretty good idea of where and what to look for. Thanks!

Malon - 11/24/00 23:10:40
My Email:nobusperson_e

yeah mediocre some really good parts and some well anyway congrats pv

Carrie Bogaski - 10/27/00 15:28:41
My Email:cbogaski@flash.net

This site was awesome...I was researching the Halloween thing. Many people at my job are celebrating this "holiday" by dressing up and all. I don't like this day, and havn't participated in the past several years...this year I have not only my three da ghters, I have a grandson. Since I didn't raise my children properly regarding this day, I pray that I can influence my daughter enough to teach my grandson, the truth about Halloween...you can take a horse out of the pasture, put a hat on it, maybe even a dress of some sort...but it is still a horse. And no matter how much you change up the activities for the celebration of this day, it is still satan's day. Thanks again...Carrie

moi - 10/24/00 13:50:54
My Email:vengagyrl@yahoo.com

It's sad to see so many delusional people. Do you realize that you are following a religion based on early volcano worshippers!!?!! Yahweh means everflowing. What do you think was everflowing when Moses went up to Mount Horeb? It was a volcanic mountain. ahweh is awfully close to 'Lava' don't you think?

Gail Sheetz - 10/22/00 17:08:26
My Email:onenursegs@cs.com

The websites you talked about ie Mondex do not exist unles you have a more recent site address. I would be interested in reading more about the subject. Gail

La'Shanda Matthews - 10/18/00 04:57:30
My Email:lamatt@carolin.rr.com

I got on the net looking for a site that would help me find a way to tell the children at my church why we should not celebrate Halloween. I have truly enjoyed surfing this site. It has given me what I need, and it has enlighted me on some things that I didn't know. It also has encouraged me. Continue allowing the Lord to lead guide and direct you.

Tiffany - 10/13/00 17:06:21
My Email:tifflove44@hotmail.com

I enjoyed viewing this sight!

Avalon - 09/14/00 12:35:20

I love the Lord very much, but your information from Allen on Halloween is completely WRONG and CRAZY! Please don't urge anyone else to visit--instead send them to www.witchvox.com, for *real* and *accurate* info on Samhain. It has absolutely nothing to o with Satan!!!!!

Diva JennieWren - 08/25/00 19:28:44
My URL:http://www.divinediva.org
My Email:whisper@divinediva.org

Hi! I enjoyed my visit here so much, I would like to invite you eo visit our website, Divine Divas of the Web. Feel free to write us with any questions you might have, and perhaps even apply for membership into our organization. Once accepted, you will be notified via e-mail of your acceptance, you will recieve a personalized membership logo to place on your webs te.
From Earth's farthest reaches, Forged from Diversity, Finding solace together, We stand as One

Divine Divas of the Web does not discriminate against persons of any Race, Religion, Beliefs, or Creed. We welcome diversity!!!

Chris - 08/20/00 01:47:22
My Email:akingofgrace@aol.com

Your not even close..... Look at www.digitalangel.net

Lady Anne - 08/18/00 13:41:43
My URL:http://www.ladyanne.com
My Email:ladyanne@ladyanne.com

Hello Mary! Just stopping by to say hello and to tell you that I've missed you! I'm dropping off a little gift for you (gee, hope this takes html coding!) and hope that once summer is past we'll be seeing more of you at SOTW!! Hugs to you, Lady Anne

Natasha - 08/05/00 21:08:52
My URL:/miss_natasha_l
My Email:miss_natasha_l@yahoo.com

Saw your message in LOTH Tidbits and thought I'd stop by for a visit. It was good to receive e-mails from you this week; I always love hearing unexpectedly from my groupmates. :-D Thanks for being a positive influence in LOTH and on the Web.
I enjoyed my visit.

Tori - 07/14/00 02:15:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/4741
My Email:none@nodomain.com

Hello there Sis, Your homepage, to say the least, is very enspiring. It was my pleasure to browse your beautiful pages.
At the same time, I would like to give you a warm welcome, on behalf of all the members and founders of Sisters of the World. We are very happy you have joined us. I'm sure that you will find many new friends here, and enjoy meeting all your new Sisters. *hugs* Tori

Beverly Davis - 07/13/00 21:07:15
My Email:qualityelectric@citlink.net

I am a christian who makes mistakes everyday.I pray for strength and wisdom to help me and my family and our business that we own.I try everyday to be a better person than yesterday.I do love the lord.

AnnaMarie - 07/13/00 18:33:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/mavreena/
My Email:patchoulirose@hotmail.com

Hi MAry, I just stopped in to welcome you to Sisters Of The World! You have a wonderful and inspiring site. I've enjoyed my visit!

Simon shashi - 07/09/00 10:03:48
My URL:http://http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/B0006122658/7145/holy.html
My Email:jesusloves_2000@hotmail.com

great page....... may jesus bless you..........

rev. mel taylor - 05/28/00 02:53:52
My Email:voicecrying@hotmail.com

with all my heart,and every ounce of my being!! "let everything that hath breath,praise the lord MAY GOD BLESS YOU

ken ferguson - 05/15/00 19:14:16
My URL:http://kensrestingplace.tripod.com
My Email:kens-place@webtv.net

enjoyed your site very much, lot of very nice links, and the love for our lord, thank you for allowing me to visit. im a gospel song writer, please stop by visit, i have music links, midis, webtv links. please sign my book so i'll know you've been by. GOD bless ken ferguson

Maus - 04/12/00 00:20:38
My URL:http://surf.to/maus
My Email:missmaus@bigfoot.com

Hi Mom! I visited your page so long ago and am a little ashamed to just now be getting back but as always its such a peaceful and wonderful place! Your little cyber-grandson has been busy learning his catechism (we're Catholic) and is doing an awesome job learni g his Hail Mary and the sign of the cross :) He'll make his first communion next year God willing! Anyway, I wanted to tell you I am thinking of you and praying for you and the family *g* always...you're all in my heart in a very special place. You're a wonderful lady...I thank God for you every day! Love, Maus

Joseph Woodriff - 04/12/00 00:18:00
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/or2/Dominion/index.html
My Email:DominionDrmr@hotmail.com

Cool web site!!! My prayer is that God deepens and expands your ministry! I am the Drummer/Band Chaplin for the Spirit Filled Christian heavy Metal band Dominion Revelation 1:6 EXTREME POWER AND GLORY BE WITH YOU!!! Joe Woodriff- www.angelfire.com/or2.Dominion/index.html www.geocities.com/dominionrevelation1_6

Sara Hedge - 03/17/00 13:10:39
My Email:sk8hedge@yahoo.com

Thank you for making this information availible on the web. We serve an AWESOME GOD! He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords and he truely loves US and I just thank him so much for that. He power, love, and grace is so powerful and I'm so thankfu to have his joy in my heart. Happiness is earthly and temporary, but the joy of God the father is FOREVER when he lives inside of you. Praise and Glory to God! Thank you Jesus! Have a Great Day and God bless!

Motts - 03/09/00 13:39:36
My URL:http://motts.lovesfriday.com
My Email:suziq@dixie-net.com

Was just visitin the GH message board and noticed it was your birthday. Thought I'd stop by and wish you a very happy birthday :))) *HUGS*

Rex Harris - 03/03/00 00:35:58
My URL:http://www.hotyellow98.com/churchman/index.html
My Email:rharris@triton.net

I found your page to be very informative. If you wouldn't mind, I would like to promote this site on The Church: A vision for unity in the Body of Christ website! That is the link for the url in your guest book. Drop me an e-mail and let me know what y u think! God Bless!

Lydia - 02/03/00 21:46:08
My URL:http://yahoo
My Email:lydiac3@yahoo.com

I love the Lord with all my strength, all my mind, all my heart, and all my soul. And I love you neighbor!

Frau Dee - 02/03/00 20:39:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/queenharvest/
My Email:deereinhold@idnsi.net

I enjoyed my visit especially the mark of the beast. thank you for sharing

Dennis Allen Briggs (Gad) - 12/15/99 02:05:29
My URL:http://www.theendbygod.com/index.htm
My Email:deallen@theendbygod.com

Shalom alekhem! (Peace be with you!) Enjoyed dropping by your site and set a bookmark for a return.

Patrick - 12/03/99 21:41:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Farm/1241
My Email:site4Christ@webtv.net

I love the Lord lots b/c He set me free from sin. Glory to God. I have the same "Jesus is Lord" moving fish graphic on my site as well. My site is about the "eternal security" issue, titled, "Once Saved, Always Saved" IS WRONG. I have lots of Scriptur l proof that it's wrong, along with correct interpretations of Scriptures that people use to try and say it is right. As you wil see in my site, that just is not Scripturally correct. Jesus said, "BLESSED are those who hear the word of God and KEEP IT." - Luke 11:28. ~ The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. Sincerely, Patrick.

Billy Williams - 11/29/99 03:43:57
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/_homechurch_/GatewayTabernacle.html
My Email:williamsx4@email.msn.com

Very good page. Well done.

Della A - 11/13/99 03:08:31
My URL:http://home.att.net/~direne
My Email:direne@worldnet.att.net

What a lovely site. I have really enjoyed it. Praise the Lord! He is awesome.

Rev. Johannes Erich Myors - 11/06/99 01:18:46
My URL:/pprayers
My Email:pprayers@yahoo.com

Shalom from a fellow member of the Geocities Ring.

vibee - 10/11/99 21:03:23
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in/hisfaith/
My Email:vibee@hotmail.com


joe bodnar - 10/07/99 04:13:42
My Email:joe69ptl@aol.com

i liked your halloween info. your prayer page would not open, my friend, Krystina Gibson Ohler, lives in the urban part of York, PA. She needs to be saved and needs deliverance, please pray for her. She needs healed from past physical and sexual abuses an needs deliverance from all satanic oppression and influences, drugs, pot, alcohol, cigarettes, sex, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, a bad temper, and anger. She needs an intense desire for God and to be consumed by the love of the LORD, to understand t e fear of the LORD for wisdom, joy, understanding, peace, serenity, mercy, and forgiveness. I am sending her roses Thursday, pray Jesus has softened her heart.

Angela/SweetSurrender - 09/20/99 05:50:29
My URL:http://adviceangel.homepage.com/angel.html
My Email:tenderone@home.com


An Angel - 09/18/99 06:21:24

One is always watching over you.

Random Acts of Kindness

Luz M. Riley - 09/12/99 04:39:07
My Email:rr42806@navix.net

God is Good.

Kerri Lynn - 09/05/99 21:12:03
My URL:http://www.mysticalconnections.com

I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I really enjoyed my visit to your website. You have done an outstanding job with it and I hope we can get to know each other soon. Please do come by and visit me at my new business aI have online. It is a place where people can send their teddy bears too for a two week camp. It is cheap and the teddy bears or stuffed animals get to come home with a whole bunch of souvenirs from texas and a bunch of pictures of them tubing in the river, camping out in their tents by the lake, riding horses or cows, fishing and much much more. I sure hope that you will come see me there and sign my guestbook. If ya know any friends who may be interested in sending their teddy bear to camp, please send em' our way. Part of the profits made here go to help cancer kids. Oh and keep your eye out for me on the Rosie show soon. Come on and see me, what cha' waitin fer'???

STEPHANIE - 09/05/99 20:25:29
My Email:KAILA2804@CS.COM


STEPHANIE - 09/05/99 20:22:26
My Email:KAILA2804


STEPHANIE - 09/05/99 20:22:24
My Email:KAILA2804


ann williams - 08/26/99 18:22:52
My Email:anno677@ aol.com


Lynnsmidgit - 08/18/99 17:09:17
My Email:smidgit@netscape.net

Truly an enjoyable visit here at your home on the Web. Fantastic job. Please visit my home on the web and sign my guestbook please while you are there so I know you were there. God is so Good all the time. I am glad that I know Jesus as my Savior. I m glad you allowed me the priviledge of visiting your site today. Keep up the great work for Jesus. May God richly and abundantly Bless every aspect of your life.

Dena - 08/13/99 17:36:59
My Email:Not4Saken1@aol.com

I spent a lot of time looking for something to help me help others understand that they must accept JESUS as their savior, and to know what that means...to understand that HE died for our sins, but that also we must walk in his steps, we can't just believ he took our sins and if we belive in him we can still sin and get to heaven....in words that would affect them...and FINALLY found your site, which says what I needed said, or what GOD needed said and I will be using it to share with people. I know peopl who say yeah, they believe in GOD but have no understanding of Jesus and think they are going to heaven because they dont do anything majorly wrong...you know..the typical person. And I know, as in you teenager poem..that this is not so. I was baptized a a baby, met Jesus through death at age 20, have spent 22 more years to get where i am now, dedicated myself wholly to the lord 7 years ago, and am going to be water baptized again soon, with sisters kids...to show my love for Father, Son and Holy Ghost. n them ONLY can we depend...nothing here, human or material is forever....only GOD!!!! Please keep working on pages...I will check back!! Love In The Lord Dena

Linda - 08/11/99 02:50:55
My URL:http://www.members.tripod.com/~BackyardBBQ/index.htm.
My Email:LWhitener@webtv.net

Hi MAry...I found you! You have a lovely website. I enjoyed reading about how you found your way to Florida. You are truly blessed to have such wonderful family. LOTH has given me a chance to meet some very special people like yourself.

Phyllis aka ladybgu9x10 - 07/27/99 18:10:47
My URL:http://start.at/ladybug9x10sgarden
My Email:ladybug9x10@yahoo.com

LOTH hugs and prayers:).

Karin - 07/11/99 18:56:54
My URL:http://www.wxs.nl/~blok0247
My Email:wynkar@wxs.nl

Hello Mary! Well, I found you at last! What a warm, loving website you have. And many attention to the word of God and Jesus. Although I am not so outspoken it always touches my heart to meet someone who is. It a kind of breeze to help light up the torch f my own faith into a warmer glow! We'll meet again! Love, Karin.

Kimmy Smith - 06/24/99 14:50:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~kimmy322/
My Email:kimmy322@yahoo.com

Nice site; I really love the Lord, take care and visit if you get a chance.

Judy-jo - 06/22/99 03:10:27
My Email:jdove@idirect.ca

Hi MAry. Really enjoyed chatting with you today and REALLY enjoyed visiting your site! It is great!!! I love the way the Lord works in our lives and directs us toward each other for His greater glory! Talk to you soon. In His love Judy-jo

Charlene - 06/16/99 21:10:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/3767/
My Email:mcwieler@escape.ca

I really enjoyed my visit to your website. I love your story! How awesome God is!!! Even though at times we can't understand why sudden changes happen in our lives, we eventually learn to accept that by putting our lives in His hands, He really takes good care of us! The manitee are beautiful creatures, wow, what a joy it must be to live amongst such beautiful creatures. I love dolphins, whales, etc. I was lead to your website by the Cashless Society article by Chris Beard. I received a copy of the article over a year ago, and when reading it on your page, I decided to take a look at the links (which I did a year ago and they all worked) but to my amazement... none of those links listed seem to be working now??? Could it be a cover-up? I wouldn't doubt it. ut as Chrisitians, I think this article is very exciting... to realize that the time is so near to be delivered from this nasty world that we have become so accustomed to. I believe in the Rapture, and wait for the day to be lifted out of here! To meet ou Creator, and Jesus, and to be reunited with my Dad, I get shivers of joy just thinking about it!!! Thank you for sharing all that you share. Keep up the awesome work on your website! God Bless You. Charlene =)

Char's Home on the WWW

Charlotte Stephens (Phonehog) - 06/16/99 00:17:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hearltand/Hills/1018
My Email:phonehog65@aol.com

Hi LOTH sis. I love your site. It is wonderful to see how much you love the Lord. Please visit my site, too

Rev Sharon Cook - 06/14/99 21:51:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/PicketFence/7757
My Email:cook_ministries@hotmail.com

I am in love with Him so much! I read more of your articles and link up to my page.

Kricket - 06/12/99 10:25:06
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sk/ilovejesus
My Email:kricket84@hotmail.com

Hello Mary. And I love the Lord! :) I just joined LOTH, and wanted to drop bye and say hello. Not sure what to expect yet. But it looks great so far. God Bless and check out my site if you have the time. :)

MaryAnne - 06/12/99 06:44:49
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in/hisfaith/page16.html
My Email:vibee@hotmail.com

Hello, I thought you'd like to know that I have linked your "love letter from Jesus" to my own Jesus page on my site......and I'm inviting you to come and take a look, and maybe join my webring which is on the same page....it's called "healinghearts"....s mething very special I think! MaryAnne.

Norma - 06/08/99 22:40:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/6562/home.html
My Email:stormyj@angelfire.com

Hi Mary, Thanks for such an inspirational and Christian site. I hope to return again before too long. LOTH Love, Norma

Aphrodite - 05/14/99 22:59:07
My URL:http://none
My Email:widelo@javanet.com

Hello,Mary,it's me!!! Just signing in...hehehe!! I love you, and your page is great!! Sure love talking with you on ICQ!!! 'Bye, now!! Love always, Aphrodite ~~~~~>~~~>~~@ (a rose for you!) :)

Allison - 05/11/99 01:02:58
My URL:http://www.geocites.com/SoHo/Village/1652/
My Email:poet@redriverok.com

Thanks Sweetie for signing my son's GB...He is thrilled!!! Love coming back to your site as always...hugs

Debbie - 05/09/99 23:23:45
My URL:http://angelsofhope.com
My Email:angels@angelsofhope.com

Mary: Thank-you for stopping by and signing our guestbook. We are glad that you enjoyed the site and found it to be inspirational. Our goal is one day not to need a site such as ours, and that is why we are trying to get the message out that we have wa too many children being diagnosed with and dying from rare childhood cancers. We do hope you come back often as our site changes almost daily. I also have really enjoyed my visit to your site and also found it to be inspirational as well. Thank you, Angels of Hope

Blaze - 04/26/99 16:39:51
My URL:http://members.aol.com
My Email:Blazoglory@aol.com

I enjoyed your pages. Thanks for all your hard work. God Bless.

Angelhart - 04/25/99 12:45:19
My URL:/Heartland/Lane/6591/
My Email:angelh_1@hotmail.com

Thank you for visiting my site,I thought i'd return the honor ...Your site is very inspirational...

Allison - 04/24/99 13:10:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Village/1652/
My Email:poet@redriverok.com

Thank you my sweet LOTH Sis for adding me to your ICQ and letting me see your site...An awesome testament to your love for Jesus Christ...You are precious and I look forward to watching our friendship bloom and grow...Hugs

MaryAnne - 04/12/99 02:10:14
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in/hisfaith/
My Email:vibee@hotmail.com

Hi Mary, I am equally excited about my move to Florida and I know it is in the Lords timing and plan. In fact I believe we will do something very special together with some other ladies also. Just pray and I will too. I linked up your "letter from Jesus" n my new page about Jesus. And I want to put a link on my links page for you also. Feel free to link me also. For fun!! Just praising the Lord!

lisa - 04/09/99 14:23:53
My URL:http://homepages.infoseek.com/~drakehvac/index.html
My Email:ruggles@email.women.com

I love your site!! I am new to Heavenly Hearts. I also belong to LOTH, as I see you do. You have so much great stuff here!! I am going to try to get a link to your page from mine, soon. come visit me sometime

Lou - 04/07/99 13:57:28
My URL:http://www.zoomnet.net/~blgpts
My Email:blgpts@zoomnet.net

hi, just want to let you know that i stopped in for a visit and to wish you a good day. God bless.

Auntie Em - 04/05/99 17:18:23

Finally made it here! Wonderful site. My daughter and son-in-law dive and want to visit manatees someday! You know I love the Lord for letting me praise Him with the handbells! (and He kept all four of them in my hands....not in the front pew this Easter! Praise the Lord!)

Dianne Anderson - 03/30/99 22:47:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ct/home

I have alot of positive poetry on my home page and i also have a disease called M.S. and have info on htat also, i lost my father a yr ago at thid time with the same disease, i have no choice but to keep the faith and be positive, i have a great family an freinds, it helps so much,Thank you, please stop by and see ..

Carebear (Carrie) - 03/28/99 12:11:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lake/8013
My Email:carriew73@hotmail.com


Hi Mary *S* ... I've loved visiting your web pages and reading about you and also finding out about the manatees *S*. I also enjoyed reading your religious pages and you helped answered several questions for me. Take care of you ...



Marjomia - 03/20/99 18:33:21
My URL:http://personal.inet.fi/koti/nykanen/marjo
My Email:marjomia@hotmail.com

Hello Mary :) I want to thank you for wishing me welcome to LOTH and your first ((((hugs)))) too. I added your calling card you sent me to my rose garden and linked to your wonderful site. Blesses.

MaryAnne - 03/12/99 07:45:12
My URL:http://www.anglelfire.com/in/hisfaith/page12
My Email:vibee@hotmail.com

Hi Love your site, lots to see, love your joke about the frog and the prince!! MaryAnne. JESUS IS LORD.

Mary - 03/09/99 21:06:54

Happy Birthday. May God bless you with many, many more. I love you LOTH sissy.

Carmel Smith - 03/07/99 01:36:34
My Email:resmith@cub.kcnet.org


Awiusdi - 03/07/99 00:42:59
My URL:http://www.poncacity.net/awiusdi/index.htm
My Email:awiusdi@poncacity.net

Hi ! I just was accepted into LOTH and wanted to find other Christian woman . I hope you will email me.

Diana - 03/01/99 04:22:53
My URL:http://www.sover.net/~dmb
My Email:dmb@sover.net

Hi MAry, I sure enjoyed my visit here with you, I know I have visited your site before, but must have forgotten to sign your book!! Your website is just wonderful!!

Melodie - 02/21/99 19:34:52
My Email:melmla@swbell.net

Great picture! Ya'll look very happy

Amy J - 02/20/99 21:14:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palladium/9494/
My Email:swirly@wave.net

I love this page. May I link the sinner's prayer to my page? God bless you!!

Melodie Layton - 02/20/99 03:07:14
My URL:http://wyelietx.com/melodie/default.htm
My Email:melmla@swbell.net

It is beautiful. I think I could learn a lot from you!

Susan - 02/15/99 22:48:15
My URL:/heartland/ridge/1012
My Email:sdonne7440@aol.com

Your really have a wonderful site. It is so good to see such a devoted page. God Bless, Sue.

Mary - 02/15/99 17:57:37
My URL:http://home.nycap.rr.com/crsrds/mary.html
My Email:ftplds@coast.net

Hi MAry: I surfed over to thank you for signing my guest book and to reciprocate. The prayers of my LOTH sisters really helped to speed my recovery. Of course, you are a special friend and I love you dearly. Thank you for your love and prayers. Mary

Violent Veronica - 02/03/99 08:35:08
My URL:http://www.violentveronica.com
My Email:violentveronica@hotmail.com


I only have one question: Why in the damn hell would you pray for Jon Benet Ramsey when she's already dead? According to your rhetoric, she's with god and jesus and all that stuff. So... I don't get it. Come visit me.

Wayne P. Brumagin - 02/01/99 19:38:21
My URL:http://rainbows.end.publish.com/
My Email:WB4Writers

He is the only One! Keep up the good work in His name. If you get a chance, please come visit us.

Claudia - 02/01/99 04:35:57
My URL:http://pw2.netcom.com/~ladyrose/index.html
My Email:LadyRose@ix.netcom.com

Your site is truly wonderful! Thank you

Jose - 01/30/99 17:44:34
My URL:http://www.navybase.net/mdones/index.html
My Email:Pescador55@yahoo.com

God bless you for your awsome page. Its great to see fellow christians praising the Lord all over the world. Keep up the good work in His name.

Conni Ellis Knudsen - 01/24/99 08:12:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/wellesley/gazebo/2815/
My Email:drivhus@get2net.dk

Dear Mary. Wonderful to see some good work in Jesus! Thank you, for taking the time to make Jesus shine on your site. He is worth everything! From you LOTH sis & in Jesus Conni from Denmark..Bless you more...

Nolicito C. Maure - 01/23/99 07:45:12
My Email:nolicito.n@mailcity.com

very good....May god Bless you all the way .and Continue the job that is well done for the Glory of God......

Nolicito C. Maure - 01/23/99 07:41:46
My Email:nolicitoN@mailcity.com

very good....May god Bless you all the way .and Continue the job that is well done for the Glory of God......

Flower - 01/20/99 02:53:43
My URL:http://parrysound.vianet.on.ca/pages/kwbaker/index.html
My Email:jacklin84@yahoo.com

Hi MAry!!! Thx for visiting my site. I have indeed enjoyed my visit to yours. Nice to meet another LOTH sister. Bye for now and take care!

Sherry Davis-Ellis (Lady S) - 01/03/99 03:00:37
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/LadySherry/index.htm
My Email:bkind2urslf_lady_s@yahoo.com

Hi Sister. I just love your site. It is true, Knock and JESUS will come into our hearts, isn't it GREAT? *S* He is my Saviour, and my Life. Thank you for shraring. GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS. Your Sister in Loth

Daisie - 01/02/99 15:05:51
My URL:http://http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Garden/2062/
My Email:daisie_mae@hotmail.com

Thank you for welcoming me to LOTH.

Teresa aka Tmae - 01/02/99 03:23:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/TeresasPaige
My Email:tmae@swbell.net

I wanted to thank you for signing my friend, Amanda's, guestbook. I also wanted to visit your website and sign your guestbook. This is such an uplifting site and I have enjoyed my visit. Hugs from your LOTH sis, Tmae

Rochelle - 12/27/98 02:57:23
My URL:http://www.teknobrat.com/
My Email:rainbowdrop@usa.net

Hi! Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of cyberspace and welcoming me into LOTH. I really appreciate it. Interesting place you have here. And it's good to see people who have the courage to tell the truth about Halloween -- and to care ab ut its demonic implications.

Visit Paradise

Jack and Carolyn Bryan - 12/07/98 23:55:18
My URL:http://freeweb.digiweb.com/family/heatofday/index.html
My Email:heatofday@aol.com

Enjoyed our visit to your site, please take time and visit our site.

Pammi - 12/07/98 05:26:08
My URL:/SunsetStrip/4524

Hi, wanted to tell you that I've really enjoyed your website. You offer wonderful information for many different topics. I copied the teen-poem to give to some of my family. The messages on Prophecy were great! You are right on! God bless you and keep on writing, as God is with you!

Sandi - 12/06/98 16:33:28
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~PoZzY/SANDI.HTM
My Email:pozfam@ix.netcom.com

Thanks for welcoming into LOTH and for visiting my home on the web.

- 12/04/98 08:47:10


Linda Laterowicz - 11/29/98 19:13:37
My URL:http://people.ne.mediaone.net/laterowiczfamily/index.html
My Email:laterowiczfamily@mediaone.net

This is wonderful!! Thanks *hugs* Linda

Susan - 11/26/98 02:31:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/4002
My Email:cyberkat29@msn.com

Hey there! I love your site-one of the best Christian sites I've seen in a long time! (it gives me a lot of great ideas on how to change my page to help witness to the unsaved more! :) Well, the prophesy part of your site (Old/ New Testament comparisions) is espically helpful-I'm trying to write my World History paper on Bibicial prophesy. Well, keep up the awesome work and stay faithful in the Lord! God bless!

Michael lee - 11/23/98 08:42:14
My Email:lsbc@pacific.net.sg


Michael lee - 11/23/98 08:42:09
My Email:lsbc@pacific.net.sg


Sabine Maria - 11/17/98 20:00:41
My Email:Smg11761@aol.com

Hello I love the lord , because he made all this possible we do .

Brian Schmidt - 11/16/98 05:50:23
My Email:brianls@connecti.com

After returning to the Black&white fish I clicked in it and Low & Behold a FULL website and a great job I must say. Thanks and God Bless Brian <*()))>< Ride safe, Ride often

Brian Schmidt - 11/16/98 05:45:23
My Email:brianls@connecti.com

Good start, I hope there is more to come because all I got was a white background with a black fish & a strip menu at the bottom. Brian <*()))>< Ride safe, ride often

Carol - 11/13/98 00:45:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/9332
My Email:chamer@erols.com

Your homepage honoring Jesus is wonderful! Theres still alot of speculation on ways that the mark of the beast is being realized. I don't know that the end of time is that close at hand but at least somebody is paying attention! I love that you include the letter. It's probably now more important than ever for people to get saved. Let me know when you update. I would appreciate it!

CARL - 11/09/98 16:44:21
My Email:carlwmlr@innova.net

Thank you so very much for your pages of CHRISTian information. I conduct a weekly Bible class; we started on Jan 7, 1992. We use the "Serendipidty Bible" which has very many questions leading to a great deal of discussion. We plan to have our annual CHRISTmas luncheon on Dec 17th. I am interested in the 2500 prophecies in the OT and the 500 that need to be fulfilled. Please reply. [Is there any problem with copy- right if I list you as the SOURCE. Yours in CHRIST, CARL carlwmlr@innova.net :::: : ::: ;>))) P.S. I meant to tell you that we have 'progressed' to Matthew 24 in those 6 years.

Wayne Pederson - 11/04/98 02:33:32
My URL:http://midusa.net/~wayne
My Email:wayne@midusa.net

Sure injoyed your web page and all the links. You have a great looking page. We have a web page also when you have time stop bye and take a look the address is http://homepage.netspaceonline.com/~wayne     if you like want you see tell your friends and al o we just added a Guest Book so Please sign it thank you. Wayne   
Gradie - 11/01/98 04:50:11
My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/3491

Hey gal, love the Mannatee page! I know you are one very special lady. I love the ivy that you have on your kids page! Glad you found it! God Bless

Starla - 11/01/98 04:12:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/3954/
My Email:snickers@aepnet.com

I truly love Christian pages and you have a wonderful one. I visit it often, I get so involved in reading that by the time it is time to sign the guestbook I am tired..so this time I am signing it first hehe God Bless you MAry Starla an Az Loth Sister p.s still voting faithfully for Jesus Christ..He is still ahead YESS!!!!!!!!

David C. - 10/29/98 03:49:45
My Email:palmtree@hotmail.com

Why in the world would you tell someone to prepare to fly. We aren't going anywhere. Haven't you read Ezekiel chapter thirteen where God says he hates anyone who teaches his people to fly? !!

- 10/28/98 02:33:05


Gerald - 10/26/98 16:35:33
My URL:http://www.xcelco.on.ca/~gipper/gipper.htm
My Email:gpdunn@xcelco.on.ca

Great webpage...q:)

Blackat - 10/26/98 06:18:04
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~blackat9
My Email:blackat@hawaii.rr.com

Hi MAry!! Thank you so much for stopping by my site and signing the guestbook! A beautiful site!! An interesting section, the mark of the beast...my father who passed away in 84 used to say he thought it would be along the lines of ATM cards and the like. Kind of scary that now the technology actually exsists to do these things! Definately makes one think!

johnny - 10/25/98 06:24:22
My URL:http://silvergold.net
My Email:krischak@cris.com

Jesus RoooOooOooOooOoOoOoOlz! free cd come by thnx

Diane - 10/24/98 17:55:12
My URL:http://www.birklea.co.uk/diane/index.htm
My Email:diane@birklea.co.uk

Hi - I just loved your site. I have been using the Internet here in England for about 4yrs now and was sooo excited when I realised the potential for using this wonderful medium to spread the Gospel of our Lord Jesus. I loved your letter from a friend a d teenager poems and would love to use them on my sites? Please visit and let me know if that would be ok? Kind Regards and much love in Jesus Diane

Gradie - 10/24/98 02:09:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/3491
My Email:kd4tkl@mail.ivprog.com

Dear MAry; sorry I took so long to get here, nice site! Yes, I love the Lord, He has truly blessed me this past month when my test came back negative! Praise His Holy Name I am doing fine! God Bless

Judy D - 10/21/98 00:17:16
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~judysteve/index.html
My Email:SJSSDUNN@msn.com

Hi Mary, You have a wonderful inspiring site. I enjoyed my time reading all your pages. Thank you for sharing the word of God for so many to read Huggggggs and Love Judy

Tamara Wagner - 10/21/98 00:04:49
My URL:http://http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/8795/index.html
My Email:Tamara_Jean@usa.net

Dear Mary, I could realy use a Christian friend, as I am a Christian, but don't have any friends who are! Anyway, I am a LOTH member too! Tamara

Steve Dykehouse - 10/19/98 13:22:17
My URL:http://www.iserv.net/~steved/
My Email:steved@iserv.net

Hi Mary, thanks for visiting my site, and your encouraging words in my guestbook. I am returning the favor including linking to your site on my Spiritual Links page. I like "Your" page the best. I was amused by the comment above the geocities add that yo did not agree with them. I was inspired to start a seperate page on my site for Christian Webrings and to join them when I get time. I bookmarked that page on your site and will probably start there. When you signed my guestbook, your banner did not a pear. I learned how to do banners myself and found that you needed to put the whole URL in for the location of the banner.I corrected that for you and it looks great. I am going to try my own banner here for the first time and hope it works:)

Linda - 10/18/98 22:58:08
My URL:/Heartland/Fields/2710/
My Email:lindavip@yahoo.com

Hi Mary, you have a beautiful page. It is interesting, and we can have lot of information on the Christian faith... I am happy that you found Jesus! The url is my daughter's page. Please visit when you can.


Kristie - 10/12/98 19:58:40
My URL:http://www.websitedesign4u.com
My Email:kristie@websitedesign4u.com

MAry, Your site is beautiful hun! Take Care, Kristie

WebSite DeSign 4U

Don Merrill - 10/04/98 15:23:06
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~merrydon
My Email:merrydon@mailcity.com

HI Mary - Thank you for visiting my home page and signing my guest book. Your home pages are wonderful and I enjoyed my visit to them. Don

10/04/98 11:22:59
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Spyder - 10/04/98 04:10:05
My URL:http://members.aol.com/spyderssss/index.html
My Email:Spyderssss@aol.com

You site is Heaven Sent. I think it is wonderful the efforts you have taken to help find missing children. Peace be with you

Sheila Connole - 10/03/98 22:49:19
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/va/deefa/index.html
My Email:sheila@jnpcs.com

P.S. I forgot...besides SIAMESE, I LOVE MANATEES!!!!!

Sheila Connole - 10/03/98 22:42:59
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/va/deefa/index.html
My Email:sheila@jnpcs.com

Beautiful site....thank you for sharing it with another LOTH sister.

chozen - 10/02/98 13:35:22
My URL:/Heartland/Hills/9127
My Email:chozen@hotmail.com

Great site! Please accept my Christian Sunrise Award AHREF="/Heartland/Hills/sunshine.jpg"

chozen - 10/02/98 13:34:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/9127
My Email:chozen@hotmail.com

Great site! Please accept my Christian Sunrise Award AHREF="/Heartland/Hills/sunshine.html"

Tina - 09/30/98 01:46:21
My URL:http://www.dreampackers.com
My Email:Tina@dreampackers.com

Mary...I just wanted to pop in and thank you for trying to help find little David. He stands a better chance, with more eyes open and more hearts that are caring. God bless you sis *hugs* Tina (LOTH)

Susan - 09/29/98 01:25:58
My Email:Suzyq@hitter.net

Hi Mary now you know it is really me. Love ya suzyq.

Theresa - 09/28/98 17:37:11
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/shine2u
My Email:turner2@citrus.infi.net


Mary, my new and dear friend, what a beautiful website you have here! I'm looking forward to our working together this Christmas season and to becoming good friends! *hugs and smiles*

Kathie - 09/19/98 17:47:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/2495/index.html
My Email:auntiebob@prodigy.net

Thank you for the kind words in my guestbook. I really like you pages too. Keep up the great work.

Sandi - 09/19/98 14:32:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Shores/4402
My Email:sandibear@hotmail.com

hi!!Thanks for stopping by my page and for signing the guestbook..you have a very inspiring page here..made me do some thinking..*S*..God Bless..*BearHugs* Your LOTH sis,Sandi

Carole (Mysticalways) - 09/19/98 01:44:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/5176
My Email:mysticalways@writeme.com

Hi Mary, you have a beautiful page. It is interesting, and we can have lot of information on the Christian faith... I am happy that you found happiness in your life :)

Oleta - 09/18/98 14:56:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/9622
My Email:oleta@cheerful.com

mary, Your page is awesome. I really enjoyed it very much.The teen poem is very good.I also loved the letter from a friend. May God bless you in all you do.I am a fellow LOTH sister.Kep up the good work.

T. Wassink Sr. - 09/17/98 23:38:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/yosemite/3759
My Email:fishnnut@daccess.net

EXCELLENT!!!!!!!May the FORCE be with you, Miss ya'all-------The "NUT"

DONNA HOLLIS - 09/17/98 12:37:10
My Email:hollis@extalwind.net


CHARLOTTE&DANIEL - 09/15/98 03:30:32


Carol L. - 09/13/98 23:44:52
My URL:http://geocities.com/heartland/ranch/5255/carol1.html
My Email:sclahr@aol.com

Welcome to the LOTH FL group of ladies. Hope to get to meet you at one of the gatherings. Nice page. HUGZzzzzz

EDIE - 09/11/98 22:30:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/4703/index.html
My Email:kngskid@linctel.net

hi thanks for visiting my home page. I enjoyed your pages too. I am a x hair dresser so we have some incommin. hehe thanks for being friends with my daughter in law....

Terry Wassink - 09/11/98 02:31:01
My Email:FISHINGNUT@prodigy.net

Nice page,the Lord loves me and I love him.

Falla/Angela - 09/10/98 18:40:02
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/az/moma4boys/index.html
My Email:otto@value.net

I surfed in on the LOTH train!!Very nice site. I've enjoyed my visit to your home! Love the teen poem.Love your sis, Falla/Angela

Milena and Sten - 09/10/98 07:25:29
My URL:http://billesholm.just.nu
My Email:charlottenborg@swipnet.se

Hello agean! Now we are back and look at your lovely site. We just love it. Milena

Bonnie - 09/10/98 07:15:55
My Email:erelec@erelec.com

Yes, Jesus is Lord. I am AlaskaGranny. Don't have a web page yet. Our Computer Business does though erelec.com We live in Chugiak, ALaksa. 4 children, 3 grandsons, 1 wonderful hubby..married 29 years. Our twins are 17..Rachel & Rebecca...Derek is 29 married and is worship leader in his church, JoLynn is 25 with our 3 grandsons..they both live in Anchorage about 20 miles from us. I have 2 jobs, office manager for our comp. business and a the Sec. for th Bowhunters Assoc. for the State of Alaska, am in the Prison Ministry and most of all I want to be about my Fathers business. Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised...

Granny Dragon - 09/10/98 01:27:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/park/7414/
My Email:grannydragon@adweb.net

Hello. I'm new in LOTH myself, but it's sure nice to hear from my other sisters out there. Isn't God wonderful! I always think it's a shame when people don't know He IS a real person. Hugs from Granny Dragon

MERV - 09/09/98 21:32:45


elfie - 09/09/98 21:27:12
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/elfi/
My Email:elfe.hqgmx.de

hello sis . so nice to have with us in LOTH :)) love your sites,and will come back soon.May the Lord bless you *hugs*

Denise aka DewDaw - 09/09/98 20:11:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/9894
My Email:caytlin@swbell.net

You have a wonderful page! Thank you for inviting me! I like the page on The Mark of the Beast. I feel the return of Jesus is near. I agree with your page totally. I wish I could reach so many people. They just don't want to hear! God Bless!! LOTH HUGS!

Barbara - 09/09/98 20:03:31
My Email:bubbles@reachme.net

Jesus IS Lord. In all ways. Without him we would be nothing. Thanks for this wonderful page.

MissyFox - 09/09/98 13:27:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/7755
My Email:msfox@usa.net

Hi, I really enjoyed your website. Very useful information, and thought provoking too. Thank you for sharing this most interesting site.

Julie - 09/08/98 19:17:33
My URL:http://members.aol.com/julientx/index.html
My Email:Julientx@aol.com

Mary, Hi! Thankyou for comming to my place, and for signing my guestbook:) Your site is great! Keep up the word... ~~Julie~~Loth Sis

Lisa - 09/08/98 15:33:19
My URL:http://www.worldzone.net/ss/orkid/default.htm
My Email:Orkid_3@hotmail.com

Very soothing pages....thank you for the "Teenagers Poem", will let my son read tonight..May God Bless you and yours~~~~~

Pammi :) - 09/07/98 18:19:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/4524

Wonderful,wonderful webpage you have! Jesus Christ is Lord of Lords & King of Kings! Keep up your beautiful witness, as there are so many to win! We don't have long! Your sis in Christ, Pammi :)

Judy Givens - 09/07/98 17:22:22
My Email:ClassyJudy@aol.com

Wonderful website! I saved it so I can come back again and again. Inspirational!! Judy

Jan - 09/07/98 16:06:05
My URL:http://home1.gte.net/jabarton/index.html
My Email:huner@gte.net

Hello Mary!! Thanks for sending your url...really enjoyed meeting you and viewing your pages. Have you bookmarked so I can finish later...hate to miss anything!! *S* Please come meet us! God bless you and yours, Jan LOTH Our Place

Liz - 09/06/98 23:08:15
My URL:/Heartland/Village/7902/

Thanks Mary for signing our g-book at Countdown Discussion. And thanks for the kind words. May GOD be with you and yours at all times.~~Liz~~



Mariko - 09/06/98 22:39:52
My URL:http://www.vc-net.or.jp/~guriguri/
My Email:guriguri@vc-net.or.jp

Hello there! How are you ? My name is Mariko, I am a Japanese woman. Your homepage is so wonderful! I enjoyed it and I like it.I love Manatee. I am glad to see you! I made a short story" The fairy has come..." (in English) Please come on a my homepage! http://www.vc-net.or.jp/~guriguri/mgindex.html See you again.... Thanks. Best Wishes! Love Mariko

Ron Perrone - 09/06/98 22:06:32

great page need more like yours

Beckie(floppsy) - 09/06/98 12:52:41
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/cuttings
My Email:cuttings11@hotmail.com

HI There Mary, Thanks for the nice visit to your site. It's wonderful and I will be back to enjoy it more! Welcome to Loth! Hope you will visit my site too. I'm a fellow Christian and do lots of volunteer work at my church. I love your site. God Bless and LOTH {HUGS}Sister,Beckie

Heather ~Starshine~ - 09/06/98 02:58:20
My URL:http://www.gate.net/~adams/faerie.htm
My Email:faeriesong@softhome.net

HELLO Mary and WELCOME to LOTH! Its great to have you with us as a new member. I've been visiting your homepage and I've enjoyed it very much. You have created a very special place! Come visit Faerie Song sometime...I have a gift for you! *S*
(((Hugs))) from Heather

Blossom - 09/06/98 02:32:15
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl/floridarrosebud/index.html
My Email:missyg@webtv.net

very nice ...glad to visit u at home

lioness - 09/06/98 01:03:37
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Lioness_20/index.html
My Email:lioness@aug.com

Loved your site, will visit often and hope to stay in touch. Hope you will visit and enjoy my site. God's blessings and love

Allen - 09/02/98 04:25:12
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nd/trickortreat
My Email:kbc@qualityservice.com

GREAT SITE! I'll Be back!



Ginger - 08/30/98 10:09:42
My Email:gynn1@aol.com

love your site! great insight & links. :o) in Christ, ginger

Petra - 08/30/98 06:26:23
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Sassilk/
My Email:petra1@goplay.com

Mary, thank you for a wonderful visit. All of your pages were fantastic and you have done an excellent job creating this website. God bless you. Best wishes, Petra


GOOD SITE!!!BRAVO!! 1,000 TIMES MORE!!! (DT 1:11)

Sylvia - 08/29/98 01:45:51
My URL:http://www.geocites.com/Heartland/Pointe.7256
My Email:suvie@geocities.com

Dear Mary, thank you so much for visiting my web site and the kind words you said there. It always thrills my soul to have another christian sign my book so I could visit their christian site too. You have a wonderful site and the info you are sharing i so timely for the hour is drawing nearer for our Lord's return. I praise the Lord for the way His message is proclaimed on your site. Without the Lord in my life, I don't know where I'd be for He is my everything. God bless you dear sister, Sylvia

< href="/Heartland/Pointe/7256">

BeccaLea - 08/28/98 18:18:34
My URL:/Heartland/Meadows/3128/
My Email:crbc@geocities.com

Mary, How nice to meet another LOTH sister!!! I love your pages and especially the very first page because you have made the way to salvation so very plain for all to see.... God Bless you!!

Kimberly - 08/28/98 04:25:35
My URL:/~compubunny
My Email:compubunny@yahoo.com

Welcome to the LOTH from a Florida Sister! ~*~*~Kimberly (a.k.a. CompuBunny)~*~*~

Fran Valenta - 08/26/98 18:54:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/wellesley/6431/
My Email:franvalen@aol.com

Mary My heart is with you. I will write you a private email. Your site lifted my spirits. I have spent the summer enduring PTSD attacks because of the loss of my step-sons. Keep up the good Christian work. Love in Christ. Fran

Linda Marie Ward - 08/24/98 21:42:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/4776
My Email:lindaward@hotmail.com

Dear Mary, The article on the Mark of the Beast is very informative. And I can see that from your paper on Saved Now What that you have the gift of exhortation and the Lord has blessed you with how to use it. Solid without harshness, encouragement with love. your sister for eternity, linda marie

Mulraine Stap - 08/18/98 23:54:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/6240/
My Email:mulraine@aol.com

Mary, God bless you in your witness for Jesus Christ on the Internet. I like your article on the Mark of the Beast. How glorious when Jesus Christ returns to Earth to reign as King of Kings. We shall see Him face to face and joyfully serve Him. Rev. 22:3 4

Liz - 08/18/98 13:55:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/5603
My Email:lcowee@hotmail.com

Mary...Your page is very inspiring. God Bless you for it. I can see that we share alot of the same beliefs. The coming of Jesus is so close and most do not even realize it. Keep up the great work. Your sister is Jesus.~~Liz~~

Without GOD, it is utter y impossible. But with GOD everything is possible. Mark 10:27

Susan - 08/17/98 14:39:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ridge/1012
My Email:sdonne7440@aol.com

Hi Mary, I really like this homepage. You have alot of great information. I'll come back & visit again. Sue

Arthur Hickman - 08/16/98 18:56:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/2977
My Email:hickmana@erols.com

Hello, Wonderful Web Page! I'm Very interested in the info on mark of the beast, If you have other information please let me know! Anything on prophecy!! Thanks, Arthur

Kimberly - 08/14/98 04:00:46
My Email:kexplor@wt.net

Mary, You have done a wonderful job on your page and it has been so nice getting to know you. Keep up the good work!

Julianne Boucher - 08/13/98 23:29:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Bistro/6997/
My Email:julianne_boucher@hotmail.com

Thank you for signing my guestbook! Your page is very nice and I don't think my HTML course would be for you.. it was for beginners to HTML. : ) Julie

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