This is Sadie our rescue dog.
Sadie was found laying in the field across from our house January 31, 2006. At first I took food and water to her and noticed that
she was very thin and looked as though she had given birth to a litter of puppies. She would not take food from my hand but would eat the food that I left for her.
I spent some time talking to her and petting her and she seemed ok with this. I continued to check on her and feed water and talk to her. I was trying to find a home for her
....I thought I had a home for her but before the person could get back to me.....I had fell in love with her! I had to almost drag her home....she didn't want to leave
the spot in the field where she had stayed for 3 days. At first I thought maybe she had some puppies someplace? and that she was leaving to go feed them and then she
was coming back to lay in the spot in the field across from my house. I realized that her milk was drying up so it had been a little while since she had nursed.
There was something about this dog that just clicked with me! I took her in and made an appointment to see the vet and get all her shots and check her health
I was worried about her being so very skinny! the vet said other than her needing to gain some weight she is healthy. She was extremely afraid of men so we had
to work on this. It didn't take long for her to warm up to my husband and son with a little bit of patience she was able to get over that fear. She is still afraid
of loud noises and the fly swatter is a big no no around Sadie!
You can't even hit a fly in another room if Sadie can hear it she hides. She was very good at escaping by climbing the 5 foot chain link fence! until we were able to
have her spayed she would find a way out of the yard no matter what I did! she would take off and go run with the neighbor's dog (male dog!) stay gone for hours and when
she was ready she would come home . One time she came home with a lacerated front leg which was a visit to the ER. After she was spayed she never once has left thank goodness!
she has turned into a great dog! she likes to guard EVERYTHING! my stuff the neighbor's stuff too! she has never once got into anything or made a boo boo in the house. She came this way.
She loves chicken and cheese and will do whatever you want her to do for a bite of her favorites. She is not much for toys but does enjoy tossing the raw hide chewy around and making a fun
game out of her chewy before she chomps it all up.
She is overly protective of me and doesn't really like to be away from me. Sadie came to me not long after we had to have our Siberian Husky Crystal put down and this was a very sad time for me.....I always
say that Crystal sent her to me so that I wouldn't be sad anymore....guess we needed each other. I am not sure what breed mixture Sadie is? even with DNA testing which has been done the
outcome of that one was a big joke! it actually showed her as being part PUG and part Yorkshire Terrier? this DNA testing for dogs is fairly new and I'm thinking they need to practice awhile longer.
I decided that she looks like a Dingo dog with blue eyes. She is an awesome dog no matter what she is and I am so glad I found her.

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