04/08/99 17:27:24
Name: Aurora& the other Mud Huskies | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Southern Ontario |
How did you find us: You won the Mud Husky Award! | Favorite pets: Mud Huskies |
You have a very nice site, we especially love all the pictures of your Siberian/Mud Huskies!
04/06/99 06:31:01
Name: Kim | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Johnstown, PA. |
How did you find us: Easter Egg Hunt | Favorite pets: miniature dachshunds |
What a very nice page !! Really enjoyed it!!
Glad you were part of the Easter Egg Hunt!
04/04/99 14:53:00
Name: Marcia | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Oregon |
How did you find us: Easter Egg Hunt | Favorite pets: our dog & cats |
Beautiful Site!
04/03/99 18:14:53
Name: Robin Friend | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: OH originally......NM currently |
How did you find us: Easter Egg hunting! | Favorite pets: Dogs.....but love em all! |
I love the way your site is set up.....very nice!
04/03/99 13:10:57
Name: Denise | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: NC |
How did you find us: easter egg hunt | Favorite pets: Dogs |
Great site, I enjoyed it very much. I bookmarked in my favorites so I can return, and show my son.
Keep up the good work!!
03/29/99 02:29:09
Name: et |
My URL: Visit Me |
03/22/99 22:25:29
Name: Mickey Fisher | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Whiteman AFB,MO |
How did you find us: surfin the net | Favorite pets: anyone that wants love |
Your family is beautiful. I have 2 girls, Daisy ( samoyed) and Dixie ( husky). They are my babies. I wish you many good years with your dogs and hope they bring you as much joy and love as mine bring me.
03/19/99 21:42:14
Name: Axxa & Sally | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Sweden |
How did you find us: Tip from a friend | Favorite pets: Cats |
We are 2 beautiful girls from Sweden. We really like your site!
03/19/99 03:11:29
Name: Lorie | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Canada |
How did you find us: Looking for dog sites | Favorite pets: All dogs and cats |
Well what can I say,what a site this is.Your dogs are so sweet I felt like hugging them all.Photo's are wonderful!I shall bookmard and be back again.
03/18/99 14:39:05
Name: lowkeyguy | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Toronto |
How did you find us: rail | Favorite pets: cat |
Lol..seeing as cats are my fav bet, it's no wonder little koko jumped off my laps when he saw your site. He's still up on top of the bookcase! Have a ruff ruff Day!
03/17/99 06:44:54
Name: Karin Sack | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Canada |
How did you find us: Friend | Favorite pets: dogs |
Very nice website and we like your beautiful dogs.
Keep up the good work.
03/16/99 20:00:08
Name: Zacky | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Sweden |
How did you find us: Viewing around | Favorite pets: Dogs and cats |
You have a nice site with lots of pleasure!
Vov! from Zacky
03/14/99 14:56:59
Name: Bear | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Georgia |
How did you find us: Visited my gues book | Favorite pets: Husky and Maine Coon cat |
Hi, I'm Bear. You visited my page, and I'm returning the favor. I'd like to book mark it and add it to my links if that is all right with you. Thanks for the good pics and great content!!!
03/12/99 00:36:32
Name: Brittney kaser | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Centerville |
How did you find us: my dad | Favorite pets: Husky & German dog |
Im on here for huskys because Im doing a project oh Husky some came to my school and im trying to find a big picture of a husky but no luck yet im in 6th grade and 12yr old I have a german Shepard and he is 6 mounts I go to tower hights :) Bye
03/10/99 14:41:07
Name: Dave | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Orlando |
How did you find us: Search | Favorite pets: Husky, Kiara, and Cat Cruella |
I just adopted my husky and was hoping on getting some advice
Dave and Kiara
02/27/99 11:41:23
Name: mark | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: london ont canada |
How did you find us: surfing | Favorite pets: own two huskys |
02/25/99 00:40:46
Name: Patti Gensler | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Everett WA |
How did you find us: Klee Kai guestbook | Favorite pets: dogs |
I saw your note on Carroll Parkison's guestbook and thought I would check out your website. We have one of her Klee Kai's---she is a wonderful member of our family and our only pet. Your site is great.
02/24/99 21:13:51
My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from: Sandwich, MA | How did you find us: rufruf.com |
Favorite pets: Siberian Huskies!!!!! |
WOW!! What a great site! We also have a husky and we love her. She is so smart and funny and pretty. Thanks
02/21/99 16:01:35
Name: Beth | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Wellsboro,Pa |
How did you find us: Lycous | Favorite pets: Dogs |
I think you site should be number 1!
02/21/99 02:43:08
Name: Jo Davis | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: MI |
How did you find us: surfing doggies | Favorite pets: dogs, fish |
I love your background on your index page. It is
really cool! I too have a fondness for huskies.
But my house limits the amount of poochies, I can
02/12/99 00:54:33
Name: Deb | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Pennsylvania |
How did you find us: Looking thru my guestbook entries | Favorite pets: Dogs |
You have done a magnificent job on your page! *S*
The pictures of the animals have touched my heart!
Keep up the great work and good luck in your competition! *S*...Take care!
02/11/99 02:07:36
Name: Shonna Johnson | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Great Falls, Montana |
How did you find us: under Huskys on the web | Favorite pets: cats & Dogs |
We have two Husky's and three cats. We love our dogs. They are great! Wouldn't trade them for the world.
02/11/99 01:21:06
Name: Teresa | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Favorite pets: wolfdogs |
Thanks for signing our guest book :) Your babies are beautiful! Good luck in your contest. I voted :)
02/09/99 19:36:01
Name: Rosie/Dalova | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Illinois |
How did you find us: signed my guestbook | Favorite pets: all |
Your Huskies are so beautiful & their photo gallery was very enjoyable. I will also be very happy to vote for Nikki everyday this month. Good luck with the contest.
02/08/99 15:38:22
Name: Debbie Hale | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Knoxville, Tennessee, USA |
How did you find us: Santanna'a contest | Favorite pets: CORGI'S naturally |
Hi, love your site.Been here before but, your guestbook would not let us sign. Lots to do here. We will definately be back!!
02/06/99 01:01:05
Name: SheWolf | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Canada |
How did you find us: From a GB | Favorite pets: Cats and dogs |
You have an awesome page here ! I love the puppies and the poem . It's beautful .*S* Please email me if you would lke to exchange votes , k ? I can't find where the link is on your page to vote for you ???
02/05/99 20:21:51
Name: Wildstar | My URL: Visit Me |
Where are you from: Ontario, CANADA | How did you find us: Signed Guestbook |
Favorite pets: Cats!!! |
Merry meet! *smiles* Thanks for signing my guestbook, thought I would return the favour - I love when people make sites devoted to wildlife & pets. Come back to the ForeverGreen whenever you feel like it. Bright Blessings.
02/04/99 18:14:14
Name: Max | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: North Reading, MA |
How did you find us: Santana's contest |
Hi Nikki, Just came by to wish you good luck in that contest we're in. Enjoyed your site and loved looking at all the photos.
02/04/99 01:13:35
Name: Samantha & Carol | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: New Jersey |
How did you find us: Santana's Contest | Favorite pets: Cockers & cats |
Great Site! Just wanted to say hi and to complement you on your site. You are a very beautiful dog! Good luck and come visit me soon!
Slurps & Kisses
02/03/99 03:09:23
Name: Debbie and HANDSOME | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Knoxville, Tennessee, USA home of The Great Smokey Mountains National Park |
How did you find us: Santana's contest--We are in it , too. | Favorite pets: CORGI'S WHAT ELSE??? |
We enjoyed our visit here. Good luck in the contest.
02/02/99 06:15:02
Name: Mark & Thunder | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: North Carolina |
How did you find us: One of Thunder's Friends | Favorite pets: German Shepherd! |
We just stopped in to say hello and to tell you that we really enjoyed your site! We hope that you'll come and visit us to some day at The Puppy Place. Take Care!
02/02/99 04:14:38
Name: Linda | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Ohio |
How did you find us: Award page | Favorite pets: Alaskan Malamutes, Collies & ferrets. |
I loved your pages. Especially the pics..Your dogs are gorgeous!!
01/30/99 19:55:57
Name: Cassandra | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: San Diego, CA |
How did you find us: Santana's Milennium 2000 Contest | Favorite pets: Dogs, Dogs, Dogs...and a cat occasionally |
Wow! You have done an awesome job on your site. I am taking notes. ~;) Your dogs are beautiful, too. I am a jet skiing, dog loving, wolf admiring, eBay-aholic, too, and also reside in So. CA! Have a great day and good luck in the contest!
01/20/99 20:48:05
My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from: massachussetts | How did you find us: i was doing homework on mushing and the dogs |
Favorite pets: dogs |
this sites picturs are so cute
01/18/99 19:38:20
Name: *Chyndadn Siberians* | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: California |
How did you find us: Your link in my guestbook | Favorite pets: Siberian Huskies |
Very nice site!! Great job!!
01/16/99 23:58:23
My URL: Visit Me |
01/16/99 23:52:58
My URL: Visit Me |
01/15/99 02:54:18
My URL: Visit Me |
01/15/99 02:48:59
My URL: Visit Me |
01/15/99 00:46:37
Name: CAIN | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. |
How did you find us: SURFING THE WEB | Favorite pets: SIBERIAN HUSKY |
01/15/99 00:43:56
Name: CAIN | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. |
How did you find us: SURFING THE WEB | Favorite pets: SIBERIAN HUSKY |
01/15/99 00:43:33
Name: CAIN | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. |
How did you find us: SURFING THE WEB | Favorite pets: SIBERIAN HUSKY |
01/11/99 16:36:21
Name: Vicki Vincent | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: IN |
How did you find us: Guestbook | Favorite pets: Siberian Huskies |
Nice pages I love the graphics and the pictures of your dogs.
<"http://members.tripod.com/Mysticstar/banner_builder/my_banner.gif" Border="0">
01/09/99 17:26:55
Name: RaNae | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Utah/USA |
How did you find us: From The Siberian Husky WebRing | Favorite pets: Arabian Horses, Siberian Huskies, Cats, Shitzu's, Pygmy Goats, Critters |
This is a neat place to visit. Lots of fun things to do and see and learn about. I really like the musical postcard page and the husky page. What a great job you've done.
01/06/99 15:51:52
Name: Firewife | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: New Hope, PA (Eagle Fire Company) |
How did you find us: you signed my Guest Book too! | Favorite pets: dogs! |
Your site is wonderful ... the poetry is very moving and I enjoyed my visit. Peace, HEALTH, & joy to you all for this new year.
12/28/98 05:36:19
Name: Santana | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Vancouver, BC, Canada |
How did you find us: my address book | Favorite pets: Dogs |
Hi it's me Santana. just sniffin around your site which I always enjoy visiting.Hope you had a great Christmas, I sure did. Enjoy the rest of the holidays and have a Happy New Year.
12/24/98 23:06:23
My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from: covina, ca | How did you find us: search |
Favorite pets: dogs,siberian huskie |
if you know where we can find a puppy huskie please let me know
12/18/98 21:31:48
Name: Michelle Beltran | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Sitka,Alaska |
How did you find us: search engine | Favorite pets: siberian husky |
12/11/98 06:01:44
Name: Firewife & Pooky | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: New Hope, PA |
How did you find us: another Guest Book | Favorite pets: Dogs |
Your site is excellent, I had a very enjoyable time here. I will be back to visit again, there is so much to enjoy! Have a great holiday! Please visit Pooky and our fire safety "stuff" if you get a chance. Bye .......
12/06/98 21:03:39
Name: Manfred Kaltenbrunner | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Austria/Europe |
Favorite pets: Sibirian Husky |
Hi,from Austria. I have injoyed my visit in your Homepage, i like the backgrounds and thePhotos from yourHuskys very, very much. I have a Husky too, namens Sheila.I`m a Marathonrunner and I allways run in your Country. My next events are in Houston and
ew Orleans in Jannuary 1999.If you want to see more about my Marathons, please visit my Page and sign my Guestbook too.Many thanks! Greatings ,from Austria and me,
12/01/98 03:38:24
Name: Lisa | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: WI |
How did you find us: another husky site | Favorite pets: of course....my huskies! |
Hey there! Just thought we would stop by and see what you huskies have been up to. We now have a brand new home...so drop by and see us if you get the chance!
11/26/98 19:06:16
Name: Haili Muse |
My URL: Visit Me |
Where are you from: Maine |
11/26/98 19:05:52
Name: Haili Muse | My URL: Visit Me |
Where are you from: maine | How did you find us: searchig around |
11/26/98 08:11:24
Name: Ed | My URL: Visit Me |
Where are you from: south amboy, NJ | How did you find us: another site |
Favorite pets: dog |
Great web page. I'll be sure to bookmark it, and come back again soon. Feel free
to check out my site sometime too.
11/24/98 03:49:07
My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from: TN | How did you find us: LOOKING AROUND |
Favorite pets: DOG |
11/23/98 15:49:39
Name: Cathy | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Texas |
How did you find us: webring | Favorite pets: dogs!!!!!! |
Sleepy, you have an outstanding home on the web. I found it very warm and welcoming! I just love the Sibes every one of them. I have bookmarked this site so that I can keep coming back :-)
11/12/98 03:28:44
Name: Sandy Barbre | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: FL |
How did you find us: just surfing | Favorite pets: all kinds |
Just wanted to drop by and say hi and Happy Holidays. Love your site. If you haven't visited mine in the last couple days, please come back, I've added MY mothers recipes and also my genealogy site.
11/11/98 20:22:55
Name: Cocoa and Spunky | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: California |
How did you find us: Guestbook Surfing.. :o) | Favorite pets: Our humans have US, the puppies, Guinea pigs and fishies..lots and lots of them! |
Hi there! Wow, lots of pictures! You all are very cute dogs! As for us, we are pomeranians, and we are 4 months old! Cocoa is the brown puppy (although he was black when we got him) and Spunky is the white puppy! Pomeranians look similar to you Siberians,
some people even ask if we are huskies! Please visit our site sometime, to view some cute pictures of us, add your link to our favorites page, join our cute dog webring, or win our award! Bye!
11/10/98 14:59:18
Name: Anna | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Hong Kong |
How did you find us: u signed my paw book! | Favorite pets: Dogs |
You have a great page. A lot of fun. The photos are very beautiful. I enjoy your site very much.
11/08/98 01:10:35
Name: keets | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: USA |
How did you find us: Just surfed in | Favorite pets: all of 'em |
I love your doggies. They are just beautiful.
I loved looking at all of the pictures. I hope you get a chance to come by and see our minpin.
He loves visitors. : )
11/04/98 16:30:10
Name: LOBO7 | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: ARUBA..LIVE IN USA |
How did you find us: Another GuestBook | Favorite pets: Dogs & Wolfs |
Excellent web Site !..Really enjoyed my visit!
10/28/98 18:59:25
Name: Sabrina Landry | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: CA |
How did you find us: friend | Favorite pets: Min Pins of course!! |
Hi Debbie, Kay's page is greeaatt!! I think I finally learned how to put my banner in the guestbook. Will try it here.
10/27/98 00:12:31
My URL: Visit Me |
10/27/98 00:12:27
My URL: Visit Me |
10/21/98 22:51:26
Name: Carol MacAllister | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Palos Verdes, CA |
Favorite pets: Siberian Huskies |
What a delightful experience it was to find your site! You are so much like me that it's scary! I too love Siberian Huskies and nothing gets better than being at the beach. I'm out of time today, but I will return to view all the photos that you have beca
se I never tire of looking at huskies. Have you ever seen a Siberian Husky license plate holder? I am dying for one. Let me know if you know where to buy one. I have 2 S.H.: Dakota a grey and white 4 yr. old and Mischa a black and white almost 3 year old.
They are the joys of my life. In my next life, I want to come back as Carol MacAllister's husky. What a life they have! My 3 teens think that they are treated better than they are. That's because they never break curfew, love what I make for dinner, never
talk back and always are thrilled when I come home. Anyway, thanks for a fun website!!!
10/15/98 17:58:19
Name: Susan | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: CA |
How did you find us: webring | Favorite pets: dogs. |
You have a very nice website and I can see that you care deeply for your pets and all animals. Great job and I'll be back to visit again!
10/12/98 22:44:59
Name: Apache | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: NJ |
How did you find us: The Rail | Favorite pets: birds |
Cool site! Please come to mine and sign my guestbook.
10/11/98 16:20:51
Name: Apache | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: NJ |
How did you find us: The Rail | Favorite pets: Birds |
Cool Site!!
10/07/98 22:55:09
My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from: Peoria, Arizona | How did you find us: Search Engine |
Favorite pets: Siberian Huskies |
We really enjoyed your webpage! Klondike (my 9 week old sibe) enjoyed the pictures!
10/04/98 11:22:51
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
10/02/98 12:18:24
Name: Ulrich Leive | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Osnabrueck / GERMANY |
How did you find us: Another guestbook | Favorite pets: My little dog Joschi |
Hi, nice to meet you on the web.It was very
interesting to stay here. By the way I'm a painter
and would like you to visit my pages, I'd also appreciate
a line in my guestbook (banners and gifs welcome).
Best of luck! Ulrich
10/02/98 10:40:33
Name: Jude, Jed & Amber | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: New Zealand |
How did you find us: E-Mail with URL | Favorite pets: All!!!!! |
Hi there, what a great site you have. It is really beautiful. Your poem on your main page is wonderful, did you write it? It was strange coming to your pages and hearing the music I love. Great minds pick the same music! LOL! I was very sorry to read
about 'Amber'. I shed some tears for and know that she is at Rainbows Bridge frolicking around awaiting till you meet again. I would love to place her on my tribute page if you wouldn't mind. I know how hard it is when you lose someone in your family.
She is a beautiful little girl. As you will see from our Names I to have an Amber. We have just adopted her from an Animal Shelter and already she is a very large part of our family. Again you have a beautiful site and thank you for sharing it with us.
10/01/98 19:13:19
Name: Reinier | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Holland |
How did you find us: Friend | Favorite pets: Cat (sorry) |
Really love your page!
Feel free to visit mine at any time...
take care, Reinier
09/27/98 19:04:53
Name: Buttons | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: IN |
How did you find us: webring | Favorite pets: dog!!! |
This is a nice site! Keep up the good work!
09/27/98 12:35:35
Name: Connie.S | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Germany |
How did you find us: searched | Favorite pets: Sib.Hus. and Flat Coated Retrievers |
Hi-you´ve got a grat site!!! I´m a very proud owner of a 4-months-old black/white Sib.-Husky puppy, ===> and I love him! He´s called Aramis, like one of the so-called Musketiere, and I hope that I´ll anytimes have all of them, a musher I know told me, tha
if I love one Sib.Hus., I wanna have them all, ==> I hope this statement is right, is it??? Can anybody tell me how to manage university and ,now, two dogs???
We´re a young couple and search otherones in our area ( Chiemgau / Salzburg) to TALK, and last but not least, to WALK,
till then,
Greetings, Connie & Phillip & ARAMIS & BERYLL
09/27/98 03:03:12
Name: Janice Hefley | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Tulsa, Oklahoma |
How did you find us: Typed in Husky | Favorite pets: Siberian Huskys |
You have a great page, I also have a Siberian Husky that I adopted from our local SPCA, and he is great, I would love to have a houseful of them, he is so loving and playful. Thanks for the wonderful viewing.
09/16/98 13:08:41
Name: Roxanne | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: IN |
How did you find us: guestbook | Favorite pets: all |
We enjoyed your site and all your photos. Very beautiful dogs. Had one when I was much younger and enjoyed him alot. If you would like to join our Klan for some down-home POM love, com on over and see who owns us.
09/08/98 07:42:11
My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from: Sweden | How did you find us: Netsearch (AltaVista) |
Favorite pets: Dogs |
Hallo! My name is Linda and I´m from Sweden.
Really liked your homepage, I´t was very nice.
09/03/98 14:12:34
Name: Kary | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Georgia |
How did you find us: Surfing | Favorite pets: Dogs |
All of your pages are great - we really enjoyed the pictures of all your beautiful dogs!
08/31/98 01:53:04
Name: Darlene | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Nova Scotia |
How did you find us: browsing | Favorite pets: siberianhuskys |
I love the site I am an owner of a two year old black and white siberian huky her name is Shadow she gives me so much joy I love her very much .she is the best dog Ive ever owned
08/29/98 05:17:56
Name: Kim Coleman | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: So Cal |
How did you find us: Another guestbook | Favorite pets: I love them all! |
I love your poem, did you write that? You've done a great job on your page...keep up the good work. I enjoyed my visit.
08/27/98 10:27:49
Name: Gaby Fell | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Germany |
Favorite pets: dogs |
Hello! I'm glad that I found your site.Your page is really wonderful.The Photos of your dogs are
beautiful.I enjoyed every minute of my visit.
08/27/98 00:46:16
Name: Jay and Shelly White | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Ne |
How did you find us: surfing | Favorite pets: Our Scotties |
Just took the grand tour!!! Your dogs are beautiful!!! My nephew has a Husky he looks a lot
like your Brandy his name is Shinook, he is so cute, and such a BIG baby!!! I would love to have a big dog like that but my husband doesn't like it when they shed thats why we have the two holy terriers, but I love them to death I don't know what I would
o without them...they go everywhere
with us!!! Please come visit us and let me know
what you think of our pups...Also we have a banner
exchange if you would like to swap banners that would be great. Well, I will be visiting often you have a beautiful site!! I have bookmarked it and I am going to put you on our links page. Best Wishes and give the pups a hug and a kiss from us.
Jay and Shelly White
08/27/98 00:45:03
Name: Jay and Shelly White | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Ne |
How did you find us: surfing | Favorite pets: Our Scotties |
Just took the grand tour!!! Your dogs are beautiful!!! My nephew has a Husky he looks a lot
like your Brandy his name is Shinook, he is so cute, and such a BIG baby!!! I would love to have a big dog like that but my husband doesn't like it when they shed thats why we have the two holy terriers, but I love them to death I don't know what I would
o without them...they go everywhere
with us!!! Please come visit us and let me know
what you think of our pups...Also we have a banner
exchange if you would like to swap banners that would be great. Well, I will be visiting often you have a beautiful site!! I have bookmarked it and I am going to put you on our links page. Best Wishes and give the pups a hug and a kiss from us.
Jay and Shelly White
why I have two Scotties
08/20/98 11:44:52
Name: Kim | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Australia |
How did you find us: Siberian Husky Web Ring | Favorite pets: Siberian Huskies |
Excellent Site-lovely pictures!
08/20/98 07:07:49
Name: Alberto | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Genova (Italy) |
Great site and beautiful dogs !
08/14/98 03:20:50
Name: Linn | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Singapore |
Favorite pets: cats |
very cute.
08/01/98 06:51:14
Name: Santana | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Vancouver,BC,Canada |
How did you find us: Surfin | Favorite pets: Dogs |
Hi gang,luv your site.I am a little American Cocker Spaniel an only child,but hearing rumors of a brother or sister.One guess what breed ??
07/31/98 03:29:03
Name: hexen | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: CANADA |
How did you find us: Guestbook | Favorite pets: All |
COMMENTS: Very good site you have here! I like the content
,layout and graphics. Keep up the very good work you are at!
The Page With Stuff!!!
!!!Make Money By Putting Banners on Your Site!!!
Value Click:
6-15 cents per click through
Banner Brokers:
10 cents per click through
Free Garunteed Traffic to your site!!!
07/30/98 03:41:11
Name: Linda | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: KY |
How did you find us: I don't really remember. | Favorite pets: Dogs! |
I bookmarked your page previously for my son and I
finally had a chance to browse it myself. I got my husband to take a quick look at the Vet's page;
he's a Vietnam Vet himself; and he said "Bookmark that for me to look at later!" (It already was.)
Now the whole family is interested in the same bookmark for a change. I think its great. My son
started his own page off from ours. We've named it: Snips & Snails & Puppy Dog Tails. I got a couple of graphics from you. I hope that is okay.
If not just let me know. One is the animated paw prints for my son and the other is one of the "Wall" for my husband-which that may have been from one of your links. I'm new to this whole thing and I am trying to keep up with the downloads and where to
ink back too, etc.
God Bless You,
07/27/98 20:32:51
Name: Josh Speakman | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Cullman, Alabama |
How did you find us: surfed on in | Favorite pets: dogs |
I like your site... my isnt completly done yet though, but maybe you will find the time to take a look at it!!
07/26/98 15:00:03
Name: Dan and Jean | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Catskill mountain's New York state |
How did you find us: heartland I.C.Q. web ring | Favorite pets: Love them all!!! |
Hi Deb, were animal lover's too!! 6 dog's 16 cat's 1 horse!! Just can't turn down a needy furface!!We're in Southern Cal. once a year,(Redland's) as Jeannie's sister lives there.
Our I.C.Q. number's are, 11017160( SKYDOC , Dan ) and 12292344 (Majik , Jeannie) give us a shout sometime!! Take care, and loved you'r page!!!
Dan and Jeannie.
07/25/98 05:37:49
Name: Whiteshadow Kennels | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Alberta, Canada |
How did you find us: Award Request | Favorite pets: Samoyeds |
I have enjoyed reviewing your site. Epecially your writing as I too write about our canine loves. There has been a great deal of work that
has gone into your web site and it is very attractive and informative.
07/24/98 00:23:35
Name: Margaret Vathis | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Las Cruces, New Mexico |
How did you find us: Guestbook Surfer | Favorite pets: Dogs, Cats, Birds |
I really liked your site. My web page is about dogs, too. Not nearly as fancy as yours, though. You have some beautiful graphics.
07/22/98 16:41:39
Name: Rob Shurtz | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: California |
How did you find us: guestbook surfers | Favorite pets: cats |
Enjoyed visiting your site and thought I'd say hi. I guess you really like dogs.
07/21/98 14:54:30
Name: Shane | My URL: Visit Me |
Where are you from: Vancouver | Favorite pets: Dogs |
Hi there, i was surfing around the web and stumbled apon your page and i wanted to write a little
something in your guestbook.
I like your page and i hope you keep up the good work your doing!!
Go to my web site please it is really cool!!!!
Link to me!!!!
07/20/98 04:27:56
Name: Mary Moon | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Houston |
How did you find us: Heartland Pet Awards | Favorite pets: All!!! |
You have a very nice site, good luck in the Heartland Pet Awards! Mary
07/19/98 14:55:54
Name: Jim Tejada | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Southern California |
How did you find us: Pet Award Contest | Favorite pets: All Dogs |
Your dogs are beautiful. Thanks for allowing everyone to visit with them. Good luck in the pet award contest.
07/16/98 16:51:38
Name: Leena & the furfriends | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Finland |
How did you find us: Through a link | Favorite pets: all :) |
You have a grrr-eat site! We're sending you lots of tailwags and whinnies from Finland and we invite you to visit The Furfriends Show.
07/15/98 22:50:21
Name: shana snow | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Cape Breton,N.S.Canada |
How did you find us: Browsing for husky related topics | Favorite pets: Spirit-a siberian huskey age 2 and Nikki Shep/border collie age 6 yrs |
07/14/98 02:58:32
Name: breeze | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Alabama |
How did you find us: Heartland pet contest | Favorite pets: all of them |
you have a great site the dogs are beautiful please come visit us we will be glad to have you over
07/12/98 23:07:27
Name: Cricket | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: California |
How did you find us: You applied for my award | Favorite pets: Dogs |
Your site is great, really enjoyed all the pictures
07/07/98 19:48:38
Name: Lauren | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Wisconsin |
How did you find us: surfed | Favorite pets: Siberian Huskies and my cockatiel |
Hi Debbie! Did I ever sign your guestbook? I don't think so. Well anyways, your page is one of the best out there! I suppose you are going to have to return the favor and sign mine!
06/20/98 02:24:58
My URL: Visit Me |
06/10/98 23:08:01
Name: Luigi Cicciari | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Los Angeles, California |
How did you find us: FATE!!!! | Favorite pets: Puppies! |
I love your page! Keep up the good work! Come by and see mine sometime!!!
06/10/98 01:35:11
Name: Lisa | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Wisconsin |
How did you find us: You signed my book! | Favorite pets: All of them! |
Hello! What beautiful huskies you have. We have always wanted to breed our oldest male...but I just know I would end up keeping them all like you!LOL I'm a softy and can't part with them! Thanks for stopping by my page and be looking for a little surp
ise in your mailbox from us!*S*
06/09/98 19:03:35
Name: Chet | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Florida |
How did you find us: You applyed for my Award | Favorite pets: Alaskin Malimute |
You have a really awesome page. Keep up the good work.
06/08/98 17:57:55
Name: Familie Jonker | My URL: Visit Me |
Where are you from: Nederland | Favorite pets: Benner sennen |
Great webpage!
You have a delightful website. I am happy that I was able to stop in for a visit. Best
Well, whatever... if you're not interested in checkin' out my page why not just sign the guestbook? :o)
Sign My
My Guestbook
06/08/98 02:44:11
Name: S. C. Darnall | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Born WV, raised AF, married AF, lived coast to coast, AK, HI & Japan, presently CA |
How did you find us: you signed my guestbook | Favorite pets: my danes, or my siamese, or the horses, or maybe the barncats, or it might be my MOPy fish ..haha.. |
You have an absolutely fabulous website!!! Your dogs are gorgeous. I am so pleased you stopped by and left your URL in my guestbook. I was tickled to present you with one of my awards.
06/07/98 17:25:41
Name: Zookeeper | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: FL, US |
How did you find us: invitation | Favorite pets: all |
Beautiful!!! :) Thank you!!!
06/06/98 03:54:45
Name: JO | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from: Red Deer, AB, Canada | How did you find us: search |
Favorite pets: Huskies & Malamutes |
06/06/98 02:30:48
My URL: Visit Me | Where are you from: pgh, pa |
How did you find us: I looked up siberian husky | Favorite pets: dogs |
I wanted to tell you a sad story of mine, you see I had a Siberian husky, named.MACK, I loved my dog with every being of my heart. I wanted a husky since i was a little girl, I took him everywhere with me, even to grandmas house?
I eventually got pregnant with twins, and I had to give him up, he has a good home now, but i miss him so dearly. I never wanted to get rid of him, but mu husband and his family only complained about him, and taking care of my twins was a battle alone, i
had no help, but my Mack always layed right in front of them and wouldnt do much of anything until they cried. then he would lick them and come and get me, I guess you could say I did have help? He was my baby,But i could kick myself everytime i think abo
t how weak i was when it came to giving him up because of the family. I loved my dog, and someday i will meet up with my mack again, and i hope we will be together forever. Your web site is beautiful, and i love the pictures of your dogs. I now have a lab
ador retriever, and its just not the same. i cant seem to get close to him, like i was with my mack. Actually he is my sons dog, and in a few years, im hoping to get another husky, the kids will be old enough to enjoy him also. I just cant seem to get my
lue eyed baby out of my head, he was a grey and white, and he was the runt, his nose didnt quite grow like a normal huskys would, so he always looked like he was growling, a fantastic watch dog, until my company would get to the door, they found out that
e just wanted to play, and instead of bitting them to death, he licked them to death. Boy I loved him so much. and You will never know how bad i miss him?
06/01/98 04:17:27
Name: ~Unique~ | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Texas |
How did you find us: another gb | Favorite pets: dogs! |
Very beautiful animals you have. I love Huskeys, but its to hot in Texas for them....thier blues eyes always amazed me. Love your POW page..nice to see them popping up anre and more...congratulations on a nice site to visit.
05/28/98 13:46:18
Name: marc wolfenden | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: western australia |
How did you find us: surfed | Favorite pets: my siberian husky[freyja |
freyja is 15 months old and she's got lovely paleblue, neally white eyes and is grey and black in colour.
05/28/98 13:37:28
Name: marc wolfenden | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: western australia |
How did you find us: surfed | Favorite pets: my siberian husky[freyja |
05/25/98 19:34:42
Name: Amy Barrett | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: New Orleans |
How did you find us: surfing | Favorite pets: Star & Ashe |
great page...i have two huskys-Star who's 9 1/2 months and Ashe (aka The Little Man) who's 10 weeks. i have yet to meet a dog breed which does not have such a wonderful temprament!!!!!
05/13/98 23:19:25
Name: Angela Barnapee | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: My secret! |
How did you find us: friends page | Favorite pets: my horse and cat |
Great page! please visit mine do the poll and sign the guestbook. Thanks!
05/11/98 01:43:23
Name: sabrina | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: california |
Favorite pets: min pins |
hi debbie, saw your dog buttons. i want one too! i will have to email the lady
04/28/98 19:06:41
Name: Thunderrose1 | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Kentucky |
How did you find us: guestbook | Favorite pets: Tasha our cat |
I really enjoyed my stay!! Great page you have going here! Surfed in on Guest Book Surfer! Will stop by later to see what's new! Keep up the good work! Come by and see me sometime!
![]() |
04/27/98 02:19:47
Name: Dennis Kilde | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Fergus Falls Mn |
How did you find us: Just surfed in | Favorite pets: Dog |
Hi!!! I love your page we both love Dogs and your site shows your love for dogs to
Stop and visit us if you have time.
I think I was at or near your town a few years ago to watch a cousin of mine sky jump.
04/26/98 02:34:30
Name: Joel | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Georgia |
How did you find us: guestbook surfing | Favorite pets: dogs & cats |
YOu have such a cute web site! :-)
04/22/98 14:12:47
Name: Michael | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Munich |
How did you find us: Guestbook | Favorite pets: Rabbit |
just wanted to say that i was here ! Regards Michael from Germany
04/22/98 00:24:13
Name: Minz | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Malaysia |
How did you find us: Official Guestbook Surfer List | Favorite pets: Alsatian |
Hi Neighbor - Found you in Official Guestbook Surfer.
You have a great looking Web Page. A beautiful work of art.
Keep up the good work and may God richly bless you
![]() |
Welcome to |
04/21/98 22:55:07
Name: Eric King | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from: Mt. Carmel, Illinois |
How did you find us: Siberian Husky Webring | Favorite pets: Dogs |
Great dogs and pictures. Your page is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!