Sleepy's Cyber Pets


Rainbow Spirit is here to guide us until each day is through

Dare to dream, until your dreams come true !

Please come in and meet the gang

Listen to "Puff The Magic Dragon"

Here are some baby tadpoles. Aren't they cute ?

We are happy to have our very own Guardian Angels to help watch over us

Listen to "Wind beneath my wings"

Don't forget to scratch us behind the ears while your here,
we really do like that, of course all dogs do!

We just love rock-n-roll

This is what we have to say about it <bgsound src="scooby.wav" controls="smallconsole">

Hello my name is Tosha I am a Siberian Husky

These are my friends and this is where we hang out

More cyberpets and friends

Where Would You Like To Go?