This is Cali our German Shepherd. Cali belonged to our next door neighbor and we became great friends. Cali would hang out with us anytime we were outside in the side yard. Anytime we would give treats to our dogs we would give one to Cali also. We have our BBQ and fire pit over on that side of the yard so we spent some fun times out there and Cali always came over as close as she could to lay right by where we were of course she was on the other side of the fence in my neighbor's yard. Cali and Sadie our rescue dog became good fence buddies. In early June of 2007 my neighbor asked us if we would take care of Cali for him while he had his place torn down and a new place put on his land. We talked it over and decided that we would give it a try.....I wasn't sure how well it would work out with Cali in our yard. My Neighbor said that it would take about 4 weeks to finish the job. The middle of July 2007 he informs me that he is not going to move back that he has decided to rent his place out. He can't keep Cali where he is staying (Girlfriend)
I couldn't believe what I was hearing! he told me that he was going to ask his sister who lives in the desert if she would take Cali. I didn't think his sister had ever even seen Cali? I was so upset and I told him I said "you know I really love your dog" that's when he said "well of course if you want her you would have first choice" I was almost in tears but I told him I would need to talk with my husband first and that I would let him know. Honestly I spent more time with his dog than he ever did so Cali was already very connected to me. Cali already felt like one of my own there really wasn't anything to talk about and my husband felt the same way as I did about Cali.
Cali became ours in July of 2007 . I took her for her vet check and shots. I had noticed that she kept holding her paw up and I had mentioned this to my neighbor on several occasions he never did anything about it.....when I took her to the vet I had him check it out and he gave her some medication to help. She is such a sweet girl and it was easy for her to adjust to living with us. Cali likes to play with her ball and rope toy.

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