Siberian Husky Information Page

The Siberian Husky was originally developed by the Chukchi people of northeastern Siberia as an endurance sled dog. They have a delightful temperament are affectionate, gentle and have a friendly disposition. They are alert eager to please, and adaptable, extremely intelligent and independent. A medium sized working dog,quick and light on their feet and free and graceful in action. They do not display the possessive qualities of the guard dog, nor are they overly suspicious of strangers. They can be very stubborn they are easily bored, which can be a challenge at times. They are rather quiet dogs, they do not typically bark. They do talk however, in a soft "woo woo woo" sound. They can also howl quite well. They are a very pack oriented animal. Siberians are happiest sharing in family activities. Siberians do love to run and must be kept under control at all times. If you own a Siberian Husky, it is of the utmost importance that you have a fenced in yard. Huskies do love to DIG!! especially in the snow and will often dig a body-sized hole where they can feel nice and comfortable while taking a snooze in (their nest!!) they also will dig in the yard, so be aware and prepared. If you own a Husky you gotta have a shovel!! *LOL*

AKC Siberian Husky Standards

If you are thinking of getting a dog please read this!
Ten Commandments of a responsible pet owner

Interesting facts about animals....

Did you know that the reason dogs turn around three times before lying down is a genetic imprint from their days in the wild?...the purpose of the turning was to flatten down their sleeping area.

Did you know that when a cat wraps its tail around your leg and rubs against you it is equivalent of a big hug?

It is a medical fact that owning a pet reduces stress, lowers blood pressure and encourages a fitter lifestyle.

The American Kennel Club

Places you can take your dog....


Iditarod Official Home Page

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All there is to it!! :-)

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