The Scoop On Sleepy
My name is Debbie. My nick name is Sleepy. I live in Southern California. As you can tell I love animals they are a big part of my life. I work full time So I stay busy. I live out in what might be considered the boonies. It takes me about an hour to drive to and from work just enough time to unwind.
My Husband and I both work for the same company, but usually different hours. So one of the two of us is almost always home to care for our animals. Never a dull moment around here.
One of my favorite places is the beach, I like to jet ski. I've tried bungee jumping a few times it was a lot of fun. I love going for rides on my Husband's motorcycle. I enjoy being on the computer making graphics or working on webpages. Rock-n-roll oldies is my favorite music.
I enjoy scrapbooking and reborn artistry (dollmaking) My dolls can be viewed here
impastababies nursery
I am a collector of Dreamsicles, they are the cutest cherubs ever. I think
has become my favorite home away from home.
Thanks for visiting my web site. If you have a moment please sign my guestbook on the main page Sleepy's Dog House And Photo Galleries.
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The Scoop On Sleepy
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Sleepy's Page Of Fun (Java Games!)
A Tribute To Our Veterans
impastababies nursery-My Doll Site
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For Our Friend Kay
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