Apply For One Of Sleepy's Awards
This is not an Award, but is for anyone who wishes to place it on a tribute page,
All that I ask is that you link it back to
Would you like one of my Awards for your home page?
or would you like to nominate another site?
The site will need to meet these following guidelines:
Download Time
Overall Appearance
User Friendly
Did you sign my guestbook? Not necessary, of course, but nice.
Please indicate the Award for which you are applying.
Or you may e-mail me if you prefer
please be sure to include your full url
I will contact you within a couple of days with the results.
If you do not hear from me within a week? please do e-mail me!
This could mean that I am having trouble reaching you?
Signing the guestbook is a big help, in that I can always
check there for the correct url & or e-mail address if needed.
Thanks for applying for Sleepy's Award!
Winners Circle
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