Abraham Erb's 1818 Judge's Bond |
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Summary: This Judge's Bond was signed and witnessed on the 5th of November, 1818. It states that William McMichael of North Middleton Twp., Cumberland, Pennsylvania is bound unto Abraham Erb of the same place for $414.44 of US currency or double that if he fails to pay by April 1st, 1820. It was witnessed by William Wheeler and Reimeck Angney. On the back of this page (see below) is a note, signed by Abraham on the 21st of May, 1819, transfering his right to receive payment to one Conrad Eckert. |
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Background: Abraham Erb is one of the lesser known of the early Erbs. Prior to acquiring this bond on EBay, I knew nothing about him beyond his name, his siblings, and his parents -- Christian Erb 1758 and Elizabeth Hershey. Depending upon his place in the birth order, Abraham was probably born in Warwick Twp., Lancaster Co., PA about 1788. By 1810 his parents were living in East Pennsboro Twp. in nearby Cumberland Co. The bond indicates that Abraham was still there in 1819, but he does not appear in the index to the Cumberland County censuses of 1820, 1830, 1840, or 1850. He might have signed over his payment right to Conrad Eckert because he was planing to leave the county before 1820 and wanted to convert the bond to cash before he left. Or he may have remained in Cumberland County until his death. There is an almost unreadable gravestone in the Poplar Church Cemetery near East Pennsboro where a number of Christian Erb 1758's descendants are buried that may mark his burial site. Go here to see a photo of the inscription and read comments about who might be buried there. |
Names: Abraham Erb b.c1788 Christian Erb b.1758 Elizabeth Hershey b.1765 William McMichael William Wheeler Reimeck Angney [sp?] Conrad Eckert John McFarland [printer] |
Places: Warwick Twp., Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania East Pennsboro Twp., Cumberland Co. Pennsylvania North Middleton Twp., Cumberland Co., Pennsylvania |
Dates: 1818 1819 1820 |
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© John Larkins 2001 | Last updated: 22 Aug 2001 | Email to: jhlarkins@msn.com |