My Love of Cross Stitch

I love to cross stitch!  The first thing I did when I went on line with my computer was to go to search.  I typed in Cross Stitch and boy did that get me excited.  It brought me to a lot of wonderful sites, but the one that I enjoyed the most was--Cross Stitch Pals.  I looked around the site and went to "chat" and "Pals BB".  In these places, I found the most wonderful, caring, and talented people.   I was a lurker awhile.  Then I got my nerve up to post on the BB.  I still do a lot of looking but do participate now.  I joined in with a group of ladies and we each did a cross stitch square of an angel.  These 40 squares were mailed to a lady and she made them into a quilt--Kelsey's Quilt.  If you go to Cross Stitch Pals index, you will find  Kelsey's Quilt.  Go there and then on to her site where you will meet this wonderful little girl who has gone through a rough time this past year.   You will also meet Justin.  We have done squares for a quilt for him--Click for picture.    I have now been on line for over three years.  I have found other great groups that have wonderful people as does Pals.  I have contributed to other charity projects and this spring did a square for a Hospice quilt.  You can see these wonderful quilts at Hospice Quilts.

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My Love of Cross Stitch.

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  created 2001

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