Make your own Razz!

Come on in, hang your hat on the rack, make yourself at home.  Here it is 2009--can you believe it?
 I would like to welcome you to our home at
Melville Hill.  I am Marie and my husband is Clyde.  We have two grown children and three

Due to health  problems, I am mostly homebound.  I keep myself active by keeping my hands busy
 with projects.  I love to cross stitch,
crochet, knit and needlepoint.  My grandmother tatted and I watched her as I was growing up but
 didn't have the desire to learn how.  My mother
gave me my grandmother's shuttles.  I bought "Tatting" by Cathy Bryant and taught myself.  Boy!
I have a greater appreciation of her work.  She
did it with sewing thread--I do it with size 10!!  I think she would still be proud of me.  You can see
my grandmother on my Grandmother's Page and
her shuttles on my Tatting Page.

Clyde was diagnosed in 1998 with MS.  He is taking Tysabri infusions to slow down the progression.  He is
now retired from General Electric.  His hobbies are
working with his flowers and his 1975 Harley Super
Glide motorcycle.

I hope you will enjoy your visit to my site.    I have several pages of my husband's flowers from
previous years.  Flowers give him so much pleasure
and I hope you will enjoy them.  My Decorating with Needlework and Collections pages are a tour
through our home at Melville Hill.  I have my
Christmas Site up all year and you can take a tour through our home all decorated for the holiday.

 View my old guestbook 

Guestbook by GuestWorld

All backgrounds and graphics done by me
using PSP 6 &  7 except for the hats.



Spring Flowers 2003
Flower Gardens 2006
My Quilts
Summer Flowers 2007
Cross Stitch
  Christmas All Year Long
Christmas Open House 2005
Miracle named Hannah
PSP Gallery
Clyde's Harley




Grandchildren 2001



Thanks for making me a Featured Page May 12, 1998

Thank you for making me a Heartland Hallmarks Page Nov. 24, 1998

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