Hi this is Bootsie again

Hello everyone, its Bootsie again. I haven't updated this page in two years
so couple of changes since the last time.
I have a neice who will be two in January. Her name is Ariana.
The picture was taken when she was 18mo old
but she hasn't changed that much

I also gained a new sister in August. Her name is Beanie.
Her family left town and left her behind. She first moved in with Lizzie
but she didn't like the boys so she moved in with us.
It took her a while to get used to Patches and me but
we tolerate each other now.

Now onto pictures of rest of my family.

My three nephews, Jonathan, Adrian and Austin who belong to Lizzie.
Lizzie and the boys moved out in June
so things are little quiter here with just us girls.
These were taken couple of years ago so they are little bigger now

Lizzie is also the Foster mother of Sabastian

Sadly her girl Jordan came to live in Hanover, about a month later
she went out on her daily outing and never came back.
She's been gone a long time but we still hope she comes back someday

Here is my sister Patches. She's getting very old.
She'll be 17 next year I think.

Here are my cousins Hailey and Emily in Richmond and Luna in New York

And here is of course the Superstar, my Mom's Godson Harley
who lives next door. My aunt thought he should be a godson instead of
grandson now that she has her own grandsons.

Here are Buster and Ozma who live in Gaithersburg now.
Aren't they cute.

I still want to dedicate this page to our
family member who are no longer with us.

Grandma Dunn who left us April of 2002. She was a wonderful Grandma
whom we loved very much and miss a lot

My big sister Leenie who died
two weeks before Christmas in 1975 when she was 4 years old.
Isn't she adorable?

Katherine Eileen

Here is my sister Kitty who died in June 1997
at the age of 17 which is pretty old for a kitty cat.

I never met either of my sisters but I hear they were wonderful girls.

Well thats about all for now.
To go back to the first page of the Christmas page
so you can get to other photo pages
just click the kitty.

I hope you have a wonderful Holiday season and a very Happy New Year.