To Kyle and Cody's Corner!

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others have been to our page since 3/4/98

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My name is Kyle, I'm 4 yrs old. Cody's my brother, he's 18 months old

Cody's 1st B-Day pics!!!

mom and dad think Cody and I look alike...what do you think of these..


click here to see portraits we had taken 9/20/98!

click here to hear Cody say mama!

We spend most of our days playing, letting mommy take care of us and spending time with her(and Daddy too of course)

I go to preschool 3 days a week. And we just moved into a brand new house. So we are very busy!!! But mom always finds a few minutes here and there for the computer!!

click on the bus for details!

On the days I'm not in school, I love to play on the computer!(when mom finally lets me have a turn!)

Cody's not a big preschooler like me, but he sure is getting to be a big boy and doing lots of new things!!click herefor Cody's latest accomplishments!

I like to watch

click here to visit the Nickelodeon website

some of my other favorite shows on Nickelodeon are Little Bear,Gullah Gullah Island and Blues Clues!

click on Blue to play a game of Blues Clues!(this game changes weekly!)

Please sign our guestbook!

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Here are some of mommy's favorite sites!
Vickie & Stephanie's page

The Miller family homepage

Austin & Login's Page

Take a look around the rest of our site! Mommy's adding lots of new stuff!

Here are the links to all of mommy's MANY pages she has created...don't forget to take a look at all of these!

she may have gotten carried away...but thats OK...she's having fun!!!!

click on mefor camping pics

click on meto see our Red Wings page

Halloween Pics

And here are the rest!

[Kyle&Cody's Corner] [mom&dad's page][RedWings Page]
[Kyle's birth story] [Cody's birth story] [Grammy's page] [Cody's first pics]
[photo album][Pics of Cancun][Kyle & his cousins] [meet a Sun Conyure]

Please come back soon and visit us.


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