Assim se registra a saga dos LABIGALINIS: Imigrantes por obrigação, a busca pelo pão de cada dia, o trabalho como riqueza e a honestidade como marca registrada. Nada mais conseguimos além disso.
Nem sempre se tem toda a verdade, mas sim aquela que é transmitida boca a boca; por isso, tentei juntar pequenas histórias dos mais velhos, velhas fotografias e velhos documentos para formar o grande quebra-cabeça da nossa história.
Quero que cada descendente tenha orgulho, antes de tudo, do que ele próprio é e não somente do que nossa família já foi. Por isso, peço que preserve no mínimo a sua história para que seus filhos possam continuar em busca desta identidade perdida; pois na verdade não sabemos quem somos, não sabemos qual pátria amar e não sabemos quais valores preservar. Só sei que LABIGALINI é passaporte de identidade perdida.
* Labigalini,
Marcio Roberto
Brazil / Campinas-SP. R Manoel Thomas, n444, c134, B Boa Vista, CEP 13067-190 Phone: (019)239-3111 Email: More Info *Denotes Switchboard member ![]() See my ICQ number. |
27 february 1995.
Dear John Tiboni,
How've you been? I'm very good.
Unfortunable I can't visit you when I was in USA and I think
I Won't have another opportunit so fast. I'm bored because I was carring
severals olds pictures and documents and I'm sure that you would like to
see me and could help me . I expected that we can meet one day. If you
want to visit us I'd love .
I don't have more information to send you about our genealogic
tree, because now I don't have time, neither money to visit my parents
and I need to work very hard to maintenance my family. Although, I went
to ITAPIRA and I found a record of LUIGI (brother to ISACCO and GIOVANNI)
birth. I translate to you at another page, I hope you understand.
On the other hand, When I received our genealogic tree, I looked for MARIO TIBONI in São Paulo and I found him. When I talked him I can't understand very well, but he said his true name is ANTONIO TIBONI. His phone number is 5511- 5628316. By the way, was Giovanni Tiboni (grandfather of Mario or Antonio Tiboni) parent (maybe brother) of your father Francesco Tiboni?
Here we still planing the party in 1995 to comemorate one century of our imigration to America. I think that could be in september. And you intende to come to Brazil ?
I hope your answer as soon as possible.
Marcio Roberto Labigalini.
"Federative Republic of Brasil
Itapira city - São Paulo state
Civil Record of naturals persons
Cristina H. U. C. P. Campana
Birthday Record
Certify that, under Nr. 3.513, at leafs 042 of book A07 of birthday
record, find the register of "LUIZ"
was born in 23 february 1895, at 06:00 0'clock
in "sitio do Salto" (Salto farm), Itapira - SP,
masculine sex,
and of lady "MARIA RIZZARDINA".
declarant "Joaquim Henrique Vieira"
and witness that look of the term.
Observation: Don't look of the term where his parents was born.
his paternals grandfathers are: Luiz Bizzari and his wife and
maternals grandfathers are unknows.
He was born in this city in 23 february 1895.
This register was made in 02 march 1895.
I reserve the erasure above where read: "SITIO".
The related is true and I give faith
Itapira, 13 June 1994.
century of Labigalini's immigration to America.
Dear John Tiboni,
When I received your fax, unfortunaly our family
reunion had already happened. The party started on oct. 11 and finished
on oct. 15. I tried to talk your nephew, but I couldn't. I'm sure, if you
were here you would never forget what happened. It was so beautiful, so
wonderful, so emotional, so unexpected and so necessary for me that I can't
tell you exactly I felt. When I remember it, the tears roll on my face.
You must be thinking I'm kidding, but I'm not. I don't know why, but I
love our family. The only thing I know is that I made my great dream some
Our meeting happened together with the Italian
Immigration Party, in "Monte Siao"and we were the honraries. In the last
day we had a great parade on the streets of the city and my sister and
I represented our great-grandparents (LUIGI LABIGALINI and LUCIA CRESCIMBENI)
exactly like
the picture to promove the party. I have newspapers,
publicity and pictures and I think I'll send you. I have a film too, but
the sistem here is PAL-M and your sistem (in USA) is NTSC; so I need to
and when I finish I'll send you too.
I'd like to invite you to come here someday.
Please, make up your mind and come. We will be able to know the tiboni's
family in "Sao Paulo", the Isacco's family in "Campinas" (where I live),
my family in "Monte Siao" and maybe go to Italy...Who knows...
By the way, can you send me more information
about Giuseppe Labigalini's family in Trieste-Italy? This is very important
to me, so please, take a look in your mother's documens.
Re: retransmition family
Tue, 26 Aug 1997 08:57:02
"John P. Capitanio" <>
Marcio Roberto Labigalini
At 10:00 AM 8/26/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Dear John Capitanio,
>I'm very happy you wrote me and don't worry: My great-grandfather
>your grandfather, but his name was Luigi Labigalini too, and my
>great-grandmother was Crescimbeni too, but her first name was Lucia
>father was Battista Crescimbeni and her mother was Giovanna Rizzardini.
>Who Know, she was sister of your grandmother: "Martina or Marta").
>Your great-grandfather was Giovanni Labigalini (and his wife was Maria
>Rizzardini) and my Great-grandfather was his brother, so their father
>was LUIGI Labigalini (1), as my great-grandfather and your grandfather.
>By the way, as from now the first Luigi (Giovanni and Luigi's father)
>will be Luigi(1), My great-grandfather will be Luigi(2) and your
>grandfather will be Luigi(3).
>Another coincidence interesting is that the Luigi(2)'s wife (LUCIA)
>daugther of Rizzardini and the Giovanni,s wife was Rizzardini too.
>In short I'm the first child of "Romildo", who is the third child
>"Ultimo", Who was the last child of Luigi(2). By the way,If my
>grandfather was born in USA, his name could be LAST Labigalini, because
>he was the last child and "Ultimo" in portuguese means LAST. This
>"Ultimo" had several brothers and two of them were "Primo"(who means
>FIRST ) and "Segundo" (who means SECOND). I have many history to tell...
Thanks for the clarification. I was not aware there were so many
in the family line! (or Rizzardini's or Crescimbeni's).
I remember my
grandfather Luigi and his first wife Marta; they lived in the next
town to
the one where I grew up, and we saw them regularly. After Marta
died, Luigi
went back to Italy, and I only saw him maybe twice after that, when
he came
back to the US for visits. I remember going fishing with him
and my father
on my father's boat in the ocean, and Luigi was very impressed with
seagulls -- wanted to catch a couple and eat them because they were
such big
birds with a large breast. My father had all he could do to prevent
from catching them. I also remember an older woman who lived
in Luigi and
Marta's house, we called her 'nona bisa', who probably was my grandmother's
mother, but I'd have to ask my aunt or uncle about that. I and
Nancy and
Jesse are going back to Massachusetts tomorrow (Wed.) for a few days,
and I
will see all of the relatives there. Maybe I can find John Tiboni
who is
supposed to have the whole genealogy put together. I would like
to have a copy.
>In Italy I Know the Eligio and his family (discendants of Giuseppe
>Labigalini, who was brother of Luigi(3)) and he told me your grandfather
>Luigi(3) died in Vobarno-Italia. Did you know about this?
Yes, though it was so long ago, I don't remember when. I was sorry
I never
got to Italy to see him there, although my best friend did in the early-mid
1970's. In fact, I was talking to my friend Steve just last week
and he
asked about Luigi's second wife's (I forget her name, something like
Katrina?) son, Giorgio, who was an interpreter between Steve and Luigi.
Steve had many good stories to tell about his experiences with Luigi.
Do we still have many relatives in Italy? I did not know Eligio,
though I
remember my father's father, Emilio, talking about an 'Eligio'.
Perhaps it
was a different one.
>I think I know something about your family, I know there are
>Francis E., Cecilia and Francis G. ; Patricia and Larry; you, Joshua
>Jesse;Lisa (who was born in the same year I was), John Maggi and Briana.
>I'm separate and I have two children: Luigi-7 years old and Isabella-4
>years old.
Don't forget my wife Nancy. We just celebrated our 23rd anniversary last month.
Did you know that Marcia Stubblebine contacted me last Christmas?
How is
she related to you? I am hoping her family, my family, and my
Patricia and Larry can get together sometime in San Francisco;
unfortunately, I have been travelling a lot in the last few months,
and my
sister has as well. Perhaps we can in September when everything
settles down.
I will bring a copy of your email to me when I go back to Massachusetts.
And I will check with Mark or David to see if they have email yet.
I think
I may be the only one who does. It is a great thing, though,
especially for
situations like this, when 3rd cousins who've never known about each
can communicate!
Write back, and tell me what you do.
Re: family
Tue, 26 Aug 1997 16:44:18
"John P. Capitanio" <>
Marcio Roberto Labigalini
I will get the letter to John Tiboni that you sent to me delivered
to him,
if I don't do it personally.
I hope you don't mind that I read it. I had heard about the family
from someone, perhaps John Tiboni. If you or any of our relatives
have anything like that again, I hope you will let us know! I
and my
brother Francis (and probably several others of us) would like to come
for such an event!
At 07:51 PM 8/26/97 -0700, you wrote:
>John P. Capitanio wrote:
>> Yes, though it was so long ago, I don't remember when. I was
sorry I never
>> got to Italy to see him there, although my best friend did in the
>> 1970's. In fact, I was talking to my friend Steve just last
week and he
>> asked about Luigi's second wife's (I forget her name, something
>> Katrina?) son, Giorgio, who was an interpreter between Steve and
>> Steve had many good stories to tell about his experiences with Luigi.
>Dear John,
>1)Who is this Giorgio? Is he Luigi(3)'s son?
Luigi(3)'s second wife was Leticia, as you have it correctly (I think
Katrina [or Katerina] was the wife of my grandfather, Emilio's, brother).
Giogio was Leticia's son from before she married Luigi, so Giogio is
related to us by blood.
>2)In my documents I have the following information about your
>grandfather Luigi(3):
>married with: 1-MARTA CRESCIMBENI
>birthday: 02/23/1895
>local of birth: ITAPIRA-SP, BRAZIL
>dead day / local: 1978 / Vobarno-Italy
>Is that write? Do you know he was Brasilian? Are you surprise? If
>me too. I forgot I had this documents. I have his birthday record
and in
>02/27/95 I send one copy to John Tiboni, but if you want, I can send
I did *not* know he was Brasilian, but my aunt Lena (Luigi(3)'s daughter)
mentioned that there were many trips back and forth to Italy among
relatives, and so I thought that it might have been possible that some
of my
direct ancestors were born in South America. I can find out the
date of his
death if don't have the exact date.
>I have one old picture and I think he is your grandfather Luigi(3).
If I
>have time I'll scan and I'll send you. I think I send to John Tiboni
>too. The picture was made in Springfield, Massachusets, in the Brown
>Studio,1331 main st. but don't have date, neither name.
I'm sure I could recognize him, as I have very strong memories of Luigi(3).
If not, I can show it to my older sister (Patricia) who lives about
an hour
from me here in California.
>> Do we still have many relatives in Italy?
>No, We have only two branchs:
> 1)Giuseppe Labigalini (Luigi(3)'s
>This family is that about Eligio, who was son of Giuseppe and have
>sisters: Wilma and Valentina. Eligio have only one son (Stefano).
>is the marieta's family and she was Luigi(3)'s sister.
> and
> 2)Giuseppe Labigalini (Luigi(2)'s
brother) again.
>We found them recently, in June/97 whem I made one search by Internet.
>found Patrizia Labigalini (who was born in the same month and year
>I was, june/62) and she was born in Africa, but now they live in Italy.
>This Giuseppe(2) was her great-grandfather, her grandfather was
>Giuseppe(3)too and her father is Giuseppe(4) too. This Giuseppe(4)
>3 children: Patrizia, manuel and Flora.
>I was looking for them since 1995, when John Tiboni told me something
>about his mother was made one visit to them in Trieste-Italia.
I'm glad we still have relatives in Italy. One of these days I may get there.
> How you can see I love our family
and I'd apreciate very much if we
>maintain contact.
Yes, I hope we can maintain contact. I am very glad someone has kept
all of
our history together. I wish someone had done it for the Capitanio
> Have a goot time in Massachusets
and tell every relatives I exist and I
>expect to them to visit us in Brazil. Please, give one special embrace
>in John Tiboni.
I will show everyone copies of our correspondence. Everyone will
be very
happy that you have made contact! (How did you find me, by the
You should know that the Labigalini family in Massachusetts is a close
On several holidays every year, the John Labigalini family (with Mark
his wife and David) gets together with the Capitanios and Lena Labigalini
somewhere, either at John Labigalini's or my brother Francis's house
or my
sister Lisa's house, to celebrate. My father, Francis, perhaps
because he
was an only child, was especially important in seeing that we get together
regularly. He and John Labigalini were very close, and when my
father died
last year, John was as sad as if he had lost his older brother.
It is
unfortunate that I live 3000 miles away, since I do not get back there
often. But whenever one of us (me or my sister Patricia) comes
back, it is
a cause for a big Sunday dinner. Usually, Nancy (if she is with me)
and I
also go out to drink beer with David and Mark, and we always have a
fun time.
I will write again when I return from my travels.
Re: [Fwd: old picture]
Tue, 02 Sep 1997 08:43:07
"John P. Capitanio" <>
Marcio Roberto Labigalini
At 01:52 PM 8/28/97 -0200, you wrote:
>P.S. I'm sending you again another picture. I had problems with my
>computer (memory enough), so I changed of machine and now I think
>be able to see this picture. Bye.
I received the new version of the photograph, and it came through fine
time. I showed the picture to both my aunt Lena Labigalini and
John Tiboni,
and both agreed that it was *not* Luigi(3). Neither had any idea
who it
might be. John showed me an old picture of Luigi, and it does
not look like
the one you sent me. So much for my old and fading memory.
Nancy (my wife), Lena, and I spent a couple hours at John Tiboni's house
last Friday afternoon. John showed us the work he has done on
the family
tree, as well as the material that you had sent him on the offspring
Isaaco -- six pages of material! It was interesting to compare
the numbers
of children the family members had; in the US, we mostly had a few
but in Brasil, it seems like large families were more commone, resulting
*lots* or relatives there. John was very pleased to get the note
that you
asked me to give to him. In fact, he, Lena, and John Labigalini,
as well as
Mark Labigalini, were all quite excited about the fact that you had
contact with me. All were disappointed, however, that they missed
the 100th
anniversary celebration in 1995. Mark does not yet have email,
but he hopes
to hook up this winter.
I think one benefit of this renewed correspondence is that we may actually
get a copy of John Tiboni's genealogy. It is very incomplete,
through all the generations mostly just the lines that are in the U.S.
would be very difficult to put all the Labigalini's on one piece of
Several people had asked John for a copy in years past, and he indicated
that he will now get copies made. I'm sure you have all of this
information. He was pleased about the information that you emailed
me about
the Labigalinis still in Italy; he didn't have all of that material.
I left
copies of our correspondence with him.
Thanks again for the picture. It is too bad no one knows who
it is, but it
seems likely that it is not a member of our family, despite it having
taken in Springfield. John has a picture of Luigi(3) with his
wife and
three children. When I get a copy , I will scan it and send to
Finally, I think someone told me when I was back east that the old woman
used to live with Luigi(3) and Marta was Luigi's mother. That
would make
her Maria Rizzardini, wouldn't it? Did she die in Massachusetts?