A Finnell Family
Being the Family of Thomas Finnell, Sr of Coshocton County, Ohio;
mainly through the descendants of his oldest son Charles W. Finnell
Compiled by Arthur Louis Finnell
Second Edition 1 Oct 1997
Thomas Finnell, Sr; b. 1790/1802, Virginia; d.21 Mar 1868,
Coshocton Co, Oh; burial Finnell Cemetery, Jackson Twp, Coshocton Co, OH. m/1 to
Nancy Compton (dau of George & Sarah (Duke) Compton; b.1801, VA; d.27 Feb 1851;
burial Finnell Cemetery). m/2 9 Feb 1852 in Warren Co, VA to Catherine [Menefee]
Compton; b.1819, VA; d.28 Dec 1906, Coshocton, OH.)
Thomas came to Ohio in September 1830/31 with the families of Anthony Ricketts,
Sr, John D Compton, George Compton, Elisha Compton and others. The party numbering
about 30 people coming from old Virginia, the trip taking 19 days. Settled west of Roscoe
(Caldersburg), in Jackson Twp, Coshocton County. Thomas is found in the 1840 to 1860
Federal Census as engaged in farming. As early as 1833/34 paid taxes on one horse and a
cow in Jackson Twp, owning land in section 10 which he purchased from the Government.
The surname spelled Finny or Finney in some of the older records before 1845.
This is believed to be Thomas Finnell, Sr., from an old tintype.
1. i. Charles W. Finnell; b.1823; d.1854
ii. Mary Finnell; b.1824, Va; d. Dec 1905, Roscoe, OH; m. 8 Feb
1850 to John Greer in Coshocton Co, OH. Children: Mary, Alexander, Mattie,
Emma, Charles, Robert.
2. iii. Thomas Arthur Finnell; b.1827; d.1892
3. iv. George Washington Finnell; b.1833; d.1905
v. Robert F. Finnell; b.1834, Coshocton Co, OH; d.23 Jun 1901;
burial Roscoe Cemetery; m. 21 Mar 1867 to Christina Fry Devinney at Warsaw, OH.
A private in Co G 143rd Regt Ohio Vol Infantry, Civil War. Children:
Howard; b.Nov 1873; d.1954; Milton; b.1870;
4. vi. John W. Finnell; b.1835; d.1902
vii. Sarah Finnell; b.22 Feb 1837; d.2 Jul 1924; burial Roscoe
Cemetery; m/1 7 Feb 1878 to Samuel Randles; m/2 9 Nov 1881 to Henry Ash; m/3.
22 Nov 1898 to George H. McClaughry. In the 1880 listed as Widow [Sarah Finnell]
age 44
children by second marriage:
viii. Nancy E. Finnell; b. 1854; d.13 Sep 1909; burial Norman
Cemetery Lafayette Twp, Coshocton Co, OH; m. 1 Oct 1871 to Benjamin F. Wright
ix. Isaac N. Finnell b. 1855; d.15 Jun 1909, Coshocton Co; um
5. x. James M. Finnell b.1859; d.1939
xi. Allen M. Finnell; b.3 Nov 1864, Coshocton Co, Oh; d.24 Jan 1935;
bur Roscoe Cemetery; m/1 30 Oct 1884 to Margaret N. Hickson; m/2 to Rebecca A.
Scoles. Children: Edessa; b. May 1886; m. 1904 to Charles
See Appendix A for possible Ancestry for Thomas Finnell, Sr.
1. CHARLES W. FINNELL (Thomas1); b. c1823, Virginia;
d.20 Oct 1854, Coshocton Co, OH; burial Finnell Cemetery, Jackson Twp; m. 27 Oct 1843
to Delia Wright* by Linas Gilbert, Baptist minister in Coshocton Co, OH. The marriage
record states Delilah Wright and Charles W. Finney, and only a ministers return was made
by Rev Gilbert.
Recorded as a wagon maker in Pike Twp, Coshocton Co, Oh in the 1850 census. In
1860 his wife and family are living in Roscoe, Jackson Twp. The 1870 census shows Delia,
keeping house in Mineral Twp, Bureau Co, IL, living not far from two of her sons.
6. i. William Henry Finnell; b.3 Sep 1843; d.1889
7. ii. John W. Finnell; b.25 Mar 1848
iii. Cornelia Finnell; b.9 Jul 1849; d. before the 1850 census; believed
buried in unmarked grave in Finnell Cemetery Jackson Twp, Coshocton Co,
8. iv. Thomas Jefferson Finnell; b. 29 Aug 1850; d.12 Jul 1936
*Delia Wright Finnell; b. Sep 1823, Va; d. 15 Oct 187[-],IA Tombstone stated age as
56years, one month. The stone is broken and the last number of the date can not be
read.This information from a old tombstone photographed in 1967 at Victor, IA by Mrs
Franklin Lilie. The stone found as a step in front of the train depot at Victor, IA. Burial is
believed in the Guernsey Cemetery located near Guernsey, Poweshiek Co, IA. The Plat
Books of the cemetery show no record of her burial and the 1880 mortality schedule for
Poweshiek and Iowa Counties do not record her death.

Photo of tombstone at Victor, Iowa, train station.
# These four childrens births are recorded in a Book of Common Prayer for the
Episcopal Church, published in 1820. The original book is now owned by the
2. THOMAS ARTHUR FINNELL (Thomas1); b.14 Aug 1827,
Virginia; d.19 Jul 1892, Coshocton Co, OH; burial Roscoe Cemetery, Coshocton Co, OH;
m. 7 May 1868 to Harriet P. McClain, (dau of William & Mary (Harper) McClain; b.28 Sep
1846, Washington Twp, Coshocton Co, OH; d.28 Sep 1921, Jackson Twp, Coshocton Co,
Oh; burial Rosce Cemetery) married in Coshocton County by Rev. Arthur W. Oder.
Thomas served in the Civil War as a Private in Co G 143rd Regt Ohio Volunteer
Infantry. Discharged 13 Sep 1864. The 1880 census he is listed as a Coal Miner in Jackson
Twp, Coshocton Co, OH
9. i. John Henry Warren Finnell; b. 1868; d.1943
ii. Charles M. Finnell; b.11 Jun 1870; d.11 Mar 1919; both in
Coshocton Co, OH; m. 27 Jun 1901 to Lola W. Darr. Child: Doris
iii. Roberta M. Finnell; b.10 Feb 1872; d.9 Jan 1901, Coshocton Co,
OH; m. 16 Aug 1886 to John S. Reed
10. iv. Sandy B. Finnell; b.1874; d.1935
v. Della [Lillie] Finnell; b.16 Jun 1877; d.8 Jan 1917, Coshocton Co,
OH; m. 7 Dec 1899 to Lee Grace
11. vi. Reuben Hamilton Finnell; b.1880; d.1941
vii. Hattie Catherine Finnell; b.2 Oct 1882; d.26 Feb 1965, Jackson
Twp, Coshocton Co, OH; Postmistress of Roscoe for many years
1833, Jackson Twp, Coshocton Co, OH; d.29 Dec 1905; burial Roscoe Village
Cemetery,Coshocton Co, OH; m. 12 Nov 1856 to Catherine Greer Lore (dau of John &
Mary (Critchfield) Greer; b.25 Jan 1833; d.3 Mar 1902; burial Roscoe Village Cemetery).
married by Rev.J. H. Wilson in Knox Co, OH.
Listed as a Farmer in the 1860- 80 Census returns for Roscoe, Jackson Twp,
Coshocton Co, OH. During the mid 1800's was refered to as George Washington Finnell, Jr.
He was noted for the large number of apple trees he grafted in the area.
i. Bryan Finnell; b.20 May 1859; age 1 year in 1860 census not listed
in the 1870 census
ii. Mary Belle Finnell; b.29 Apr 1861, Coshocton Co, MN; d.22 Apr
1929, Coshocton; burial Oak Ridge Cemetery;m. 3 May 1887 to William W.
Cantwell; ISSUE
iii. Martha Jane Finnell; b.7 Dec 1864; m. 2 Oct 1884 to Alexander
C. McDonald
iv. Harvey Finnell; b.23 Apr 1866; d.23 Aug 1882, Jackson Twp,
Coshocton Co, OH,
v. Almeda Finnell; b.21 Feb 1868;m. 2 Sept 1896 to to Izer D. Earley;
in 1906 resident of Mussuillon, Ohio.
vi. Eliza Ellen Finnell; b. 11 Feb 1872, Jackson Twp; m.14 Aug 1880
to Robert L. Hamilton; in 1906 was of Baltimore, MD
12. vii. Rolland Ezra Finnell; b.1 May 1876; d.15 Mar 1952
4. JOHN W. FINNELL (Thomas1); b. 1835, OH; d.2 Dec
1902 at Coshocton, Ohio; bur Oak Ridge Cemetery, Coshocton; m. 29 Jul 1858 to Nancy
Ricketts (dau of Anthony Ricketts; b.1832; d.7 Apr 1925, Seattle, WA; bur of ashes Oak
Ridge cemetery, Coshocton).
In the 1860 Census were found in the household of John Greer, his brother-in-law, in
Jackson Twp, Coshocton County, as a farmer. In 1870 were living in Keene Twp, Coshocton
County and in the 1880 census a labor in Coshocton. Elected in 1898 as Street Commissioner
for the City of Coshocton. Was said to have been a stone mason.
i. Alice Finnell; b.1858; d.1900, Obit in Daily Age 13 Jul
1900, Keene Twp, Coshocton County; burial Oak Ridge Cemetery
ii. William A. Finnell; b. Oct 1860; d. ___ ; m. 12 Jun 1884 to Anna
P. Haller; in 1902 of Olympia, Washington
iii. John W. Finnell; b1864; d.21 May 1921, Braddock, PA; a
iv. Samuel A. Finnell; b.1866; in 1902 of Gettysburg, PA
v. Bryan Finnell; b.1868; d.1892, Allegheny, PA
vi. James Finnell; c.c1870; d. by 1880
vi. Edward Finnell; b.4 Feb 1872; d.24 Feb 1954, Coshocton ,OH;
burial South Lawn cemetery, Coshocton; m. Alma R. _____. A plasterer. Children:
Robert D.
vii. George F. Finnell; b.1870; d.5 Jul 1919, Seattle, WA; burial of
ashes Oak Ridge Cemetery, Coshocton; A Photographer in Coshoction in
ix. Nellie Finnell; b.1876; m. 24 Oct 1894 to John Swigart; in 1902 of
Cleveland, OH
5. JAMES M. FINNELL (Thomas1); b. 1859, Coshocton Co.
OH; d.___ ; m/1 7 May 1877 in Coshocton Co, OH to Eunice O. Austin, (b.1858, OH; d.
1914, burial Roscoe Village Cemetery); m/2 to Catherine ______ (d. 6 Nov 1939,
Columbus, OH)
Listed in the 1880 Census of Jackson Twp, Coshocton Co, as a coal miner. Eunice O
and the children are found in the 1900 census at Spring Street, Columbus, Franklin Co,
i. Herbert Finnell; b. Dec 1877, OH
ii. Bessie Finnell; d. as infant obit Democratic Standard 15
Jul 1887, burial in Oak Ridge Cemetery Coshocton, OH
iii Arthur Finnell; b. Nov 1889
iv. Pearl Finnell; b. Feb 1883; m. to ____ Harkins
v. Nan Finnell; b. __; m. to _____Graves
vi. Lulu Finnell; b. Apr 1882; m. to ____ Nettleton
vii. Marie Finnell; m. to ___ Eagle
Thomas1); b.3 Sep 1843, Coshocton Co, OH; d.11 Dec 1889, age 46yrs
3mos 8dys; burial LuVerne Cemetery, LuVerne IA; m. 10 Jan 1864 to Mary J. Deems (Dau
of Isaac & Rebecca (Ross) Deems of Zanesville, OH; b.26 Apr 1842; d.15 Jul 1922, burial
LuVerne Cemetery).
About 1864 removed from Coshocton Co, OH to Bureau Co, IL, where they are
found in the 1870 Census with her parents, The Finnell name is badly misspelled in the
census. The Family came to Iowa and lived near Victor, IA by 1880 where it lists William
as a Carpenter. Sometime prior to 1885 moved to Kossuth Co, IA living near
13. i. Isaac M. Finnell; b.3 May 1865
ii. Robert Henry Finnell; b.12 Dec 1866. Bureau Co, IL; d.12 Feb
1958, Mason City, IA; m. to Carrie Clark. Children: Lila; m. __
Bruner; Robert; Gertrude; m. ___ Hockenbury;
Delores, m. __ Jensen
iii. John W. Finnell; b.3 Jan 1867, IL; d.12 Jun 1923, burial Mallard,
IA; m. to Mary Booth
iv. Mary Elizabeth Finnell; b.15 Oct 1870, Victor, IA; d.13 Dec 1934;
m. to Frank J. Seely; Issue
v. William B. Finnell; b.15 Oct 1872; d.1903; um
vi. Absalom P. Finnell; b.2 Apr 1874; d.8 Aug 1878; age 4yrs
7mos,6dys; burial U.P. Church Cemetery, Guernsey, IA
14. vii. Clarence Finnell; b.1876
viii. Rebecca Finnell; b.15 Aug 1883, IA; m.3 Feb 1931, Burial
Whittemore, IA; m. 13 Jun 1900 to Harold Fromback. Issue
ix. Charles Finnell; b.3 Apr 1888, IA; d.6 Jun 1962, Lake Geneva,
WI; m. 12 Oct 1915 to Mabel R. Brown. One son Everett,
7. JOHN W. FINNELL (Charles2, Thomas1) b.25
Mar 1848, Coshocton Co, OH;date of death is unknown; m. 22 Feb 1869 to Harriet Hodkiss
in Bureau Co, IL
The 1870 census lists John as a farm hand, age 22, living in Mineral Twp, Bureau
Co, IL. the next census (1880) listed as a Farmer in Mineral Twp. The book titled
Voters and Taxpayers of Bureau Co, Illinois listed John in Concord Twp. In 1878
as a Laborer, Democrat, residence Sheffield, IL and having three children. The Bureau
County Republican newspaper for 27 Sep 1877 records John Finnell as now living on
the B.M. Howard west farm.
The 1900 federal census for LuVerne, Kossuth Co, IA lists Alice L. Finnell, b. Jul
1861, IL, head of household living with her is daughter Lila M. Finnell, b. Mar 1888 Ia;
daughter in law Harriet E. Dorsey b. Feb 1870, IL. This Alice is possibly a second wife of
i. Harriet E. Finnell; b. May 1870, Bureau Co, IL; m. ____Dorsey; in
1875/76 listed in the Sunday School Rolls in Sheffield, IL; In 1900 census residing in
LuVerne, Kossuth Co, IA with three Children: Luella; Mabel G. and Pearl U.
ii. William A. Finnell b. Oct 1871, Bureau Co, IL; d.22 Jul 1907,
Burt, IA; m. to Myrtle A. ___ ( she b. Oct 1879, IA; d. bef 1907) The 1895 Iowa
Census listed as a painter, age22 in Sherman Twp, Kossuth Co, IA. The 1900 census
as living in LuVerne Twp.
iii. James M. Finnell; b. 1873, Bureau Co, IL
iv. Luella Finnell; b. 1877, Bureau Co, IL; m. to Earnest Greibel. In
1895 reference to living in Heartland area near Albert Lea, MN and having visted
v. [?] Lila M. Finnell; b. Mar 1888, IA

Thomas Jefferson Finnell, son Wheeler, daughter Mary, wife Milinda, taken at Audubon, Iowa, about 1887.
Thomas1); b. 29 Aug 1850, Coshocton Co, OH; d.12 Jul 1936, Ghent, Lyon
Co, MN; burial in Family Lot Marshall City Cemetery, Marshall, MN; m. 25 Sep 1873 to
Malinda Anne Wolfe in Poweshiek Co, IA (dau of John D. & Margaret (Tucker) Wolfe;
b.21 Dec 1851, Knox Co, OH; d.9 Jun 1926, burial Marshall Cemetery).
Went to school in 1860 in Roscoe, OH. Came to Iowa after the 1870 census, as is
listed in Mineral Twp, Bureau Co, IL as a farm hand. Paid personal property taxes in 1878
for 1877 in Poweshiek County, address being Verona, IA. Lived 3/4 mile west of the United
Presbyterian Church Cemetery in Lincoln Twp, Poweshiek Co, IA. The 1880 census has the
family living in Lincoln Twp, Poweshiek Co as a farmer. In the 1885 Iowa State Census is
found as a farmer in Jefferson Twp, Shelby Co, IA. Lived in Algona, IA in 1895, working
for the railroad as a stone cutter. About the same time lived in Burt, IA on the "Brown
Farm" two miles south of Burt. In 1901 moved to Milroy, Redwood Co,MN where they
continued to farm. In 1905 listed as a Farmer in Westline Twp, Redwood Co, MN and had
been a resident of the state for 4 years. Later moved to Marshall were they continued to
i. Mary Rebecca Finnell; b.13 Jul 1874, IA; d.1 Apr 1957, Ghent,
MN; burial the the Marshall City Cemetery; m/1 to Joseph Jackson; m/2 21 Jan 1904
to Jacob Charles Marshall Issue (See Appendix B)
ii.John M. Finnell; b.4 Mar 1876, IA; d.22 Feb 1877; burial in U.P.
Church Cemetery, Lincoln Twp, Poweshiek Co, IA
15 iii. Wheeler James Arthur Finnell; b. 1880
16. iv. Jesse Edward Finnell; b. 1887
v. Jane Elizabeth Finnell; b.6 Jan 1890, Shelby Co, IA; d.7 Aug 1980,
Whiting, KS
(Thomas2;Thomas1); b.24 Aug 1868, Coshocton, OH; d.21
Aug 1943; age 75yrs.; m/1 to Alma Smith Mirise (dau of L. M. Mirise; b.1868; d.3 Nov
1910); m/2 to Margaret Blackson
i. John Finnell, Jr
ii. Mary Evelyn Finnell; b.11 Apr 1902; m.5 Feb 1920 to Harvey Jay
House in Coshocton Co, OH
iii. Georgia Alfreda Finnell; b.8 Apr 1904; d. Jun 1973/74,
Willoughby, OH; m/1 to George Sheldon; m/2 Charles Wesley Haworth; m/3 ____;
One Child: Charles Richard Haworth
iv. Byron Finnell; b.1905
v. David O. Finnell; b.9 May 1906, Coshocton Co, OH
vi. Edward F.[Edwin] Finnell; b.27 Jan 1908, Roscoe, OH; d.10 Sep
1939, Elyria, OH; m. to Nellie ____; CHILDREN: Maxine; Marlene; Lois
vii. Mildred Finnell; b. 1909; d;.16 Sep 1910; age 2yrs; Burial Roscoe,
Thomas1); b.22 Mar 1874, Coshocton Co, OH; d.13 Jul 1962, Coshocton
Co, OH, burial South Lawn Cemetery; m/1 to Sarah Askrins (b.18 Apr 1876; d.5 Nov
1935); m/2 to Gladys Calhoun. In the 1900 Federal Census living on 10th Street in
Coshocton Ohio.
i. Warden Alexander Finnell; b.3 Dec 1898; m. 26 Sep 1917 to
Eunice E. Richardson. Two Sons:
Harold Finnell; b.20 Se 1918; d. Feb 1919
William Raymond Finnell; b.23 Jul 1920 Roscoe, OH; m. 22
Feb 1941 to Helen Clara Wontz at Roscoe, OH.(dau of Charles Edward &
Mary Roeina (Swigert) Wentz; b.30 Aug 1918, Adams Twp, Coshocton Co,
OH). They had Two Sons:
i.Charles Robert Finnell; b.24 Dec 1942; m. 1 Jul 1962
to Judith M. Stark: Children: (all born Coshocton Co,
Julie Ann Finnell; b. 27 Apr 1963; d.28 Apr
Sherrie Lynn Finnell; 22 Jun 1964
Scott Charles Finnell; b.28 Jun 1969
ii.Thomas Ward Finnell; b.27 Dec 1944, Alexandria,
VA; m/1 3 Jul 1964 to Linda Darlene Moore, divorced; m/2 12 Sep
1975 to Jimmie Carole Hughes: Children:
Victoria Ann Finnell; b.20 Sep 1968
Angela Renee Finnell; b/d. 6 Mar 1972
Cheryl Lynn Finnell; b.23 Jan 1974
ii. Clyde Arthur Finnell; b.10 Sep 1900; d.30 May 1976, Coshocton,
OH; m. 7 Aug 1928 to Olive Wright. CHILDREN:
i.James Finnell
iii. Russell Finnell; b. 1902; d.2 Feb 1969, Coshocton, OH; m.
13 Oct 1924 to Edith C. Clark. CHILDREN: Jean Eileen; b. 29 Nov
1916,Roscoe,OH and Evageline
17. iv. Frank R. Finnell; b.17 Jan 1904; m. 23 Jun 1928 to Nora
v. Norma Finnell; b. 1906; m. to Charles Conrad
vi. Juanita Finnell; b.8 Apr 1917; d.1972; m. to James Royer
Thomas1); b.10 Feb 1880, Roscoe, OH; d.21 Sep 1941, Roscoe, OH; m. 3
Dec 1903 to Idella Elizabeth Kleinknecht (dau of John P. & Elizabeth (___) Kleinknecht,
Sr). Occupation that of a painter in Coshocton, Ohio for many years.
i. Paul Nobel Finnell; b. 13 Jul 1904; m. to Opal Watson. A Painter in
Coshocton,OH; Issue
18. ii. Clarence Reuben [Bud] Finnell; b.30 Nov 1906, Lafayette Twp,
Cochocton Co, OH
iii. Ruth Harriet Finnell; b.1 Aug 1909; m. to F. R. Binning
iv. Erma Elizabeth Finnell; b.6 Aug 1911; m. to W. W.
v. Dela Louise Finnell; b.2 Apr 1917; m. to Francis Strasser
Thomas1); b.1 May 1879, Coshocton Co, OH; d.15 Mar 1952, Coshocton,
Co, OH; burial South Lawn Cemetery; m. to Lizzie B. Johnson.
i. William Johnston Finnell; b.3 Oct 1900, Coshocton, OH; d.__
Burial South Lawn Cemetery; m. to Ruth Irene Smith. CHILDREN:
19. i. Robert Burton Finnell; b.1921; d.1972
ii. Charles Leonard Finnell; b.29 Apr 1922
iii. Betty Eileen Finnell; b.6 Feb 1925; m. to ___ Hook
iv. William Finnell, Jr; b.1 Mar 1927
v. Shirley Ann Finnell; b.24 Jan 1929; m. to ___
vi. Rolland Eugene Finnell; b.12 Apr 1931, Coshocton Co,
vii. Wayne Richard Finnell; b.7 Mar 1933
viii. Jane Gail Finnell; b.14 Jul 1935
ix. Roger Dean Finnell; b.3 Nov 1937
x. Donald Chester Finnell; b.12 Jun 1940
xi. Larry Russell Finnell; b.14 Nov.
ii. Roy Delmer Finnell; b. 1902, Coshocton Co, OH
iii. Ralph George Finnell; b.1904, Coshocton Co, OH
iv. Robert Burton Finnell; b. 1912, Coshcocton, OH; d.28 Nov 1971,
bur South Lawn Cemetery; m. to Denora Wright. Children:
i. David Finnell
Charles2; Thomas1); b.3 May 1865, Bureau Co, IL; d.28 Jul
1941, Algona, Kossuth Co, IA; burial Calvary Cemetery, Algona, IA. m/1 19 Feb 1888 to
Flora A. Tiss (dau of John Tiss; b. Jan 1868; d.1909, Algona, IA); m/2 4 Jan 1910 to Laura
Meyers Everett (widow of Wallace Everett).
Employed with the Algona Courier newspaper from its first issue and also
served as Postmaster at Algona.
Ruth Finnell (adopted with first wife) b.1897; d.1905
20. i. Evon E. Finnell; b.15 May 1910, Algona, IA
20a. ii. Edger C. Finnell; b. 15 May 1913, Algona, IA
iii. Zada Finnell (adopted); b.18 Jan 1906, St Paul, MN; m/1 Edward Butler; m/2
Gene Igoe of Des Moines
14. CLARENCE FINNELL (William3; Charles2;
Thomas1) b.10 Sep 1876; d. in Colorado; m. to Harrietta Hilton. In 1909
lived in Nora Springs, Iowa
i. Veldon Hilton Finnell; b.9 Jan 1908, Lamars, IA; m. 5 May 1929 to
Gladys Mapps at Fort Collins, CO. CHILDEN:
i. Larry Mapps Finnell; b.5 Apr 1932; m. 14 Oct 1956 to
Patricia Pack.
CHILDREN: Mark Larry Finnell; b.3 Sep 1958
Wheeler Finnell and his wife Edna, daughters Viola and Florence, sons Lawrence and George (in dress), taken about 1913 in Marshall, Minnesota.
Charles2; Thomas1); b. 19 Mar 1880, Lincoln Twp,
Poweshiek Co, IA; d.15 Mar 1941, burial Family Lot Marshall City Cemetery; m/1 18 Sep
1903 at Redwood, MN to Edna Mae Barnes (dau of Frank O. & Caroline F. (Roos) Barnes;
b.22 Jul 1883; d.16 Apr 1915; burial Crookston, MN);
m/2 28 Feb 1925 to Ida Garrow Roberts.
Lived for many years in the Ghent and Marshall area of Lyon Co, MN except for a
time around 1915 in Hitterdal, MN. Came to Minnesota about 1900 and farmed for a time
near Milroy, Redwood Co, MN.
i. Florence Malinda Finnell; b.31 Aug 1904; d. 3 Feb 1936; burial
Marshall City Cemetery; m. 11 Aug 1929 to James Sterling. CHILD:
ii. Viola Winfred Finnell; b.29 Aug 1906; d.9 Oct 1932; m. 11
Jun 1926 to Lester Sheets. CHILDREN: Lewis, Alma Mae and
21. iii. Lawrence Arthur Finnell; b.1909; d.1977
iv. George Bennett Finnell; b.26 Oct 1911, Lyon Co, MN; d.16 Jan
1983, Seattle, WA; m. 10 May 1939 to Viola Verdoorn. One Daughter:
i. Kathleen Jean Finnell
v. Ruth Mae Finnell; b.13 May 1914, Clay Co, MN; d.29 May 1990,
Seattle ., WA; m. 16 Sep 1936 to George Thompson, divorced. Children:
Duane and Gerald
Charles2; Thomas1); b.16 May 1887, Shelby Co, IA; d. 13 Jul
1968, Marshall, MN, burial Marshall City Cemetery; m/1 7 Nov 1917 at Detroit, MN to
Anna Sabins (dau of George Sabin; b.18 Mar 1896, Hitterdal, MN; d.8 Oct 1918, Marshall,
MN); m/2 to Agnes Roberts (Dau of George J. & Ida (Garrow) Roberts)
First came to Minnesota with his parents in about 1901 and farmed near Milroy, MN,
later moving to the Marshall area. For many years was a Blacksmith in Ghent, MN one of
the last blacksmith shops in the area.
[i.] Howard Finnell; b.&d. 8 Oct 1918, burial Marshall City
i. Eugene Edward Finnell; b.11 Feb 1935, Marshall, MN; m.15 Oct
1955 to Susan Ann Darling, divorced. Lives in Portland, OR. CHILDREN:
i. Jeanette S. Finnell
ii. Julie A. Finnell
ii. Marlene Finnell; b.3 Jun 1936; d.1955, burial Marshall, City
Cemetery;m. to Kenneth Nesteby. One Daughter: Teresa K.
iii. Robert Dale Finnell; b.3 Jan 1937; d.1 Feb 1937, Marshall,
iv. Donna Mae Finnell
17. FRANK R. FINNELL (Sandy3; Thomas2;
Thomas1); b. 1904, OH; d. 1946, Coshocton Co, OH; m. 23 Jun 1928 to
Nora Henderson (b.1905; d.1955; burial South Lawn Cemetery, Coshocton, OH)
i. Victor Edward Finnell; b.12 Jul 1935, Coshocton, OH
ii. Joel Arthur Finnell; b.22 Dec 1937, Coshocton Co, OH; m. 27
May 1960 to Betty Jean Sherman. CHILDREN:
i. Douglass A. Finnell; b.19 Nov 1961
ii. Pamela J. Finnell; b. 6 Jan 1963
iii. Shelly D. Finnell; b.21 Jun 1965
iii. Frank R. Finnell
Thomas2; Thomas1); b.30 Nov 1906, Roscoe, OH; d. ;
m. 9 Mar 1929 at Tampa, FL to Isla Mae Smith (Dau of Parry F. & Lucy (Eiald)
i. LaWanda Ruth Finnell; b.26 Sep 1929, Coshocton, OH
ii. Paul Dwayne Finnell; b.1 Apr 1931; m. 12 Jul 1955 to Betty J.
i. Kathy Finnell; b.12 Dec 1952
ii. Brenda Finnell; b.1 Mar 1960
iii. Stephen A. Finnell; b.4 Jun 1961
iii. Stephen Douglass Finnell; b.1 Oct 1932, Coshocton Co,
iv. Martha Jean Finnell; b.16 Feb 1934
Rolland3; George2; Thomas1) b.7 Sep 1921,
Cambridge, OH; d. 1972, Coshocton, OH; m. 1941 at Nellie, OH to Juanita Zona
I. Sandra Kay Finnell; b.18 Jun 1944, Mt Vernon, OH; d.24 Feb
ii. Patirica Maxine Finnell; b. 1 Mar ___; Mt Vernon, OH; m. to ___
iii. Linda Elaine Finnell; b. 18 Oct ___, Mt Vernon, OH; m. to ___
iv. Christina Ruth Finnell; b.24 Nov 1960, MT Vernon,OH
20. EVON E. FINNELL (Isaac4; William3;
Charles2; Thomas1); b.24 Dec 1910, Algona, IA; d.25 Jan
1972, Brainard, MN; burial Calvary Cemetery, Algona, IA; m.14 May 1935 to Norna B.
Greiner (dau of Peter J. & Catherine (Arforfer) Greiner).
i. Jay Evan Finnell; b.15 Dec 1939, Algona, IA
ii. Peter John Finnell; b.14 Feb 1942, Algona, IA
iii. Stanley George Finnell; b.27 Feb 1952, Spencer, IA
William3; Charles2; Thomas1) b.15 May 1913,
Algona, Kosuth Co, IA; d.30 Apr 1969 at Sioux Falls, SD; burial St Josephs Cemetery,
Soiux Falls, SD; m. 4 Sep0 1937 at Bridgeport, CT to Eleanor Margaret Lamuth (dau of
Mathew J. & Margaret (Goozey) Lamuth; b.11 Feb 1915)
i. John Edgar Finnell; b.13 Jan 1943, Davenport, IA; m.22 Aug 1964
at Sioux Falls, SD to Patricia Mennenga (dau of Hyram P. & Amanda C. (Nelson)
i. Denice Lynn Finnell; b.17 Sep 1965
ii. Susan Ann Finnell; b.24 Aug 1967
iii. Cindy Lou Finnell; b.14 Jul 1970)
ii. Timothy Lamuth Finnell; b.14 Mar 1949, Minneapolis, MN; m. 26
May 1973 at Sioux Falls, SD to Norma Matzner

Lawrence and Ruth Finnell with sons Arthur and Donald, taken about 1945 in Tracy, Minnesota.
Thomas3; Charles2; Thomas1); b.3 Jun 1909,
Lyon Co, MN; d.12 Aug 1977, Marshall, MN; burial Family Lot Marshall City Cemetery;
m. 28 Jul 1940 at Tracy, MN to Ruth Almeda Andrew (dau of Louis Towers & Martha
(Freeman) Andrew; b.23 Oct 1918, Tracy, MN)
i. Arthur Louis Finnell; b, 12 Jan 1942, Tracy, Lyon Co, MN
ii. Donald Charles Finnell; b. 29 Jul 1943; m/1 10 Apr 1965 to
Madelene May Pfeffer, divorced; m/2 3 Jul 1974 to Mary Lou Tlougen, divorced;
m/3 23 Mar 1979 to Judith Joy Koch. CHILDREN:
i. Dawn Catherine Finnell; b.18 Feb 1966, Pipestone, MN; m.
26 May 1989 to John Norman Zimmerman; ISSUE
ii. Douglas Charles Finnell; b. 29 Oct 1967, Tyler, MN; m. 23
Apr 1994 to Denice A. Nyblom
iii. Robert Allan Finnell; b.29 Jan 1947; m. 6 Jul 1974 at Steward,
MN to Marlene K. Fecker. CHILDREN: (Adopted)
i. Ryan Robert Finnell; b.22 May 1980
ii. Kristie Jo Finnell; b.8 Sep 1984
iv. Kathryn Jane Finnell; b,27 Jun 1948; m. 6 Jul 1967 to Randall J.
Boots, divorced; CHILDREN:
i.Dru John Boots; b.9 Jan 1968, Minneapolis, MN
ii. Dylan J. Boots; b.31 Dec 1969, Minneapolis,
v. Linda Ruth Finnell; b.22 Mar 1951; m. 27 Aug 1983 to
Harlan Arttus, divorced
vi. Barbara Anne Finnell; 2 Dec 1954. Child:
i. Geri Lynn Finnell; b.16 Oct 1974, Marshall, MN
vii. Nina Marie Finnell; b.20 Feb 1956, Tracy, MN
APPENDIX A A preliminary outline of possible Ancestry for Thomas Finnell
of Coshocton Co, Ohio.
A. Jonathan Finnell, the son of William Finnell and Frances Moss of Spottsylvania
B. i. William Finnell; b.1730, Orange Co, VA
ii [?] Thomas Finnell
B. WILLIAM FINNELL, son of Jonathan Finnell of Orange Co, VA; b.
c1730, Orange Co, VA; d. ____; m. to Jane Porter (dau of Benjamin & Ann (__)
C. i. Reuben Finnell; b. 1750, Orange Co, VA
ii. Thomas Finnell; m. to Anne Hansford
iii. James Finnell; in Rev War from Virginia
iv. Charles Wesley Finnell; b.1762, Orange Co, VA; Rev War Soldier;
Baptist Minister, went to Missouri
v. Jonathan Finnell; m. to Mary King
vi. William Finnell, Jr; m. to Jenny Bourn
vii. Ann Finnell; m. to Hugh McKinley
C. REUBEN FINNELL, son of William Finnell; b. 1750, Orange Co, VA;
d.15 Oct 1823, Shenandoah Co, VA; m/1 c1775 to Henrietta Thorn [?]; m/2 to Mrs Sarah
Ashford Mitchell. A minuteman and Private in Capt Richard Taylor's Co, First Virginia
Regt enlisted Aug 1776, discharged Aug 1779. He was also a Methodist Minister in the
Front Royal Virginia area near Chester Gap.
i. John Finnell; b.1778; d.c1865, Culpeper Co, VA; m. Elizabeth
Thorn; War of 1812 Veteran; ISSUE
ii. Alexander [Sandy] Finnell
iii. Sarah [Sally] Finnell; b. 1788; d.2 Mar 1857; m. to H. D.
iv. Fanny Finnell; m. to _____ Menefee
v. Robert Finnell; b. 1777; d.1858 Granville, WV; m. 1810 to Martha
Thorn; ISSUE
vi. Reuben Ellis Finnell; b. 22 Oct 1790, Culpeper Co, VA; d. 26 May
1843, Warren Co, VA; m. to Vienna Russell; ISSUE
vii. George Finnell; b. 1796, Culpeper Co, VA; d. 1 Aug 1819,
Woodstock, VA; m. to name unknown. CHILD:
i. George Washington Finnell; b.c1819/20, Culpeper Co, VA
(Elisha Ricketts handled the Guardianship accounts for the minor George from
1819 to 1834); d. some time prior to 1880; m/1 16 Mar 1843 in Fauquier Co,
VA to Margaret Powell (dau of Peyton Powell); m/2 10 Jan 1855 in
Coshocton Co, OH to Elizabeth Ricketts (dau of Anthony & Henrietta
(Compton) Ricketts)
A Farmer in Jackson Twp, Coshocton Co, OH. Refered to as George
Washington Finnell Sr during his years in Coshocton County.
i. Elizabeth Finnell; b.2 Aug 1843; d.20 Oct 1861,
burial Oak Ridge Cemetery, Coshocton, OH
ii. Anthony M. Finnell; b.20 Aug 1850; d.20 Feb 1856;
burial Oak Ridge Cemetery, Coshocton, OH
iii. Peyton W. Finnell; b. Sep 1852. OH; m. 1878 to
Florella ____; still alive in 1900 in Morrow Co, OH
iv. Edward Finnell; b. c1853; only reference the 1870
census, age 17yrs
v. Ashford Bartlett Finnell; b.13 Jun 1859, Coshocton
Co, OH; d.31 Jan 1941, Coshocton; burial Roscoe Village Cemetery;
m. 23 Jun 1888 to Lena E. Kyle
vi. George F. Finnell; b.13 Jan 1863; d.13 Feb 1864;
burial Oak Ridge Cemetery, Coshocton,OH
vii. William Finnell; b. 1 Oct 1864; d.18 Jan 1871;
burial Oak Ridge Cemetery, Coshocton, OH
viii. Olive May Finnell; b.1867; m. to ____
ix. Eleanor Finnell; b.1870; m. to Frank Ayers
viii. Charles Wesley Finnell; b.8 Feb 1792, Culpeper Co, VA; d. WV;
m/1 to Eliz Thorn; m/2 to Lucinda Hoffman; War of 1812 Veteran. ISSUE
1. ix. THOMAS FINNELL; b. 1802, VA
Return to where you came from.
APPENDIX B Ancestry of Jacob Charles Marshall, husband of Mary Rebecca
JACOB MARSHALL; b.1837 in Germany; d. Sep 1907, Chicago, IL;
m. in Erie Co, NY to Elizabeth Muller, (dau of ____ Muller & Katrina ____; b.1839,
Germany; d.1887, Erie Co, NY). As a young man came to America and settled in Erie Co,
NY, removed to Chicago, IL after his wife death in 1887. In the 1870 census a Hotel Keeper
in West Seneca, NY. A farmer in the 1880 census of East Aurora, Erie Co, NY.
i. Sophia Marshall; b.21 Oct 1857
ii. Margaret Marshall; b.1 Jul 1859; m. to D.G. Bower; in 1908 of
Dunkirk, NY
iii. John Marshall; b.28 Dec 1860
iv. Kate [Catherine] Marshall; b.20 Apr 1862, m. to John Deitz, of
v. Elizabeth Marshall; b.29 Dec 1863; m. to ___ Hartman
vi. Anna [Mary] Marshall; b.29 Jan 1866
vii. Peter A. Marshall; b.9 Feb 1868; a Postal Clerk or Postal Carrier
in Chicago 1893-1906
1. viii. Jacob Charles Marshall
ix. Joseph Marshall; b.19 Jul 1872; of Karo, IL
x. Alajus Marshall; b.8 Apr 1874; Plumber in Chicago 1894; went to
xi. Bertha Marshall; b.3 Mar 1876; d.1879
xii. Albert Marshall; b.21 Feb 1878; in 1914 ran a Saloon in Clearing,
xiii. Dennis Marshall; b.2 Dec 1881; a Engineer in Chicago, 1900-1906
1. JACOB CHARLES MARSHALL; b.21 Jan 1870, East Aurora, Erie Co,
NY; d.2 Jan 1956, Ghent, Lyon Co, MN; burial Marshall City Cemetery; m.21 Jan 1904 at
Lucan, MN to Mary Rebecca Finnell, (Dau of Thomas Jefferson & Malinda Anne (Wolfe)
Finnell). Came to Iowa in 1889 staying until 1901 when removed to Redwood Co, MN.
Again in 1906 moved to a farm in Lyon Co, MN, and also lived for many years until his
death in the village of Ghent, MN, across the street from the old Catholic school.
i. Dewey Marshall; b.21 Dec 1900
ii. Malinda Elizabeth Marshall; b.5 Dec 1904; d.8 Aug 1977; burial
Jeffers, MN; m. to Charles Inman. CHILDREN: Joyce, Thelma,
Luetta, and Donald
iii. John Henry Marshall; b.27 Jul 1911
2. iv. Joseph Albert Marshall
2. JOSEPH ALBERT MARSHALL; b.26 Mar 1915; d.27 Nov 1975, Westbrook,
MN; burial Westbrook Cemetery; m.21 Dec 1945 to Iris Hubin (Dau of Gustov G. & Louisa
Ruth (Rupp) Hubin; b.14 Aug 1923). Lived in Westbrook, MN
i. Rebecca Louise Marshall; b.14 Oct 1947; m.1 Feb 1969 in St Paul,
MN to Dennis Connolly. Lives in St Paul, MN. CHILDREN:
i. Jennifer Anne Connolly; b.8 Sep 1969; m. to Robert
ii. Dennis Patrick Connolly; b.28 Aug 1972
ii. Kathleen Adele Marshall; b.18 Jul 1949; m/1 19 Oct 1968 at
Westbrook, MN to Vernon T. Peschges, (b.12 Jan 1944, Currie, MN; d.24 Jun 1978,
burial Westbrook, MN); m/2 to Dennis Thompson Lives in Mitchell, SD.
i. Stephanie Alicia Peschges Thompson; b.24 Apr 1969,
Minneapolis, MN
ii. Jay Vernon Peschges Thompson; b.1 Apr 1970, Shakope,
iii. Allison Thompson; b.21 Aug 1980
iv. Katherine Thompson; b.21 Jan 1982
iii. Gregory Joseph Marshall; b.16 Nov 1950; m. 14 Jun 1980 at
Centerville, SD to Diane Raye Overgaard. Lived in Sioux Falls, SD.
i. Michael Joseph Marshall; b.26 Nov 1983, Sioux Falls,
ii. Daniel Gregory Marshall; b.10 Mar 1986, Sioux Falls,
iii. Andrea Christina Marshall; b.18 Dec 1989, Sioux Falls,
iv. Elizabeth Ann Marshall; b.2 Sep 1953; m. 12 Nov 1977 at Walnut
Grove, MN to Randall Lee Swan. Lives in Shoreview, MN CHILDREN:
i. Joseph Lee Swan; b.17 Oct 1978, Sioux Falls, SD
ii. Adam James Swan; b.13 Jun 1981
v. Jeffrey Albert Marshall; b. 10 Sep 1956; m. 28 Oct 1989 to Debra
Barney Lives in Salt Lake City, UT
vi. Priscilla Ruth Marshall; b.27 Sep 1961; m. 8 Apr 1989 at
Westbrook, MN to Steven Michael Commick. Lives near Westbrook, MN.
i. Mitchell Evan Commick; b.10 Nov 1991, Westbrook,
ii. Jacob Cal Commick; b.21 Sep 1993, Westbrook,
vii. David Anthony Marshall; b.3 Sept 1963. Lives in Salt Lake City,
viii. James Bryan Marshall; b.3 Aug 1967; m. 16 May 1992 at
Westbrook, MN to Allison Ruth Cohrs. Lives in Marshall, MN CHILDREN:
i. Samuel James Marshall; b.10 Oct 1996
Return to where you came from.
Lodar Road Jackson Twp, Coshocton Co, OH
Cemetery contains three stones. Abandoned and over grown with weeds and
THOMAS FINNELL / Died Mar 21, 1868 / Aged 66 years
NANCY, Wife of Thomas FINNELL / Died Feb 27, 1851 / Aged 50 Years
CHARLES W. FINNELL / Died Oct 20, 1854 / Aged 37 Years
DELIA, Wife of W. FINNELL / Died Oct 15, 187- / Aged 56y. 1 Mo
Photographed in 1967 at Victor Iowa