Hi, I'm glad you've come to visit my page.

Dirk Van Nieuwenhuyse - 09/17/99 12:15:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Salon/2550/
My Email:Dirk.Van.Nieuwenhuyse@rml.sca.se
How did you find this page?: knew your page already
Hi Eugene, I know you have a lot of Buyck information and I saw in your guestbook that some Buyck's have been visiting your page ; you and them can find some additional information on my webpages. See especially the reunion page. Regards, Dirk

Hoste Mario - 08/26/99 18:22:13
My Email:mariohoste@planet internet.be
How did you find this page?: by sheer luck
I don't know if my family is related to your's. I can't deduct it by looking at your genealogy. Anyway, I will ask my father if he knows any of the names on your site.

Freddy Lannoye - 05/25/99 18:03:40
My Email:Freddy.Lannoye@ping.be
How did you find this page?: surft in
Fammilie ?

Lannoye Freddy - 05/25/99 17:54:43
My Email:Freddy.Lannoye@ping.be
How did you find this page?: ok

Joe Standaert - 02/13/99 03:52:09
My Email:joestand@gte.net
How did you find this page?: Search on Eede!!
Eugene.. nice site!! Glad to see you are still doing your genealogy... Where did you get the old Eede/Aardenburg map on the web site background?! Joe

Nancy Nix - 09/27/98 01:40:29
My Email:nixnl@aol.com
How did you find this page?: Virginia
Greetings from the great state of Illinois, U.S.A. I admire your work in tracking your ancestory...always say I am going to do that "someday". I was hoping to see perhaps a photo of your family since Virginia and I have "talked" on the net for a year now. Perhaps next time. I understand this is a diff cult time for your family. You are in my prayers.

Jeff Buyck - 04/18/98 02:18:02
My Email:scjb@rconnect.com
How did you find this page?: this is great!
Hi from usa-- I'm the son of the buyck family that you've been writing to and I find this site amazing so I bookmaked it!

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