Boheme GJ, L’Anse Creuse Register
Denissen C, Genealogy of the French Families of the Detroit River Region,
1701-1936, Detroit Society for Genealogical
Research, Detroit, 1987.
Drouin, Dictionnaire des Canadiens, Francais 1608-1760, Institute
Genealogique de Drouin.
Gansser A H, History of Bay County, 1905.
Glazier, I.A. Germans to America: Lists of Passengers Arriving at U,S,
Ports, 1850-1885.
Hoyt Library Biography File, Saginaw, MI
Jackson J, Detroit River Connection, Baltimore, 1994.
Jette R, Dictionnaire Genealogique des Famillies du Quebec es Irugubes
A 1730. Montreal: Universite de Montreal, 1983.
Tanguay C, Dictionnaire genealogique des Familles Canadiennes ,
(7 vol.s) Montreal: Editions Elysee, 1975.
Montagne P, Tourouvre et les Juchareau: Un Chapitre de l’emigration
percheronne au Canada, Quebec, 1965.
Patinaude J, Memoires de la Societe Genalogicue Candienne - Francaise,
Vol. XIII, No. 10, October 1962.
Paquette J L, Robert Rivard sieur de Loranger, Vol. X, No. 3-4, July-October
Rivard Genealogy: An Outlined History of the Rivard Family (Late
1400’s-1962), compiled by Elsie Rivard.
Trudell Genealogy, Bay County Public Library, Bay City, Michigan.
William E and Gray E, First Land Owners of Wayne County Michigan,
Church Records
Holy Cross Parish Baptism, Marriage, and Burial Records, Marine City, St.
Clair Co, MI
I mmaculate Conception Parish Marriage and Burial Records, Anchorville,
St. Clair Co, MI
Loiselle's Marriage Index
Mariages de L'Outaouais (Vol I-IV), Hull, Notre-Dame 1886-1913
Mariages de la Paroisse de St-Joachim de Pointe Claire: 1713-1974
Mariages de LaPrairie (N.D. de-la-Prairie-de-la-Madeleine)
Mariages de Notre Dame de Quebec 1621-1900
Mariages de la Paroisse St-Jerome, Comte de Terrebone: 1837-1950
Parish Records of Church of St-Germain, Movelier, Jura Switzerland,
Parish Records from Cornol, Jura, Switzerland (Registres
paroissiaux) 1640-1873
Parish Records from Develier, Jura, Switzerland
Repetoires: St. Madeleine, Rigaud, Vandreuil, Quebec, Canada
St. Anne’s Cemetery Records, Chips and Ships, Hoyt Library,
Saginaw, MI
St. Anne’s Cemetery Records, St. Anne’s Church, Linwood,
St. Mary's Cemetery Burial Records, Anchorville, MI
St. Peter’s Parish Marriage Records, Mt. Clemens, Macomb
Co., MI
Civil Records
Bay County Birth, Marriage, and Death Records 1867-1945,
Bay County Courthouse, Bay City, Michigan
Bay City Tribune (microfilm, Bay County Public Library)
Bay City Times (microfilm, Bay County Public Library)
Civil Records of Movelier, Jura Switzerland, 1792-1815
Huron County Birth and Death Records 1867-1928 Huron County,
Huron County Land Records, Huron County, Mchigan
Macomb County Birth and Death Records 1867-1889, Macomb County, Michigan
Macomb County Marriage Records 1819-1887, Macomb County, Michigan
Montcalm County Birth Index 1870-1970, Montcalm County,
Montcalm County Marriage Records-1851-1908, Montcalm
County, Michigan
Montcalm County Death Index 1867-1925, Montcalm County,
Notarial Records of Movelier, Jura Switzerland, 1774-1790
Retracez de Origines de Quebec
St. Clair County Birth and Death Records 1867-1884, St. Clair
County, Michigan
St. Clair County Marriage Records 1838-1884, St. Clair County,
Census Records
U.S. Census Records: 1840-1920
1850-1900 Ira and Casco Twp, St.Clair County, MI
1840-1880 Chestrfield Twp, Macomb County, MI
1900-1920 Maple Valley Twp, Montacalm County, MI
1900-1920 Monitor and Kawkawlin Twp, Bay County, MI
1870-1880 Sand Beach Twp, Huron County, MI
U.S. Soundex Records: 1880, 1900
Michigan Census Records: 1884, 1894
Canadian Census Records:
1831 Rigaud, Vaudreuil County, Quebec
1851 Ripon Twp, Ottawa County, Quebec
1861 Ripon Twp, Ottawa County, Quebec
1871 Ripon Twp, Ottawa County, Quebec
1881 Ripon Twp, Ottawa County, Quebec
Computerized Records
Latter Day Saints Ancestral File Database
International Genealogical Index (LDS)
Compiled Genealogy, World Family Tree, Volumes 1-7
Olive Tree Database
Everton Genealogy Database
Rand Genealogy Database
Family Tree Maker database
Social Security Index
U.S. Gendex
See the list of Cousins on
the Web