Robe belonged to Thornton Harry Gogoll
Gogoll Family Group Sheet
Husband: Thornton Harry Gogoll
born: 11/18/1890 place:Catlettsburg,Kentucky
marr:3/23/1914 place:Brooklyn,NY
died: March 1966 place: Florida
buried: Cremated
Wife: Olga Dorothea Kratz Gogoll
born: 1/7/1893 place:New York City,NY
died: 7/31/1973 place:Macon,GA
#1 Olga Thornton Gogoll
born:6/14/1915 place:Staten Island Infirmary
marr: 11/23/1938 place:Norfolk, Virginia
died:1/12/1987 place:Macon,GA
buried: Pine Log,GA
spouse:Joseph Sharp Hamilton(4children:Olga,Bette,Joseph,Geoffrey)
#2 Thorton Harry Gogoll,Jr.
born:11/24/1923 place:Staten Island Infirmary
marr: place:
died:July 1977 place:Lutherville-Timonium, MD
buried: place:
spouse:Elizabeth "Libby" Hale (2 children:Thornton H.(Ted),John Thomas)
Children of Ted and Emily Gogoll:
Children of Tom and Martha Gogoll:
1. D'Arcey Austina Gogoll(Born: 09/17/80 - Ft. Belvoir, VA)
2. Patricia Elizabeth Gogoll(Born: 05/31/85 - Fairfax, VA)
Husband:Theodore Harry Gogoll
born:March 1863 place: Germany
marr:8/8/1889 place:Chattanooga,TN(Meth Church)
died: 1917 place:New York?
buried: place:
immigration date 1881(1900 census in Richmond Co, NYC)
lived in the US for 34 years, City of New York for 25.
Employed as Superintendent of Williamson Lumber Co.
Gogoll home:Bay Street, Staten Island-large house
with rooms resplendent with many dark woods
Traveled to Germany every year to visit Gogoll parents
Wife:Sarah Anna Thornton Gogoll
(Parents: Herbert Thornton & Mildred Anna Ward;Sister:May Thornton
[Thanks to niece, Cindi Harrison, for these parent names
from Sarah's Social Security application])
born:8/10/1872 place: Chattanooga,TN
died: Dec 15, 1967(?SSDI) place: Fairfield, CT(?)
buried: place:Putnam Cemetary,
Greenwich, CT.
Second Spouse: Mr. Arthur W. Locke
#1 Thornton Harry Gogoll
born:11/18/1890 place: Catlettsburg,Kentucky
marr: 3/23/1914 place: Brooklyn, New York
died: March 1966 place: Florida
spouse:Olga Dorothea Kratz (2 children: Olga, Thornton)
#2 Charles Gogoll
born:Jan 1893 place: Germany
marr: place:
died: place:
buried: place:
spouse:Christina Swensen
#3 Herbert Gogoll
born: July 1894 place: New York
marr: place:
died: place:
buried: place:
spouse: Margaret Ault
#4 Mildred Anna Gogoll
born:14 Aug 1899 place: New York
marr:6/4/18 place:
died:18 July 1997(?SSDI) place:Fairfield, CT(?)
buried: place:Putnam Cemetary,
spouse: Mr. Otto Fred Ernstmeyer
Children of Mildred & "Ernie":
Ellen Mildred Ernstmeyer Anderson(Greenwich,CT)b.8/12/19
Herbert James Ernstmeyer(Chipley,FL)b.10/15/20
Fred Theodore Ernstmeyer(Norwalk,CT)b.10/24/24
(Thanks to Ellen for sharing her memories and this family information!)
#5 Helen May Gogoll
born:1901 place:
marr: place:
died: place:
buried: place:
1st spouse:Eric Reuter 2nd spouse:Daniel R. Grskovic
#6 Ernest Gogoll
born: Feb 1896 place: New York
marr: place:
died: place:
buried: place:
spouse:Elizabeth(Maona) Woods 3rd husband:Capt. Harry P Hauffman
Children of Ernest and Maona:
(Thanks to Lisa Gogoll Giangrande)
1.(Maona)Joan Gogoll (8/1/1931-5/15/88) md. William Hobokan
2.Donald W Gogoll md. Elizabeth Silvestri
Laurie Gogoll
Lisa Gogoll md Steven Giangrande
Lynda Gogoll Stark
Ernest S. Gogoll
Theodore D. Gogoll
(Thanks to niece, Cindi Harrison, for these parent names
from Theodore's death certificate.)Following information kindly
provided by cousin Anja Gogoll(Hanover, Germany)
Husband: August Carl Theodor Gogoll(locksmith)
born: Oct. 4, 1831 place: Berlin,Germany
marr: Nov 30, 1861 place: Berlin,Germany
St. Jerusalem Church
died: place:
buried: place:
August Carl Theodor previously married(01.02.1857 in
Berlin, Germany church St. Marcus) to Friedericke Alberte Adele
maiden name Keltz born 13.05.1831. She died on 28.08.1859).
Wife: Katharina Margarethe Gesine Perborn(Paborn)*church book
(Katharina was 25 or 26 years old, when they married)
born: place:
died: place:
buried: place:
#1 Theodore Harry Gogoll
born: March 1863 place:Germany
marr:Aug 8, 1889 place:Chattanooga, Tenn
died:1917? place:New York?
buried: place:
spouse: Sarah Anna Thornton (6 children)
#2 Heinrich Theodor
born: March 19, 1863 place: Berlin, Germany
marr: place:
died: place:
buried: place:
born: place:
marr: place:
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buried: place:
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born: place:
marr: place:
died: place:
buried: place:
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marr: place:
died: place:
buried: place:
Husband: Carl Friedrich August Gogoll
born: 8.7.1805 place:
marr: place:
died: place:
buried: place:
(married three times and had 13 children)
born: place:
died: place:
buried: place:
#1 August Carl Theodor Gogoll (the oldest child)
born:4.10.1831 place: Berlin,Germany
marr: 30.11.1861 place:Berlin,Germany
St. Jerusalem Church
died: place:
buried: place:
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