The wind in Oklahoma was so inspiring to our Georgian latter-day "pioneer" family that we named our new 40 acre ranch Marhia (a family twist of Mariah) after the Paint Your Wagon song "They call the wind Mariah". Our son holds the ranch sign below and the song is playing in the background as you view our homepage. We are back in our home state of Georgia now and continue to enjoy this Marhia sign at our lake home.
Marhia On The Lake
Come join us in a comfy rocking chair on the deck and enjoy the lake view! Our interests are: family, chihuahuas, lake living, internet surfing, genealogy and talking about exercise :).
With 100+ years of life experience and 35 years of marriage, we have learned to rely on each other and accentuate the basics. We have come to that wonderful time when adult children contribute to the family tree - grandchildren are great!
Our homepage will expand to include the people and things that we enjoy.
We have begun HAMILTON and CARNAHAN Family Charts and Family Group Pages for the surnames of Hamilton, Carnahan,Gogoll,Kratz,Fowler, and Kent. Please contact us if you have questions or missing information for us.
Use the Go button below to read newspaper accounts of Alexander Carnahan's bizarre death and a memorial to this inspiring Pioneer.
Chihuahuas are perfect pets. Our chihuahuas are featured on Page 4, "Our Pets" page. We have smooth and long coat chis.
Want to know your Birthpet?
According to Chinese custom,
every twelve years are named
respectively for
twelve animals,
so everyone
has a Birthpet
which indicates the year he was born.
To see which pet belongs to you
enter your birthyear in the first box.
I remember searching for 4 leaf clovers with my Grandmother Gogoll - for good luck of course! Even today they seem to jump out to get my attention, I find them after a few seconds of glancing through a patch of clover. The clover on these pages won't be hard for you to find!