The Troops
(The Seykora Family)

Hi, and welcome to 'The Troops'. We're very glad
that you made it this far . . and we hope that you'll stick
around long enough to get to know just a little bit more about us.

Robert, Anthony, Sheri, Adrian & Patrick

How We Met
Robert & I are cloggers. We met in San Diego, CA at Raylin Cloggers.
We dated for five years before finally getting married on May 4, 1992.
We moved to Arizona and combined families.
(We have since moved to Texas and then back to Arizona)
Robert has two children from a previous marriage, Amy and Scott,
and Sheri had four children, Ricky, Joey, Adam and Courtney.
A regular "Brady Bunch". Since then we have had three children of our own,
Patrick, Adrian and Anthony.
Amy and her husband, Clay, their daughter, Joriee, & son, JC, live in Texas.
Scott and his wife, Crystal, and daughter, Olivia, live in San Diego, CA.
Ricky and his wife, Tori, and daughters, Cami & Isabelle live in Portola Hills, CA.
Joey and his wife, Courtney, their son, Kaiden, and daughter, Kendall, live in Rancho San Diego.
Adam and his wife, Gina, live in Poway, CA..
Courtney and her boyfriend, Billy, live in Escondido, CA.

Our Family

From left on ground are Adam, Gina, Courtney, Kendall,
Joey, Kaiden, Adrian, Anthony & Patrick.
Standing in back from the left are Scott, Olivia,
Robert, Crystal, Sheri, Courtney, Billy, Isabelle, Tori, Ricky & Cami.
Amy, Clay, Joriee & JC
#1 Child & Spouse, #1 & #4 Grandchildren
Ricky, Tori,
Cami & Isabelle
#2 Child & Spouse, #3 & #6 Grandchildren
Scott, Crystal & Olivia
#3 Child & Spouse & #7 Grandchild
Joey, Courtney, Kaiden & Kendall
#4 Child & Spouse, #2 & #5 Grandchildren
Adam & Gina
#5 Child & Spouse
#6 Child
#7 Child
#8 Child
#9 Child

Our Dogs

Genevieve & Miller (Yorkies)
(Sadly, Miller was hit by a car and killed on May 3, 2000.)

Our Interests
I guess that the best - and fastest - way to really get to know us
is by discovering what we like. So here goes . . .
Robert & Sheri are both Scout Leaders.
Sheri loves scrapbooking & quilting.
We love clogging, country western dancing, playing with our kids,
and just being together. We have done a lot of traveling over the
summers and seen lots of the country.
And as you can see I love to play on the computer.

Links to Our Favorite Sites
My Rag Quilt Store
Seykora Family Album
More shots of us
Photo Cube
More shots of our kids
Photo Album
Pictures from my trip to Zion National Park
The Adams Family
Sheri's Siblings
One of our favorite forms of fun
Photo of the Week
Some of my brother-in-law's work
Sci Fi Channel
For all you Sci Fi Fanatics.

Then of course there's always the kid's favortites
Disney *
Warner Brothers *
Nick Jr. *
Fun Brain

Last Updated February 4, 2009.
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