The Adams Family

No, not the "Addams Family" from TV.
(As a child, I always hated my last name for that reason.)

I am Sheri (far left), the oldest, born on Christmas Day.
Doug (2nd from left), second born has the distinction of being the only boy.
Our Mom (Center).
Jana (2nd from right), the third born, is the only 'lefty'.
And Angie (far right), the baby, is spoiled rotten.
(This picture was taken in the summer of '98.)

Our family has grown by leaps and bounds since these pictures were taken.
Sheri had 4 kids (3boys, 1 girl) from her first marrige,
her husband, Robert, had 2 kids (1 girl, 1 boy) from his first marriage
and they have since had 3 of their own.
(They also have 2 granddaughters and a grandson.)
Doug has a daughter and two little boys.
Jana and her husband, Scott, have 2 kids (1boy, 1 girl).
Angie and her husband, Gary, have 2 boys.

Continue on your journey...Back in time...

4 Siblings Family Christmas 1975

Mom & Dad 1967

Parent's Wedding Day Mom's Photo Album

Links to some of our favorite sites...
The Troops Sheri's Family
Clogging A hobby for Sheri & her husband and Angie
Scott's Photo of the Week Some of Jana's husband's work

Then of course there's always the kid's favortites:
Disney Warner Brothers Sesame Street

For comments or suggestions...

This page last updated on November 15, 2005.

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